
JFK Assassination
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Re: sarti

Post by andries »

James Files is just simpely walking away with the murder weapon in a case on the scene. Something like, you shoot from the front in an open area on a spot from witch they knew people and police would be arround in probably less then a minut,so you just figure out your own safe getaway ??This is not a building but a place in the open were you can be spotted and noticed by others as so did happen.That,s why the grassy knoll had misleading camouflage to make it looke normal i,m pretty sure badgeman whoever he was,Sarti,tippit or whatever got up in the crowd You just turn the need into a virtue.hoffman saw this happen The mauser in the building was offered. they had no other option in that situation.So files walking away with his case and gets into the car off the other shooters ???most unlikely bizar script.
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Re: sarti

Post by dankbaar »

It is very doubtful what Hoffman described to have seen happening. He certainly did not describe anyone behind the fence in a police uniform. Neither did Lee Bowers or anyone else. I refer to this thread: ... f=1&t=1010
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Re: sarti

Post by andries »

That,s correct, but he has alway,s been verry clear about that they were no ordinairy or casuel dressed man.
tom jeffers
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Re: sarti

Post by tom jeffers »

Hunt cannot totally be believed even on his deathbed. he was a master at counter intelligence and gave the information that he wanted people to believe. he may have protected any friends or imbellish on those he did not like. i would say his info is interesting but i wouldn't want to bet my life on it's accuracy.
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Re: sarti

Post by andries »

I wouldn,t bet my life on anyone,s word,s involved in the particulair those whoare wearing a tie and with a suite on.I,ll rather stick to first hand witnesses, who have no other interest or whatsoever.
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Re: sarti

Post by Bob »

The best witness for what really happened on the grassy knoll/railroad area was Lee Bowers. Unfortunately, he died in 1966 in a mysterious car accident, sort of like the one I lived through.
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Re: sarti

Post by ThomZajac »

And where were YOU Friday, November 22, 1963?Very suspicious I'd say.
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Re: sarti

Post by andries »

Yes Bob, Lee Bowers could have seen it all,perhaps he did ??, and i do think that he was immidiatly awareof the nasty and or perhaps uniq position he was in from that moment.He looks like a firm and inteligent person to me,and perhaps he was holding something back to avoid pandamonium and danger.
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Re: sarti

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:And where were YOU Friday, November 22, 1963?Very suspicious I'd say.Okay doubting Thom ...I was in the 1st grade in Wisconsin when our teacher sent us home because of what happened in Dallas. But a curious thing happened on my way home riding my bike. I almost collided with a cheese maker. Blessed be the cheesemakers... JFK only had a cheesehead on in Dealey Plaza!
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Re: sarti

Post by andries » ... .htmlAgain this is not clear,did he really mention something in these lines Hunt a perfect liar same goes for chauncey holt, who in my opinion had seen the clock but didn,t know the time.