A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

JFK Assassination
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Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Post by Kirk »

Bob, I pretty much totally agree with you. Some might find it conspiratorial, paranoid and with a little cynicism throw in, but I say so what, if that is what the evidence shows. Some believe that all of our elected leaders are puppets, and maybe in fact all the world leaders as we know and call them. It is possible that it has always been so, and I do not have enough facts to debate either side of that. I do note that not all puppets are created equal, and that not all puppets are as easy to control by the Power Elite/Puppet Masters. I guess that it where the human element comes into play. All of the strengths and weaknesses that make us human is what gives me some hope. Humans are not all perfectly alike, nor perfect, which means both the Puppets and their masters are not perfect. They fall prey to their insecurities, egos and incompetences, and just maybe some times their conscience or better angels as Lincoln said. It is also possbile that some puppets do not know that they are puppets, and it is also possbile that they would be the last to know the real truth, or be told the real truth of things, such as the Who, What and Why of the JFK's assassination. Eisenhower, who I had little respect for when I was young, partly based on him choosing Nixon, and allowing MCCarthy to go on for so long, had a pretty good feeling he was being used and fooled by the power elite. I think he did his best to relate what he felt to the general public, and just as important JFK. I think JFK took it to heart. He was a puppet as well, but would not play by the rules. I think Bush Jr. is a puppet, but he is made more of wood and paper mache. A genuine heir to throne and clown prince to his Father and fore Fathers. Bush Sr. might be the darkest soul that has ever held the Presidency. President Obama is probably a puppet as well. What he knows, and what he will do and be remains to be seen, but for now I believe he wants to do good.Ultimately I believe good overcomes evil, but I can't prove it, and I know that far to many get hurt along the way. Why? I don't know, but I believe the good fight is worth fighting, no matter the numbers or the results. We are all just renters in this existence
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Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Post by Bob »

Kirk wrote:Bob, I pretty much totally agree with you. Some might find it conspiratorial, paranoid and with a little cynicism throw in, but I say so what, if that is what the evidence shows. Some believe that all of our elected leaders are puppets, and maybe in fact all the world leaders as we know and call them. It is possible that it has always been so, and I do not have enough facts to debate either side of that. I do note that not all puppets are created equal, and that not all puppets are as easy to control by the Power Elite/Puppet Masters. I guess that it where the human element comes into play. All of the strengths and weaknesses that make us human is what gives me some hope. Humans are not all perfectly alike, nor perfect, which means both the Puppets and their masters are not perfect. They fall prey to their insecurities, egos and incompetences, and just maybe some times their conscience or better angels as Lincoln said. It is also possbile that some puppets do not know that they are puppets, and it is also possbile that they would be the last to know the real truth, or be told the real truth of things, such as the Who, What and Why of the JFK's assassination. Eisenhower, who I had little respect for when I was young, partly based on him choosing Nixon, and allowing MCCarthy to go on for so long, had a pretty good feeling he was being used and fooled by the power elite. I think he did his best to relate what he felt to the general public, and just as important JFK. I think JFK took it to heart. He was a puppet as well, but would not play by the rules. I think Bush Jr. is a puppet, but he is made more of wood and paper mache. A genuine heir to throne and clown prince to his Father and fore Fathers. Bush Sr. might be the darkest soul that has ever held the Presidency. President Obama is probably a puppet as well. What he knows, and what he will do and be remains to be seen, but for now I believe he wants to do good.Ultimately I believe good overcomes evil, but I can't prove it, and I know that far to many get hurt along the way. Why? I don't know, but I believe the good fight is worth fighting, no matter the numbers or the results. We are all just renters in this existenceWell said Captain Kirk.
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Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Post by dankbaar »

Chauncey's daughter posted a clip with many contemporary images. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98l-hlTrTCcAt 2:10 there is a sideway picture of the tramp with the hat. That is the most convincing picture that it is indeed Holt. It may look like the tramp may be older than 43 (Chauncey's age at the time) or does it really? What do you think the age of the tramp was? Keep in mind that it is harsh lighting and old black & white pictures. And Chauncey had had no sleep after 2 days non stop drive from Arizona. You tend to look older when you're tired. Wim
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Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Post by andries »

Wim Am i missing something . terribly druk,or fresh stupid ? the grassy knoll can be seen on you tube in all his beauty
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JFK Documentary On The History Channel

Post by kenmurray »

Investigating History: The JFK Assassination will be on the History Channel today at 6pm est.http://www.history.com/schedule.do?acti ... =17&y=7I'm willing to bet this will be ANOTHER pro lone nut program. We shall see.
Phil Dragoo
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Ears like fingerprints

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Wim, 2:53 and 3:19--if you pull those and do an A/B it's a match--ears don't lie.The tribute by Chauncey Holt's daughter brings the tears right up to the eye--she evokes his passion and envelops it in her own affection for her father.Again it seems clear he was a utility mechanic to include on that troubleshooting team of Harrelson and Rogers, the wetworkers.
mike martinez
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Re: JFK Documentary On The History Channel

Post by mike martinez »

kenmurray wrote:Investigating History: The JFK Assassination will be on the History Channel today at 6pm est.http://www.history.com/schedule.do?acti ... =17&y=7I'm willing to bet this will be ANOTHER pro lone nut program. We shall see.Just finished watching it. I thought it was very fair to the conspirasy side.There was a Nat Geo mini JFK marathon a few days ago and one program took the mob angle. That one was also fair and didn't use sarcasm when explaining the theories.
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Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Post by Kirk »

Ok, I go with Holt being who he says he is. I watched the youtube tribute and others a number of times now, and considering the whole of the story. I have to say yes that is him. My hope is that there will be more information discovered that might answer some of the other questions that have been asked.I have of course another thing that I would like to try and clear up at least to my own mind. They are the rumors/stories that some in the limo knew what was coming, such as Greer or Connelly. I have to have doubts on this because what rational human being would drive or ride in a target car. I know Connelly's last words in the car after being shot were "My God they are going to kill us all!" Which has always sounded strange like Connelly knew something was coming, but was shocked to be shot himself. Connelly of course was a real bright guy, and though a right hand man to LBJ. He always felt he was more intelligent.Later in his life he let it be known how he felt. One thing he did was to switch parties. I just doubt that he would be willing to sit next to a human target. Of course he might have heard or known of something being planned for later in the day or elsewhere. Greer definitely was an incompetent. He did all but stop the car at that critical moment. He did look back over his shoulder. Apparently unable to look in his rear view mirror etc. The few interviews that I have read or heard from and about him what comes across most is that he is a dullard at best. Doesn't seem to grasp any of it. Almost as if it happened to someone else. One, I doubt he would or could have been trusted with information or planning by anyone. I imagine most thought of him as a perfect liability in the plan for that day. Anyone with any training or sense would have put the pedal down at the first sound of a firecracker etc. That person would be want to error towards safety and caution, even if he ended up being wrong. Greer was sleep walking, just as he was probably sleep walking through life.
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Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Post by Kirk »

Thanks Ken for the links. Those were the one's I was talking about.