What can we do?

JFK Assassination
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Re: What can we do?

Post by Bob »

dankbaar wrote:I shall not close the site down, I never even entertained that thought. I was just fishing for ideas to make spreading the word more effective. Closing the site down is obviously not a good idea for that goal. WimNow that is an early Christmas present. I never heard you talk about that possibility directly, but I was just responding from a post by Bruce. Let me know how your communication goes with Jesse Ventura, and if you need any help, just let me know. Also, have you entertained any thoughts of being at the next COPA conference?
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Re: What can we do?

Post by kenmurray »

Yes indeed an a great early X-mas present.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: What can we do?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:12.21.2009 this Headline was Posted.How does this differ from your 11.01.2009 Headlline and subsequent Posts therein, I AM SERIOUSLY THINKING ABOUT CLOSING DOWN THIS FORUM ? Only forty (40) days between these Posts, that seem consistent to me.What have you learned by this that is of benefit to you ? To the JFK Forum ? To the JFK Forum Members ?What changes or improvements can we look forward to ?What about my previous idea of closing down the JFK Forum, and re-opening it requiring Membership, Yearly Membership Dues,, and mandatory purchase of your materials ?I am still very strongly of the opinion that 50 % of more of your members have never read or watched your materials, especially Files On JFK.Please give me some actual verified facts instead of just the opinion that you want to post, in response to my question this time.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dealey Joe
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Re: What can we do?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bruce I am not a great reader of books. My eyes won't permit it.However I do listen to and have all the video information I can find such as TMWKK in its entirity.Files on JFK, Spooks, Judyth Vary Bakers DVD, The Grassy Knowl, A number of other videos,Robert Groodens work. JFK, Thirteen days, Zapruder stuff, anything I can find on JFK, Files, LHO ect ect.I so far have read The books Files on JFK, Dr. Mary's Monkey. and started a few others.when anyone on the forum recommended a book, if I could find it I have it.I don't know if it is fair but I think those on the forum should be in agreement with the percepts set out by the web site.As long as there is vocal dissent about things we know, it is degrading to the whole cause.What there is no proof of, should be at least temporarily ignored, and work on what we do know.I see no evidence whasoever to dispute James Files, Judyth Vary Baker, Ed Haslam, and a few others.Down the road if something comes to the forefront as evidence then it would be considered.Without agreement we have nothing.
Michael Calder
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Re: What can we do?

Post by Michael Calder »

Wim and friends,I went to a play in LA a few years ago called, "The Awful Grace of God" which was a one man play about RFK. Stunned by what I saw and to make a long story short, with in a year or so I was standing in front of Sirhan Sirhan's house in Pasadena speaking at length with Munir Sirhan. We never know what ripples our actions may cause. Certainly the actor and director and producer and lighting tech didn't have me in mind when they put together that play. They only knew that if had to be done. Also, we only see how far we are from where we want to be. Perhaps it would be wise to think on how far we have come. How far would the corporate fascism that guides our country be along if Penn Jones et, al, had not entered the fray. Would anyone have taken "Loose Change " seriously if not for the JFK critics. The glory is in the battle. Today I asked a high school student with intellect if he had ever heard of a film called Loose Change. He said he hadn't. I wrote it down and handed it to him telling him to look it up on the internet. He put the note in his notebook. You got to watch out for those ripples. They can drown you if you are not paying attention. www.jfkcia.com
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Re: What can we do?

Post by Bob »

Michael Calder wrote:Wim and friends,I went to a play in LA a few years ago called, "The Awful Grace of God" which was a one man play about RFK. Stunned by what I saw and to make a long story short, with in a year or so I was standing in front of Sirhan Sirhan's house in Pasadena speaking at length with Munir Sirhan. We never know what ripples our actions may cause. Certainly the actor and director and producer and lighting tech didn't have me in mind when they put together that play. They only knew that if had to be done. Also, we only see how far we are from where we want to be. Perhaps it would be wise to think on how far we have come. How far would the corporate fascism that guides our country be along if Penn Jones et, al, had not entered the fray. Would anyone have taken "Loose Change " seriously if not for the JFK critics. The glory is in the battle. Today I asked a high school student with intellect if he had ever heard of a film called Loose Change. He said he hadn't. I wrote it down and handed it to him telling him to look it up on the internet. He put the note in his notebook. You got to watch out for those ripples. They can drown you if you are not paying attention. http://www.jfkcia.comExcellent summation Michael. I don't know how many people saw the global warming show on Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura last week. But I have a couple of close friends that were trying to convince me well over a year ago about the scam that is global warming. At first I didn't believe them. Then as they kept supplying me with more information, I started to lean their way in terms of their beliefs. Then I saw the special last week, and it became crystal clear to me about the global warming scam. My point is that a couple of voices kept me focused on this subject and now I know the reality of it. One or two voices can do that. We have many voices in this forum and within the JFK assassination community. We may not have the bought off MSM at our call, but we do have the internet, which is a HUGE weapon for us. Jesse's show is also the first TV show in the MSM in many years that has been allowed to tell the truth. That is a major ripple. I have told all my friends and associates about that show. I do the same thing when it comes to this site and other very interesting web sites. My friends may not post here, but they read and try and learn. The same goes with the new books like the ones by Russ Baker, James Douglass and Doug Horne. That goes with other books as well like the one by Wim, or the one by Michael for instance, or the one that will be out soon by Robert Groden. Pass the word to all your friends. Request the books as Christmas presents, or get them for somebody else. The young people of this world get their news via the internet. That is why newspapers are dying. The internet is our biggest weapon to pass the word to the masses. You Tube and sites like that help to convey things like Loose Change and other great vids. The COPA conference helps as well, but it needs to get more visibility and last longer. Jesse Ventura needs to be there with his camera crew. Black Op Radio is also an excellent place to convey research on matters such as the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations and subjects like 9/11. Every revolution needs one person to start it. From that person becomes a small group followers. The group gets larger and larger then, just like this forum. It just continues to grow and grow. But we have to stay passionate. We have to stay persistent. We have to be diligent. The conspirators that killed JFK thought that they had things under control because of their control of the government and the MSM. But the conspirators never realized that there would ever be a thing called the internet for information to flow so freely. That is why we should NEVER allow the governments of the world to control the net. They are already spying on it. Bottom line, just do one thing everyday. Let someone new know about this site, or some books that you would recommend. Use microsoft word and print out all the web sites you like, including this one. Use word to list out all the great books you might recommend and print that out as well. Print out several copies. Have those lists available EVERYDAY. Give it to friends and associates. Give them more than one copy so they can pass it on. Knowledge is power. But we need to make that knowledge available to as many people as you can. Remember one voice can cause an echo.
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Re: What can we do?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Great posts of you all here! Wim, if you think about efficiency increase, think about the latin word ef-ficere and consider whether it's really the main problem. Artists do their art, whether it will change the morale at the top of the chain of command or not. Pioneers rescue their comrades at the front whether it changes the battle or not. I make people aware of the existence of jfkmurdersolved via my new website http://www.95thesen-reloaded.de and keep correcting and questioning people who spread the LNT to the masses like the in the recent GEO Epoche magazin in a special edition about JFK. Chris
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Re: What can we do?

Post by Bob »

ChristophMessner wrote:Great posts of you all here! Wim, if you think about efficiency increase, think about the latin word ef-ficere and consider whether it's really the main problem. Artists do their art, whether it will change the morale at the top of the chain of command or not. Pioneers rescue their comrades at the front whether it changes the battle or not. I make people aware of the existence of jfkmurdersolved via my new website http://www.95thesen-reloaded.de and keep correcting and questioning people who spread the LNT to the masses like the in the recent GEO Epoche magazin in a special edition about JFK. ChrisCongrats on the new web site Chris. Looks good, but I guess I'll have to bone up on my German.
Dealey Joe
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Re: What can we do?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Yep! good lookin' web site.don't know what the hell you are talking about but it must be good
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Re: What can we do?

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Well you can listen to my mouth for starters lol.No, I reckon what we can all do is just go out go to Libraries and bookstores and get them to stock Jim Douglas's book. Im doing it here in New Zealand.Its a little but its something.