I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

JFK Assassination
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by Bob »

tom jeffers wrote:wim,is there anyway to organize your website differently such as you have got a main chapter of who shot jfk and why?can you organize it so there are chapers likekey conspiratorssecret servicefbiother major playersbooks and articlesother forumspictures and filmsdealey plazaor etcetera. this list is by no means all inclusive or even the blueprint but in doing so we can move the various threads into these chapters. give bob and myself the ability to move a blog or a heading into the appropriate chapter or thread and we will help you. I think this would organize the sight and make the info easier to research. just a few weeks ago bruce brought up the zipper files and i had started a thread on that a few weeks before that had went to page 2. what do you think guys? give me some feedback on this idea.tomGood suggestion Tom. I'll help in anyway I can. We have lots of other talented people in the forum as well, like Thom for instance. He runs a newspaper and knows how to get people's attention. He might have some good suggestions on the overall format of the site.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

dankbaar wrote:Okay, I won't do it then. I was testing the waters, but it seems there are too many members who do care about this forum. I also received a few private emails voting against. My own frustration was given in by the repetition of having to fight some persistent myths. It's just the way the forum is set up. Old threads dissapear to the bottom and newbees then raise the same points time and again. I guess it's not their fault. I believe I must simply make some new webpages about myths like: - The frontal shot through the windshield / The cause of the throat wound. - Badgeman /Sarti- Ed Hoffman- WimWim,Let the disinformation people keep coming. We'll just keep knocking them down. If it's identity issues you have about certain forum members, let those of us who are real prove ourselves in whatever way you want. If you close this forum down because you're frustrated, THEY WIN. This is a battle we're waging here. It's a battle with information and disinformation being the ammunition. If you close the forum, THEY WIN. DON'T LET THEM WIN!
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by andries »

Interesting point and inteligent remarkYou,l agree with us,if not you are a loser. scientologie ?? But this exelent website has also changed my point of view about surten aspects off the whole case, dispite i dont believe that james files is telling the thruth.Not one off us allone, knows that mutch as we all togetherTo be honest i also must admit that i dont feel alway,s welcome here,exept Bob and a few othersthere is mainly ignoration, if you dont fully agree with the stucked conspiracytheorie here.This unfortunetly sometimes puts this outstanding and exclusif information cource on the same level as lone nuterscrap,not only for me but for all newcomers.After all in my humble conviction the story has two sides :It,s far to good to be thrue.But it,s far to interesting to complet dismiss.And that is what we are debating about
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by dankbaar »

Ah, Bruce, I think that is a good idea, were it not that the "full package" is only 100 bucks. You will get this:1 - the book Files on JFK2 - the DVD I shot JFK3 - the DVD interview of James Files4 - the DVD interview of Judyth Baker5 - Bonus DVD, 1994 interview with James Files6 - DVD on Chauncey Holt Spooks, Hoods & The Hidden Elite7 - Comprehensive DVD The Grassy Knoll
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.03.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Willem Dankbaar - I calculated about right, $ 100.00 for the package.The next $ 100.00 of the original $ 200.00 First Year Membership Fee, and the $ 100.00 for each year after is to defray your costs for money invested, time, and all other expenses. And yes, even a profit some day. It is called Return On Invsetment (ROI). Also, it keeps only very serious people involved. Why do you pay more for a country club than a public golf course ?Wim - If you don't charge something, you are a patsy for some of these fools who want everything for nothing. And it allows the careless to screw things up.Wim - can I send you some of my bills ? Also, I have that Charitiable Application so that you may join the Roman Catholic Church. Just become a charitable institution, and forget that you also have a family and a life. You can continue to finance everybody.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by ThomZajac »

Having had my own website that attracts a fair amount of daily traffic and having tried many different approaches for about five years now, I feel that I am somewhat qualified to say that requiring any fee will reduce traffic by about 98%. If that's okay, then that's okay- just trying to give you an idea of what can be expected.Thom
Dealey Joe
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by Dealey Joe »

how are the other web sites financed?how many different members actually post on this site? in the last month and in the last 6 months?I for one am not interested in listening to someons facts/opinions who is anonymous. At the very least Wim should know the true identity of every member. I have no problem donating to help with the web site but there might need be some method to account for someone who truly cannot afford to pay.Joe
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by andries »

Critics,some fair ? are alway,s all around and everywere i,m one off them.But unfortunately there were also idiot,s and guistionable individuls as i have noticed during the short period i start reading on this forum,so shut them down if you want !! Now :collecting money as a reward or compensation for so called investigation and a lot of precious time by obligating people to do something that,s at least sinister and dubious if they have any interest in this forum at all,,,,the effects will be a forum left with a handfull off people who agree in almost everything,as the whole matter james files will also get a lot of more guestion marks.because once again there is money involved,dispite worldwide the truth is still for free.I cannot imagine the entire forum pannel is verry excited about this kind off measures if so, then i really was mistaken about you guys. There is not one excuse for this outstanding information source to collect an amount money.Money ,at least one issue jfk died for.I was under the impression that this forum was the opposite off sutch predictable movements.
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:Having had my own website that attracts a fair amount of daily traffic any having tried many different approaches for about five years now, I feel that I am somewhat qualified to say that requiring any fee will reduce traffic by about 98%. If that's okay, then that's okay- just trying to give you an idea of what can be expected.ThomI hate to be redundant here, but Thom is right. I have written for pay sites and free sites and the traffic goes way down on the pay sites. And I was writing for a pay site when the economy was GOOD! What I suggest is that Wim put together a page that has the book and the vids and the special price for all. Make that one of the prominent parts of the home page. I will certainly forward that page to all of my friends and associates once again, plus purchase it myself. I have lent out Files on JFK five or six times (a friend has it as I write this). I need my OWN book to re-read at times, when I'm in the mode to do so. Hopefully some of you will send that link to your friends as well. Let's also think about it this way. If this was a pay site and you just happened to come across it, would you pay? Probably not. I think a lot of the prominent forum members would not have joined, and that they would have just looked for other free information on the web, as there are a few pretty good JFK assassination sites out there, not as good as this one, but pretty good. Just in the last year or so, I have met new friends in this forum who have shown me great research ability and a persistent thirst for knowledge. I probably never would have made their acquaintance if this was a pay site. Just my opinion.
tom jeffers
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by tom jeffers »

i belong to the website project avalon which is a spin off of project camelot and that is a website dedicated to whistleblowers and ex government workers and sub contractors to tell what the government is hiding regarding secrets of ufo's, the shadow government, mk ultra, cia ops and other covert black opts. the owners bill ryan and kerry cassidy were traveling all over the world interviewing these people on camera out of their own pockets and sharing this with the world. project avalon was started for people to get together in communities for the upcoming earth changes and political changes ie nwo that many people believe will occur within a few years. it started out free and recently went to a subscription for those who want to post. they have left the forum free for information but if you want to post content then you need a subscription. they have a two tier system of payment based upon ability to pay and also give scholarships to those that have no funds or allow you to transcribe audio from various webcasts. i encourage you to visit especially project camelot and listen to the vast amounts of info.my gut is to do something similar. if you want to post, you should have at the very least read the book. leave the forum open as a read only for non subscribers. put most of the good stuff under password for subscribers. leave out some teasers. give the po folks an opportunity or a price break.i got no problem paying. in fact i posted a few months ago for wim to give us a paypal link to donate to the website and there was no response.namaste,ps bruce i agree with you in most respects however i hate to eliminate someone who is cheap or unemployed but might be a good contributor at a later time. when i found this site, i was in the hospital in indianapolis for a 3 month stretch of 5 surgeries and i probably would not be here now if i would have had to pay back then.