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Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 2:13 am
by Dan
With the whole world watching now , Files would be an American HERO and patriot if he would just swallow his inhibitions and fears and spill the beans and come clean . Crime does not pay .

Let's see, a low-life criminal executes the president of the US, executes a loving husband and father, changes the whole course of US political history, takes the vote out of the hands of US citizens, inserts ruthless parties into the US political system forever - and you consider him an American hero? (well, maybe the CIA and many Kennedy haters do consider him an American hero)

Please let's have the trial of the century, and see how this American hero fares!!!!!

Kind of puts WIM in the CAPOTE role doesn't it?

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 5:54 am
by Maarten Coumans
dankbaar wrote:"When failure was not an option, Jimmy was always chosen"- Bruce BrychekWim

I can believe that.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 6:59 am
by dankbaar
Let's see, a low-life criminal executes the president of the US, executes a loving husband and father, changes the whole course of US political history, takes the vote out of the hands of US citizens, inserts ruthless parties into the US political system forever - and you consider him an American hero? (well, maybe the CIA and many Kennedy haters do consider him an American hero)

Please let's have the trial of the century, and see how this American hero fares!!!!!

Kind of puts WIM in the CAPOTE role doesn't it?


I never called Files a hero, I call him a pawn who pulled a trigger.

JFK was not loving husband and father enough to not grab any pussy he could get. Moreover I firmly believe he had Marilyn Monroe killed.

Your trial of the century will never happen, due to the detoriation of your great system. Maybe this is because you don't recognize the real criminals who covered up the crime and have been running the USA since?


"The Government has turned me into a killer"

- James Files in a letter from Laos

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:23 am
by Maarten Coumans
dankbaar wrote:Your trial of the century will never happen, due to the detoriation of your great system. Maybe this is because you don't recognize the real criminals who covered up the crime and have been running the USA since? Wim"The Government has turned me into a killer" - James Files in a letter from Laos

I agree. The hardened criminals can wipe out whole tribes with an signature, or a handshake. And never procecuted for it. Even get nominated for some award.
I believe that the USA is made up by differend power structures. The gouverment is just one of them ( or what is left of it ), instead of the one.
Kennedy's attempt to restore power and credibility were shot in Dallas.
I'm convinced that during or after the meeting with Chroetsjev, Kennedy's eyes were opened. And realized he was riding a wild bull (<- quote from "Nixon" ), close to the edge of a ravine. A little influence is all to be expected.
Kennedy was bussy cleaning up the (White) house. But also had to take into account that a reelection is coming up. Foreign relations are tense with Russia and Cuba. Assasination (attempts) all over the world.
He is firing influencial people all over the place, and more to come. He didn't have many friends left in the USA. They had more motive, and power to do what they did, than the Russians, let alone the Cubans.
I believe that the people with "real power" preferred a dynasty with friendlies like the Bush's than with the Kennedy's.
Then you come into the area of bloodlines, secret societies (isn't the CIA a secret society?), and treason (CIA=Creating Intelligence Agency). And the CIA can kill and it's allright. As long it's for America, and against the Russians, but don't ask.
One big mess.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:35 am
by Dan
The fact remains that without their stooges, the"real" criminals could never have committed the crime.

The trial can happen. We will eventually get a Dallas DA who is courageous and isn't controlled. Then James Files will become Perry Smith and will pay for his crime, while many others will be paid for his crime.

Dear Jim

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 3:15 pm
First.........You have to understand bullet drop.Alot of factors to be considered.The weight (grain) & speed of a bullet Hence a heaver,slower bullet has a more dramatic drop curve.A 222 an awesome choice,that is why it is used for varmit hunting.Very small targets at considerable distances,however i have personally used a 223 to shoot mule deer,and they dropped like a rock.(When you put the shot where it counts)
As to the distance for so called zeroing it in.This shell choice
would have been dead on at anywhere from 75 to 150 yds.
Iam sure as a professional he (Files) went to Dealy at least once,to look the site over,and again as a professional was prepaired.
Why do you think the goverment chose the M-16? or the russians chose the ak-47....(223 the kissing cousen of the 222)?
Very accurate,with enough power to get the job done.
Oh sorry the ak-47 would shoot a simaler shell ,as well as our 223's

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 3:46 pm
by Maarten Coumans
Dan wrote:The fact remains that without their stooges, the"real" criminals could never have committed the crime.The trial can happen. We will eventually get a Dallas DA who is courageous and isn't controlled. Then James Files will become Perry Smith and will pay for his crime, while many others will be paid for his crime.

"Real" criminals? Only depends who picks up the bill.
When the real truth comes out, people are too choqued to cope with it.
I think that people today are more occupied by what's happening at "The Bold and ...."etc, than their own environment. Let alone the envonment on the other side of the street, or track, or ocean.
The ease lies are fed to the people stuns me beyond befief. Thinking if we (democraticly, of course 21st century style) lynch those involved in the shooting, makes it allright. Kinda like a John Wayne movie, horsing around, kills a few indians and bad guys, and everything is peachy again. Safe for democracy. Anyone knows that the Ancient Greeks abandoned democracy, because of its failing nature.
People stayed behind in the development of society. People have to grow up, do their own thinking. That is the only way we can beat those idiots, by getting smarter. So their lies won't affect us so much, and they can't get richer any more.
I wonder how many of the people that benefitted from Dallas are still alive. And what's become of them. But the subject is still too hot to handle. Meaning nothing has changed.
In stead of communism the common threat, now it's terrorism(/Moslims). By the way, the CIA trained/paid those guys in ea Afghnistan to fight Russia. Those books teaching terror are written by the CIA, and translated all over the world. Composed of WW2 secret material: resistance work, forging documents, sabotage, assassination etc.
But now its against anybody who likes to think for his own. And we are all just happily playing along.

Love of country

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:51 pm
...........The most important paper in the USA

The constituion
The six most important words on it

Re: Dear Jim

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 6:25 pm
by Jim Thompson
AL DATI wrote: As to the distance for so called zeroing it in.This shell choicewould have been dead on at anywhere from 75 to 150 yds.

Right. I'm assuming the the trajectory would be virtually flat at that distance for either the mercury or the regular round. If I'm wrong, though, then the zeroing in must be done with the mercury rounds. If Files had only 6 mercury rounds in Dallas, then he could have zeroed in using 4 or even 5 of the mercury rounds to do so. However, that's a risky business. A pro would have allowed for a larger pool of rounds for zeroing shots & kill shots. For example what would happen if a round did not fire during zeroing and/or during the kill shot? What if one or more of the rounds were inadvertently lost or damaged? That is why I am assuming that Files zeroed with regular non-mercury rounds, even though that would not have been a good choice. But at 30 yards, the difference would not have been a factor. The key question is the second casing which I believe was found on the other side of the Pergola. Two Fireballs?


Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:12 pm
by Paul
[quote="Maarten Coumans"]Frame 96: Another interesting bit is the motor-agent, he is looking over his left shoulder to those bushes, before speeding away. Reconnaissance? Checking the terrain one last time?

Now the importance of that corner:
(Frame 443)
(Frame 459)

Look how close the presidential limo has approached the white police-car in 15 frames. Nearly a second. The white car was waiting there, no doubt about it.
The frame from the movie shows the limo emerging from under the triple underpass with a white police-car next to it. A police car because of the red light in the grill.

Imagine: All the shooters miss, and Kennedy is still alive nearing the
underpass, that car can block the road, and the limousine has no other choice than to turn back, back into the triangle of killers. Giving them a second chance. Then the position behind those bushes becomes very important, because Kennedy is suddenly on his side of the road, so his “partyâ€