VERY interesting Dallas police document

JFK Assassination
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by kenmurray »

It is quite obvious that one Kathy Becket endorses the likes of Perry and Mack. Quite obvious she likes liars and frauds. What next Kathy? Posner too?
Dealey Joe
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Dealey Joe »

NOW NOW Gentlemen lets not be to harsh with Kathy.Maybe you know her but I do not.I take her post as a way of making us aware there are people who have seen this document.I thank her of making us aware of it.We need to see what everyone knows about this document.This D. P. guy is so rediculous that he does our side a great favor.If he has proof where is it?SHOW ME THE CARBONS!
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Bob »

The bottom line is that Dave Perry was the guy who got Gary Mack his gig at the 6th Floor Museum and the $180,000 salary, which meant of course changing sides and looking like a bought off hack, similar to Gerald Posner and Vince Bugliosi. Bought off by the CIA that is, to tell the lone nut bullshit story. A story that has holes bigger than the grand canyon in it. Jim DiEugenio takes them all apart...piece by piece...on his site. Seamus and Ken have posted some of his reviews and stories, but here they are for all to see.Did The Mob Kill JFK? The Ruby Connection ... _3.htmlJFK: Inside The Target Car ... Reclaiming History Review ... r_jd.htmlI would suggest anyone who has not read Jim's fine work to do so. Compare Jim's work to Perry's. Or Dunkel''s. Or Posner's. Or Bugliosi's. Jim uses fact, while the lone nut club uses fiction. Jim uses truth, while the lone nut club uses well financed bullshit. That is why Jim cleaned the clock of John McAdams during their debate. The lone nut club can point to the 6th Floor Museum and the recent productions on the Discovery channel as to why their side is winning. Promoting lies and suppressing the truth is NOT winning. It's called losing. Losing one's dignity for one.
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by kenmurray »

Great job Bob once again.
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Bob wrote:The bottom line is that Dave Perry was the guy who got Gary Mack his gig at the 6th Floor Museum and the $180,000 salary, which meant of course changing sides and looking like a bought off hack, similar to Gerald Posner and Vince Bugliosi. Bought off by the CIA that is, to tell the lone nut bullshit story. A story that has holes bigger than the grand canyon in it. Jim DiEugenio takes them all apart...piece by piece...on his site. Seamus and Ken have posted some of his reviews and stories, but here they are for all to see.Did The Mob Kill JFK? The Ruby Connection ... _3.htmlJFK: Inside The Target Car ... Reclaiming History Review ... r_jd.htmlI would suggest anyone who has not read Jim's fine work to do so. Compare Jim's work to Perry's. Or Dunkel''s. Or Posner's. Or Bugliosi's. Jim uses fact, while the lone nut club uses fiction. Jim uses truth, while the lone nut club uses well financed bullshit. That is why Jim cleaned the clock of John McAdams during their debate. The lone nut club can point to the 6th Floor Museum and the recent productions on the Discovery channel as to why their side is winning. Promoting lies and suppressing the truth is NOT winning. It's called losing. Losing one's dignity for one.Just be careful chief, Jim and a whole heap don't buy the document. I do agree with your quote from Jack as it represents a criminal act anyhow.I'll be honest here it wouldnt surprise me if Perry and or Mack set this stuff up for people to argue about but thats a great array of Sources I call it 'Jim Dumping' lol.
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Bob »

Whether Jim believes the document is legitimate or not is not my point in my previous post. It's about the disinformation that comes from Perry,, Posner and Bugliosi. Now in terms of the document, even if Jim doesn't think it's valid or not, I still think it deserves discussion. Jack White sees something in that document. Jack is the same guy who people in the lone nut club called crazy (as did some in the CT community) with his insistence years ago that Lee Harvey Oswald had at least one double and that the Zapruder film was altered. Now as time has passed, and with the excellent books and research by John Armstrong and Doug Horne, we find the Jack's assumptions were correct. Bottom line, we in the CT community need to be more open minded about theories that others in our community put forward. My take that David Phillips was at LHO's midnight press conference is a good example. Some in the research community say I am wrong for sure. Others see a strong resemblance, but can't believe that Phillips would put himself in that position. Others think I have developed a very interesting theory and see some credence in my beliefs. Others say I'm definitely correct. I will keep searching for the truth there. That is what we do. We don't close the door. That is why I put forth this thread about this document. Dealey Joe has found out that the address and phone number of Mary Bledsoe listed in the report were indeed hers at the time of that report. Were there errors in the report? Yes. My first major in college was Criminal Justice, before I became a Journalism major. I got to know a lot of policeman in that time period. The biggest gripe among almost every cop I ever met was doing paperwork. They absolutely hated it. With a passion. Plus, that report came from the environment of 1963. Typewriters. Carbon paper. No computers. No spell check. Reports needed to be submitted quickly. Also, this report was just an everyday type of report. It wasn't until 11/22/1963 that this incident would become significant. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am going to keep the door open on this document for now. I respect Jim immensely, but do I agree with everything he has written or said? No. The same goes with Wim, Robert Groden or Jim Marrs. I agree with a LOT of what they have put out there though. Enough to know they they are on the right side of truth. The same side I'm on.
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Bob wrote:Whether Jim believes the document is legitimate or not is not my point in my previous post. It's about the disinformation that comes from Perry,, Posner and Bugliosi. Now in terms of the document, even if Jim doesn't think it's valid or not, I still think it deserves discussion. Jack White sees something in that document. Jack is the same guy who people in the lone nut club called crazy (as did some in the CT community) with his insistence years ago that Lee Harvey Oswald had at least one double and that the Zapruder film was altered. Now as time has passed, and with the excellent books and research by John Armstrong and Doug Horne, we find the Jack's assumptions were correct. Bottom line, we in the CT community need to be more open minded about theories that others in our community put forward. My take that David Phillips was at LHO's midnight press conference is a good example. Some in the research community say I am wrong for sure. Others see a strong resemblance, but can't believe that Phillips would put himself in that position. Others think I have developed a very interesting theory and see some credence in my beliefs. Others say I'm definitely correct. I will keep searching for the truth there. That is what we do. We don't close the door. That is why I put forth this thread about this document. Dealey Joe has found out that the address and phone number of Mary Bledsoe listed in the report were indeed hers at the time of that report. Were there errors in the report? Yes. My first major in college was Criminal Justice, before I became a Journalism major. I got to know a lot of policeman in that time period. The biggest gripe among almost every cop I ever met was doing paperwork. They absolutely hated it. With a passion. Plus, that report came from the environment of 1963. Typewriters. Carbon paper. No computers. No spell check. Reports needed to be submitted quickly. Also, this report was just an everyday type of report. It wasn't until 11/22/1963 that this incident would become significant. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am going to keep the door open on this document for now. I respect Jim immensely, but do I agree with everything he has written or said? No. The same goes with Wim, Robert Groden or Jim Marrs. I agree with a LOT of what they have put out there though. Enough to know they they are on the right side of truth. The same side I'm on.WelL Bob, buddy its finally good to see you get wound up. Lol. No, of course you are entitled to believe these things and of course its those views that make the world go around as you say. Its not just Jim as I have said, either I tend to go with the dominant view of it, which is most people in the research community did not buy it when it came out and do not by it now. But still by all means I cant tell you how to think or act as much as I would love to lol. All I do man is play it safe as I am terrified of being wrong. I see myself as having a huge responsibility with what I commit to paper and hey man as a Journo you know chief you need corroboration and blaf blah blah and with this document about 80 percent of researchers/Journos wouldnt take it to the editor. By all means Bob you can be that man.The thing that strikes me about the investigative journos I've met is how godamn meticulous they are mate thats a lawsuit if they screw up lol. Man oh man.Thus Im not a journos asshole but I'll say play it safe if its a risk I say it. But I dont like taking risks. This plot is crazy enough with out taking detours down dodgey blvd. Take it from me Carl Ogelsby said it best "We must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations".I reckon your best work this week myself was your excellent appraisal of the Huffington Post which I copied and pasted and sent off to Jim myself. Go and check it out. Jim though it was excellent and will probably add it to his piece. You see a clever observation like that is more important than us rolling around in the hay here brother.But Kathy Beckett is deluded if she thinks Mack N Perry are legitimate. I've seen her posts and I think a little troll has come in to sow some dissent. I hope not Kathy has posted useful stuff elsewhere and should know that just by throwing David Perrys name around here emotions would run high.
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Bob »

Yes indeed...all is cool. Debate is good. We can debate things here in the CT community. The other side doesn't. They just take their orders, drink the kool-aid and nod their heads. And pocket some CA$H as well. Right, Posner and Bugliosi?
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Bob wrote:Yes indeed...all is cool. Debate is good. We can debate things here in the CT community. The other side doesn't. They just take their orders, drink the kool-aid and nod their heads. And pocket some CA$H as well. Right, Posner and Bugliosi?You know what its all about the cash brother lol.
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Bob »

Yes my friend...just FOLLOW THE MONEY baby! It holds true in this case with those who are suppressing the truth and adding to the lies, plus in many other aspects of life. Who are the winners in war? Follow the money. The cash registers are ringing like crazy for Halliburton, Blackwater, General Dynamics, Raytheon etc. Look at the Wall Street bailout. Look at the smiles coming from Goldman Sachs, Chase and Citibank nowadays. Look at big oil and their massive profits. JFK tried to stop all of those things with his policies. That's why 11/22/1963 happened. The MSM and networks like Discovery are keeping the truth from that day from becoming exposed to the masses. They too, are making lots of money. They all sleep together and leave their money on the dresser when they leave.