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Re: Obama fears CIA because of JFK assassination

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:12 pm
by bob franklin
Too little too late for me. He promised a more open administration (it is slightly more so), but has yet to release those prison photos. He said he'd close the detention centers, but he's only moving them stateside. Worse, his plan here calls for on-site courts & judges. This raises major issues of full disclosure for me, what with Habeas Corpus being a fond memory. what happened to bringing our troops home? I remember something to that effect, as well. I don't expect much on the insurance front either.

Re: Obama fears CIA because of JFK assassination

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:22 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
bob franklin wrote:Too little too late for me. He promised a more open administration (it is slightly more so), but has yet to release those prison photos. He said he'd close the detention centers, but he's only moving them stateside. Worse, his plan here calls for on-site courts & judges. This raises major issues of full disclosure for me, what with Habeas Corpus being a fond memory. what happened to bringing our troops home? I remember something to that effect, as well. I don't expect much on the insurance front either.These are the exact reasons why I don't trust Obama anymore. I won't lose hope, but, in addition to what you wrote, I understand that he also doesn't want full disclosure on providing a list of who visits the White House. I thought he was about full disclosure and transparency. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Re: Obama fears CIA because of JFK assassination

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:28 am
by Brian White
Oops-sorry about that, I meant OSAMA, not Obama!

Re: Obama fears CIA because of JFK assassination

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:31 pm
by Bob
Here comes another warning... ... 67300Poppy should he helped to murder JFK!

Re: Obama fears CIA because of JFK assassination

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 5:53 pm
by tom jeffers
gentlemen, respectfully, either you buy into the shadow government or you don't. if you do then you know it doesn't matter who sits on that throne, only the powers that be will do what is good for them. they may throws us a bone occasionally but only occasionally. so if obama gets a healthcare bill passed, it will be because the PTB want one not obama.i have wanted something done for years. i buy my insurance through the state of indiana and pay more than $1000 per month. i have pressure sores that will not heal because i work every day. my doctor wants me to lay on my stomach all day for 6 monthe to heal. i cannot get in or out of bed without help so if i stayed home in bed i would need to pay someone to stay home and help me. of course this is not covered by insurance or i could just go into a nursing much for quality of life. since i choose to live in my house and drive to work and live as normal life as possible, my state sponsered health insurance through blue cross blue shield (used to be the best health insurance money could buy) they refuse to pay for my wound care because i am non compliant with doctors orders. my attorney says they are wrong but how deep are my pockets because they will keep me in court for years and i will have to pay for my care in order to keep services. so i have a vested interest in the health care insurance industry.but realistically we cannot police the world, have health care for everyone and pay off our national debt. i predict if the bill passess, it may be the start of the backward slide in the stock market because everyone knows that will be the end of the dollar as we know it.namaste'

Re: Obama fears CIA because of JFK assassination

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 6:06 pm
by Bob
I think we need the public option to keep the costs down with private health insurance, who are just evil bastards who care only about profits and NOT healthcare. There should also NOT be a mandate for everyone to have health insurance. That is why the public option is an OPTION...choose it if you want to. I know I probably will choose the public option based on the way my premiums have gone up and the out of pocket costs because of lack of coverage (or cost not incurred by the insurance company) has cost me. The private health insurance companies are right up there with Wall Street and the war profiteers in terms of being evil, greedy bastards.

Re: Obama fears CIA because of JFK assassination

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:33 am
by Bob
Please see this special comment about healthcare by Keith Olbermann... ... o...please go to this site and sign the petition for a public option...

Re: Obama fears CIA because of JFK assassination

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:01 am
by Bob
Look at this claim from Wayne Madsen, who I really respect...Obama praises George H W Bush. Why shouldn't he? After all, Obama worked for the CIA after graduating from ColumbiaThis might explain Obama's behavior in terms of the way he's treating the torture issue which involved the CIA. It also doesn't bode well for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, if you were hoping the U.S. would get out of those places anytime soon.I will contact Wayne to get more information about this claim. Remember, Wayne was in the NSA and was in Naval intelligence.