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Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 7:17 pm
by Moo Cow
« Nanodot Back Up!Red Herring to sponsor nanotech briefing »JFK pushed lunar landing but was “not that interested in space.â€

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 7:35 pm
by Moo Cow
Dan wrote:The dates are wrong for exposing the moon landing - 1963 vs. 1969 - it couldn't have happened.

A flag on the Moon that appears to be flapping when there should be no air is but one piece in a much larger story. (credit: NASA)

We never went to the Moon (No, really.)
by Dwayne A. Day
Monday, July 19, 2004
It’s all true. We never went to the Moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin never set foot on Mare Tranquilitatus. They filmed it all on a soundstage in Nevada’s Area 51. Stanley Kubrick directed, slowing down the film speed to make it look like the astronauts were walking in low gravity. He used the same techniques he developed for his movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, which “coincidentallyâ€

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:10 pm
by Moo Cow
United Press International reports that, according to White House tapes released by the Kennedy Library archives, President John F. Kennedy clashed with NASA's top officials over his desire to gain political points by landing a man on the moon before the Soviet Union ("Tapes: JFK pushed for lunar landing", 23 August 2001). According to UPIís transcription, Kennedy made the following comments during a White House meeting over spending for the space program on Nov. 21, 1962 (about a month after the Cuban Missile Crisis):

"This is important for political reasons, international political reasons, and this is, whether we like it or not, in a sense, a race," Kennedy said. "Everything that we do ought to really be tied to getting onto the moon ahead of the Russians."
"I do think we ought to get it really clear that the policy ought to be that this is the top priority program of the agency and one … of the top priorities of the United States government," Kennedy said. "Otherwise, we shouldn't be spending this kind of money because I'm not that interested in space."

"But we're talking about fantastic expenditures," Kennedy said. "We've wrecked our budget, and all these other domestic programs, and the only justification for it, in my opinion, is to do it in the time element I am asking."

Describing the historical gem released by the Kennedy Library, a Boston Globe editorial stated: "That's what makes the unexcised 73-minute tape... so fascinating: It's a trip back nearly 40 years to a window of unvarnished, unspun White House time... An earful of history can be as rich as a tome. Richer."

The declassified tape was the subject of major international and national news coverage, including ABC World News Tonight, BBC News, ABC Good Morning America, NBC Today Show, CNN, and national wire stories by Reuters News Service and the Associated Press.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:13 pm
by Moo Cow
Apollo Rocket Launch
Was the Moon Landing a Conspiracy?

There are millions of people who believe the US never put a man on the moon. Because the latest generation wasn't around to watch the landing on TV there are more people who think NASA has conspired against the world. I'm one of the many who didn't see the televised landing but I'm convinced man has been to the moon.
One of the many questions puzzling non-believers is why haven't we been to the Moon since 1972? It's not like we're in the movie Gattaca where they had yearly flights to Saturn. Should we have daily trips to the Moon? We now know lots about the Moon so we don't need to return. We should be exploring other planets where humans could live (We
Buzz Aldrin
can't live on the Moon.)

People question why there aren't any stars in photos of astronauts on the Moon. They can ask themselves the same thing after taking a picture under a street light at night. No stars will appear in that picture either because the camera is set to expose the lighted area (the person standing under light) and not the weaker light source. The stars were too dim to pick up. It's not like in the movies.

We all know the Moon has no atmosphere so the US flag shouldn't flap in the wind yet people claim that it did. We could always blame the movement on vacuums, but the more obvious should be pointed out. The flag only waved when an astronaut
Neil Armstrong & US Flag
was holding onto the pole the flag was on. There were metal rods in the flag so it didn't just hang there but it did move when the pole was handled.

Here's something else non-believers want us to consider. In 1961, President John F Kennedy promised to put a man on the Moon within 10 years. The US also wanted to outdo the Soviet Union. They were having a little head butting battle at the time called the Cold War. So in order to keep JFK's promise, the US spent $25 billion, made sure thousands of employees could keep a secret and faked a Moon landing. Seem a little far fetched? That's cuz it is.

What did the US gain from landing on the Moon? Absolutely nothing. They aren't the only ones with the technology to land on the Moon so it's nothing to brag about. Faking a landing on the moon would have only been a hassle. Next we'll be arguing about whether the Earth is flat or not.

Are you a believer or was that "small step for mankind" a big fake-out? Tell us what you think and why.

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Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:32 pm
by Dan

Test Your Marksmanship!

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 7:04 pm
by Dan
Here is a link for a copy of JFKreloaded ... ip&id=5264

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 7:09 pm
by Tommy Bullgotti
That game is terribly flawed... but interesting to see if "You can do it". Nobody can. I have hit JFK in the exact spot where the WC put the back wound, in about the exact location of the Zapruder film. You know where it exited.... his chest!

No matter where the headshot occurs, his head goes back and to the left. Its bull.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:02 am
by Dan
Very flawed - but fun to shoot LBJ!

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 6:49 pm
by Kevin Fisher
I went back and reviewed the film, and I saw nothing unusual in the background or in the by-standers.

*I have read discussions about a boy and his father. It was something about the boy comes out too quickly from behind his dad to the front of his dad, but I don't see them in the film. Help?

*The FBI was said to have stated the kill shot occured around frame, say, 360, but that is way, way too late. That puts Jackie on the trunk of the limo. Could there be frames that were removed early in the film's sequence that could placed the actual kill shots at 360, or whatever, instead of the 318?

*No one on the Plaza's infield grass "moves" in such a way to give the appearance of alteration.


Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:44 am
by R Croxford
Moon landing faked. Doubt it. The waving flag? See if a hand is on it at the time? I live in Florida and can tell you that a gazillion people saw that Saturn 5 lift off and disappear into the heavens so what was fake about that? China is about to go to the moon and if they do not find a flag or a moon Lander then we can talk. Is our government shallow enough to try and pull that off? Yes! Did they I do not think so.
As my friend says. Wayyyyyy tooo many peeps to keep quiet on that one bro. Besides that man alot of good honorable astronauats have died in the pursuit of space and alot of honorable good men died in the apollo program so lets give them the honor they deserve regardless of the Bulls&*^ the government shoves down our throat. Also whether they did or didnt the apollo program gave a ton of people dreams and the ability to look up and see that there is more to life then the crap that gets shoveled down here every day. So lets try not to crap on dreams and and refer to stuff that was not even on kennedy's plate. He set the goal and in his name we achieved it and also named the space port after him so.
Kennedy wouldnt have exposed nothing he simply would have fired anyone who disagreed with him period.
Peace bro.