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Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:20 pm
by Bob
Ken is Link Murraydale aka the Great Link. He stands behind the curtain and links like a wild man for us.

Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:32 am
by kenmurray
Bob wrote:Ken is Link Murraydale aka the Great Link. He stands behind the curtain and links like a wild man for us. Thanks Bob. I prefer being the Great Link instead of the Missing Link!

Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:58 am
by Bob
kenmurray wrote:Bob wrote:Ken is Link Murraydale aka the Great Link. He stands behind the curtain and links like a wild man for us. Thanks Bob. I prefer being the Great Link instead of the Missing Link! Ironically my friend, the missing link is what you provide us in this forum as we search for answers. You are the Wizard of Link. Follow the yellow brick link.

Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:53 pm
by tom jeffers
I plan to buy john hankey's videos on bush/jfk and bush2/jfk2SAME KILLERS - DIFFERENT DAY by John Hankey - April 18, 2009There are a number of important parallels between the 9-11 attacks and the murder of JFK: the stand down of the most basic defense procedures / the outrageous cover-up and destruction of evidence / and the last name of some of the major perpetrators. Obviously the Bushes were involved in 9-11. Less well-known and less obvious is the central role played by George HW in the Kennedy assassination.It has taken 40 years to collect the evidence to hang Kennedy’s murder around Bush’s neck.I began 9 years ago when JFK Jr.’s plane went into the sea; the Pentagon took over the news reporting, and then lied ridiculously, into the teeth of reporters who knew better, about why the search had been kept, for 15 hours, from what was immediately obvious was the crash site. Who would want JFK Jr. dead, and why? Lacking any credible evidence along these line, I decided to pursue a deeper look at the names of the people who had killed his father, as likely suspects in the murder of the son.The Nation magazine had printed an article ten years before citing a memo written by J. Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI, 5 days after the assassination. The memo confused researchers, including me. It said the state department had asked the FBI to investigate whether “some misguided anti-Castro group” might be planning an invasion of Cuba. The memo claims the FBI investigated, and determined that the anti-Castro community in Florida was deeply saddened by the death of JFK, but not inclined to any rash actions. The last paragraph was the one that grabbed researchers’ attention, because it named “Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency” as the responsible party sent by CIA to Washington to receive this FBI report. This grabbed researchers’ attention because Bush claimed that he had never been in the CIA before being appointed its director by Gerald Ford. And because it would mean he lied under oath on this point during confirmation hearings. And because it would mean that he had broken the law by running for Congress and Senate without informing the voters that he was CIA.I will give myself props for destroying Bush’s claim that the memo did not refer to him. As the video JFK - the Bush Connection outlines, in college, Bush was a “brother under the skin” to the son of the head of hiring for CIA; he left college and went to work for a man his father identified as a CIA recruiter; and he then set up shop in the middle of CIA preparations for the invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs; which puts him squarely in the middle of the “misguided anti-Castro Cuban operations referred to by Hoover‘s memo. And on and on and on.I will give myself credit, also, for being the first to point out that this memo identifies Bush as a supervisor of these “misguided anti-Castro groups”. You would not, after all, send someone to FBI headquarters to receive a report on one of your operations, and send someone who was entirely unfamiliar. You’d send the most knowledgeable, and therefore the most involved, person available. And I also, in that video, point out in the clearest terms possible, that the military industrial complex has used the CIA to murder JFK And that the CIA had done so using its “misguided anti-Castro Cubans.” Whom, again, Hoover described as being supervised by “Mr. George Bush.”But I did not tie all the available pieces together. I had included a long section on Oswald’s CIA and FBI connections; and explored the strange world in which the state department asks the FBI to investigate the CIA’s “misguided anti-Castro Cubans.” But I had not seen the direct relevance of this section to the central theme of the video: Bush’s involvement. It was just an interesting riddle, and I cut it out and put it into an “extra” that no one has seen fit to post on the web, and that was, then, only available on the DVD.I was approached by someone with Hollywood background who urged and helped me to try to make the video more presentable, more professional, in order to try to get a wider release, on DVD, or perhaps even in theatres. It took three years; and in the process I figured out the riddle. The solution goes like this: Oswald was an FBI operative. This could not be more obvious. The Texas attorney general called up the Warren Commission on their first day and told them Oswald’s FBI employee # and pay grade. It seems another obvious conclusion, from this, that Oswald had his paycheck stub in his pocket at the time of his arrest. It defies my imagination to conceive of other circumstances that might lead the attorney general to take such an aggressive position on this point. The circumstantial evidence supporting this charge, that Oswald was working for the FBI, is more than substantial. Delphine Roberts worked for the CIA at their secret training camp, for anti-Castro terrorist raids, at Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. Kennedy had ordered the raids ceased and the camps closed. Delphine Roberts told the Warren Commission that she had seen Oswald at the camp two weeks prior to the raid. Oswald’s best friend in New Orleans saw him exchange envelopes with men he took to be FBI at this time. And Oswald passed out leaflets with the address of the Pontchartrain supervisor, Guy Bannister, on them. It seems to me an obvious conclusion that Hoover, who had written memos about Oswald’s CIA connections while Oswald was still in Russia, recruited and used Oswald to locate the camps. The CIA apparently also figured this out and in short order recruited Oswald back, to infiltrate a “rogue” group that was plotting to kill JFK. That point is speculation. What is clear is that they recruited him and got him a job at the Dallas School Book Depository. The Dallas DA has recently revealed a signed affidavit from an attorney who witnessed Oswald discussing killing Kennedy with Jack Ruby. There is no credible evidence to suggest that Oswald wanted to kill JFK. On the contrary, the most credible evidence is that Oswald was an admirer of JFK. What, then, was Oswald’s purpose in talking to Ruby? The suggestion that he was attempting to infiltrate the CIA’s “rogue” killers is my best guess.But so what? This affidavit, from the Dallas DA file, was marked so as to be presented as evidence. It is entirely credible. It would not otherwise have been so marked. It indicates that Oswald was still actively working for the FBI, now infiltrating the CIA’s team of killers, and had in fact made contact with Ruby. This sort of information from a reliable source would have given Hoover the legal authority to tape Ruby’s phone, and the phones of virtually anyone Ruby had contact with. Hoover distributed a memo to all the CIA’s offices the week before the murder telling them that there was to be an attempt on JFK’s life in Dallas on Nov. 22. Hoover knew.He knew before the assassination. Why would he NOT have had Ruby’s phone tapped? Hoover had been, at JFK’s direction, spying on the CIA’s anti-Castro Cuban operation for months. His knowledge of the intimate details of the assassination can scarcely be overestimated. And 5 days after the assassination, he identified “Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency” as that agency’s responsible party sent to receive the FBI’s report on the activities of their killing team. He then hid this memo, containing this explosive information, in plain sight, distributing to various members of the State department, without classification.This point of view is presented in the new video, Dark Legacy.The original JFK II also presented, as a riddle, the fact that the FBI had made a detailed record of a phone call Bush made minutes after the assassination, attempting to send them, apparently, on a wild goose chase investigating “one James Parrot” who Bush claimed had been talking of killing the president. What can we make of this memo? Three years ago, my answer was that it was “weird”. Today I see it differently. E. Howard Hunt, famous as the head of the Watergate Burglars, was identified in a CIA memo, signed by Richard Helms, the CIA director at the time, as part of the assassination team in Dallas that day. Bush is tied by at least eight different circumstances to Hunt. However, there are certainly honest people, or even dishonest ones, who were associated with Hunt, but not in Dallas or connected to the assassination. Fletcher Prouty, whose job in the Pentagon was to supply CIA secret operations with military hardware, including machine guns and ships, was sent to the South Pole to get him out of the way. Richard Colby, who later became director of CIA, and who doubtless released the Helms memo naming Hunt as a killer, was also certainly not involved in JFK’s murder; and had another assignment in another part of the world. But Bush’s phone call reveals that he was on duty for the CIA; in Dallas; and working on assassination-related matters.We have been schooled to regard “the smoking gun” as the definitive evidence. However, in a large conspiracy, only one person can be connected to a smoking gun. The rest of the members of the conspiracy can only be shown to have played ancillary roles. Under our system of justice, however, they are regarded as equally culpable. That Bush was playing some sort of ancillary role could not possibly be more clearly demonstrated than it is by these two FBI memos.It took me nearly 40 years to find these memos; and nearly another ten to figure out what they mean. Believe me, I’m not bragging. But I am advocating patience.And trying to persuade you to support my efforts to advertise this video by purchasing it from By the way, just to finish the story I began about JFK Jr.:I had discovered the bulk of this information about Bush Sr. and the death of JFK. But I still had not produced any evidence suggesting who would have wanted to kill JFK Jr. And then it hit me. In my subconscious mind, I heard Henry Kissinger muttering, “The father killed the father. Let the son kill the son.” I have reason to believe that the criminal elite that perpetrated crimes of 9-11 and of Nov. 22, operate much as a mafia does. To join the inner circle of the mafia, you have to “make your bone”. You have to commit a murder within the sight of the other members. Then they can trust you. You can’t rat them out because they are eyewitnesses to a murder you committed. In any case, within weeks of JFK’s murder, George Bush began his remarkable political career. He ran for senate and lost. They created a Republican district and appointed him the nominee, and so, of course, he won. He then ran for senate again, and lost. They picked him up and dusted him off and forced Nixon to take him on as his secretary of the United Nations (Erlichman says so explicitly) with a White House office conveniently located next to E. Howard Hunt’s! Bush ran against Reagan and lost, and Reagan was forced to take him on as vice president. After being shot, Reagan left everything up to Bush. Bush presided at ALL of the Iran Contra Crack-epidemic meetings. And the JFK assassination was where he made his bone, where he got his ticket punched for admission to the inner circle, which then forced all the events I just described to occur. And I wondered, how did little Georgie make his bone? Whom did the drunk, coke-headed draft-dodger have to kill in order to get this powerful inner circle to support him, rather than the war-hero McCain. And I rushed to my computer to see where lil' George was the day JFK Jr’s plane went down. At 8 am he was campaigning hard, flipping pancakes in Iowa. He got on a bus at 9 am and disappeared. JFK Jr.’s plane went down at 9:41 pm, twelve hours later. The next day the press ran to interview Bush, to see what one president’s son had to say about the death of another president’s son. Al Gore had cancelled all campaign appearances. What would Bush do? they wanted to know. They ran to interview Bush. But he was not to be found. Karen Hughes, Bush’s campaign manager not only could not say where he was; she could not even say when he would be back! After three days he reappeared. No attempt has ever been made to disclose his whereabouts. Witnesses identified him partying at the Bohemian Grove Saturday night, celebrating John’s death. Karen Hughes demanded a retraction when the Sacramento Bee published this story. The story’s author offered to do so, if Hughes would reveal where Bush actually was. Hughes made no offer of any such information, nor any further demands for a retraction. This information is all laid out in my video The Assassination of John Kennedy Jr., available at, you guessed it, [[|]].

Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:43 am
by SeamusCoogan
Dealey Joe wrote:AlecI found the garrison tapes on VHShere is the listing for a copy on Half.com is worth ownning I think.It's very good but when he says that the photos show Oswald shaw and ferry together he's mistaken the pics are not them at the party. But yeah i think its a fair effort very good.

Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:58 am
by SeamusCoogan
tom jeffers wrote:I plan to buy john hankey's videos on bush/jfk and bush2/jfk2SAME KILLERS - DIFFERENT DAY by John Hankey - April 18, 2009There are a number of important parallels between the 9-11 attacks and the murder of JFK: the stand down of the most basic defense procedures / the outrageous cover-up and destruction of evidence / and the last name of some of the major perpetrators. Obviously the Bushes were involved in 9-11. Less well-known and less obvious is the central role played by George HW in the Kennedy assassination.It has taken 40 years to collect the evidence to hang Kennedy’s murder around Bush’s neck.I began 9 years ago when JFK Jr.’s plane went into the sea; the Pentagon took over the news reporting, and then lied ridiculously, into the teeth of reporters who knew better, about why the search had been kept, for 15 hours, from what was immediately obvious was the crash site. Who would want JFK Jr. dead, and why? Lacking any credible evidence along these line, I decided to pursue a deeper look at the names of the people who had killed his father, as likely suspects in the murder of the son.The Nation magazine had printed an article ten years before citing a memo written by J. Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI, 5 days after the assassination. The memo confused researchers, including me. It said the state department had asked the FBI to investigate whether “some misguided anti-Castro group” might be planning an invasion of Cuba. The memo claims the FBI investigated, and determined that the anti-Castro community in Florida was deeply saddened by the death of JFK, but not inclined to any rash actions. The last paragraph was the one that grabbed researchers’ attention, because it named “Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency” as the responsible party sent by CIA to Washington to receive this FBI report. This grabbed researchers’ attention because Bush claimed that he had never been in the CIA before being appointed its director by Gerald Ford. And because it would mean he lied under oath on this point during confirmation hearings. And because it would mean that he had broken the law by running for Congress and Senate without informing the voters that he was CIA.I will give myself props for destroying Bush’s claim that the memo did not refer to him. As the video JFK - the Bush Connection outlines, in college, Bush was a “brother under the skin” to the son of the head of hiring for CIA; he left college and went to work for a man his father identified as a CIA recruiter; and he then set up shop in the middle of CIA preparations for the invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs; which puts him squarely in the middle of the “misguided anti-Castro Cuban operations referred to by Hoover‘s memo. And on and on and on.I will give myself credit, also, for being the first to point out that this memo identifies Bush as a supervisor of these “misguided anti-Castro groups”. You would not, after all, send someone to FBI headquarters to receive a report on one of your operations, and send someone who was entirely unfamiliar. You’d send the most knowledgeable, and therefore the most involved, person available. And I also, in that video, point out in the clearest terms possible, that the military industrial complex has used the CIA to murder JFK And that the CIA had done so using its “misguided anti-Castro Cubans.” Whom, again, Hoover described as being supervised by “Mr. George Bush.”But I did not tie all the available pieces together. I had included a long section on Oswald’s CIA and FBI connections; and explored the strange world in which the state department asks the FBI to investigate the CIA’s “misguided anti-Castro Cubans.” But I had not seen the direct relevance of this section to the central theme of the video: Bush’s involvement. It was just an interesting riddle, and I cut it out and put it into an “extra” that no one has seen fit to post on the web, and that was, then, only available on the DVD.I was approached by someone with Hollywood background who urged and helped me to try to make the video more presentable, more professional, in order to try to get a wider release, on DVD, or perhaps even in theatres. It took three years; and in the process I figured out the riddle. The solution goes like this: Oswald was an FBI operative. This could not be more obvious. The Texas attorney general called up the Warren Commission on their first day and told them Oswald’s FBI employee # and pay grade. It seems another obvious conclusion, from this, that Oswald had his paycheck stub in his pocket at the time of his arrest. It defies my imagination to conceive of other circumstances that might lead the attorney general to take such an aggressive position on this point. The circumstantial evidence supporting this charge, that Oswald was working for the FBI, is more than substantial. Delphine Roberts worked for the CIA at their secret training camp, for anti-Castro terrorist raids, at Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. Kennedy had ordered the raids ceased and the camps closed. Delphine Roberts told the Warren Commission that she had seen Oswald at the camp two weeks prior to the raid. Oswald’s best friend in New Orleans saw him exchange envelopes with men he took to be FBI at this time. And Oswald passed out leaflets with the address of the Pontchartrain supervisor, Guy Bannister, on them. It seems to me an obvious conclusion that Hoover, who had written memos about Oswald’s CIA connections while Oswald was still in Russia, recruited and used Oswald to locate the camps. The CIA apparently also figured this out and in short order recruited Oswald back, to infiltrate a “rogue” group that was plotting to kill JFK. That point is speculation. What is clear is that they recruited him and got him a job at the Dallas School Book Depository. The Dallas DA has recently revealed a signed affidavit from an attorney who witnessed Oswald discussing killing Kennedy with Jack Ruby. There is no credible evidence to suggest that Oswald wanted to kill JFK. On the contrary, the most credible evidence is that Oswald was an admirer of JFK. What, then, was Oswald’s purpose in talking to Ruby? The suggestion that he was attempting to infiltrate the CIA’s “rogue” killers is my best guess.But so what? This affidavit, from the Dallas DA file, was marked so as to be presented as evidence. It is entirely credible. It would not otherwise have been so marked. It indicates that Oswald was still actively working for the FBI, now infiltrating the CIA’s team of killers, and had in fact made contact with Ruby. This sort of information from a reliable source would have given Hoover the legal authority to tape Ruby’s phone, and the phones of virtually anyone Ruby had contact with. Hoover distributed a memo to all the CIA’s offices the week before the murder telling them that there was to be an attempt on JFK’s life in Dallas on Nov. 22. Hoover knew.He knew before the assassination. Why would he NOT have had Ruby’s phone tapped? Hoover had been, at JFK’s direction, spying on the CIA’s anti-Castro Cuban operation for months. His knowledge of the intimate details of the assassination can scarcely be overestimated. And 5 days after the assassination, he identified “Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency” as that agency’s responsible party sent to receive the FBI’s report on the activities of their killing team. He then hid this memo, containing this explosive information, in plain sight, distributing to various members of the State department, without classification.This point of view is presented in the new video, Dark Legacy.The original JFK II also presented, as a riddle, the fact that the FBI had made a detailed record of a phone call Bush made minutes after the assassination, attempting to send them, apparently, on a wild goose chase investigating “one James Parrot” who Bush claimed had been talking of killing the president. What can we make of this memo? Three years ago, my answer was that it was “weird”. Today I see it differently. E. Howard Hunt, famous as the head of the Watergate Burglars, was identified in a CIA memo, signed by Richard Helms, the CIA director at the time, as part of the assassination team in Dallas that day. Bush is tied by at least eight different circumstances to Hunt. However, there are certainly honest people, or even dishonest ones, who were associated with Hunt, but not in Dallas or connected to the assassination. Fletcher Prouty, whose job in the Pentagon was to supply CIA secret operations with military hardware, including machine guns and ships, was sent to the South Pole to get him out of the way. Richard Colby, who later became director of CIA, and who doubtless released the Helms memo naming Hunt as a killer, was also certainly not involved in JFK’s murder; and had another assignment in another part of the world. But Bush’s phone call reveals that he was on duty for the CIA; in Dallas; and working on assassination-related matters.We have been schooled to regard “the smoking gun” as the definitive evidence. However, in a large conspiracy, only one person can be connected to a smoking gun. The rest of the members of the conspiracy can only be shown to have played ancillary roles. Under our system of justice, however, they are regarded as equally culpable. That Bush was playing some sort of ancillary role could not possibly be more clearly demonstrated than it is by these two FBI memos.It took me nearly 40 years to find these memos; and nearly another ten to figure out what they mean. Believe me, I’m not bragging. But I am advocating patience.And trying to persuade you to support my efforts to advertise this video by purchasing it from By the way, just to finish the story I began about JFK Jr.:I had discovered the bulk of this information about Bush Sr. and the death of JFK. But I still had not produced any evidence suggesting who would have wanted to kill JFK Jr. And then it hit me. In my subconscious mind, I heard Henry Kissinger muttering, “The father killed the father. Let the son kill the son.” I have reason to believe that the criminal elite that perpetrated crimes of 9-11 and of Nov. 22, operate much as a mafia does. To join the inner circle of the mafia, you have to “make your bone”. You have to commit a murder within the sight of the other members. Then they can trust you. You can’t rat them out because they are eyewitnesses to a murder you committed. In any case, within weeks of JFK’s murder, George Bush began his remarkable political career. He ran for senate and lost. They created a Republican district and appointed him the nominee, and so, of course, he won. He then ran for senate again, and lost. They picked him up and dusted him off and forced Nixon to take him on as his secretary of the United Nations (Erlichman says so explicitly) with a White House office conveniently located next to E. Howard Hunt’s! Bush ran against Reagan and lost, and Reagan was forced to take him on as vice president. After being shot, Reagan left everything up to Bush. Bush presided at ALL of the Iran Contra Crack-epidemic meetings. And the JFK assassination was where he made his bone, where he got his ticket punched for admission to the inner circle, which then forced all the events I just described to occur. And I wondered, how did little Georgie make his bone? Whom did the drunk, coke-headed draft-dodger have to kill in order to get this powerful inner circle to support him, rather than the war-hero McCain. And I rushed to my computer to see where lil' George was the day JFK Jr’s plane went down. At 8 am he was campaigning hard, flipping pancakes in Iowa. He got on a bus at 9 am and disappeared. JFK Jr.’s plane went down at 9:41 pm, twelve hours later. The next day the press ran to interview Bush, to see what one president’s son had to say about the death of another president’s son. Al Gore had cancelled all campaign appearances. What would Bush do? they wanted to know. They ran to interview Bush. But he was not to be found. Karen Hughes, Bush’s campaign manager not only could not say where he was; she could not even say when he would be back! After three days he reappeared. No attempt has ever been made to disclose his whereabouts. Witnesses identified him partying at the Bohemian Grove Saturday night, celebrating John’s death. Karen Hughes demanded a retraction when the Sacramento Bee published this story. The story’s author offered to do so, if Hughes would reveal where Bush actually was. Hughes made no offer of any such information, nor any further demands for a retraction. This information is all laid out in my video The Assassination of John Kennedy Jr., available at, you guessed it, [[|]].Tom you may wanna read my review. Bob posted it about a week or so ago. "It took me nearly 40 years to find these memos; and nearly another ten to figure out what they mean. Believe me, I’m not bragging. But I am advocating patience." Um major problem here Tom mate is that Hankey has not been studying the case for 40 years. He never knew of the existence of these documents 40 years ago, he never found the documents they came out in 1988, and Kennedy has not been dead for 50 years. Thats just for starters. If you wanna make solid links with the Bushes and the Kennedy assassination (best of luck, George was just another rich little ass wipe with connections hes nothing special in my opinion of course). But lemme tell you, your not gonna make any with Hankey. Unless you really believe George Bush threatened Hoover with an ice bullet dart gun which caused heart attacks (in his own office). Save your money mate.

Seamus Cooghan on John Hankey

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:08 am
by Phil Dragoo ... nky.html48 postsI read the 21,000-word review and found it credible and compelling.It's posted on CTKA which is a credential of substance, there being no conceivable higher court of peer review.Still not able to grasp the Hankey math of fifty years studying a forty-seven-year-old crime.

Re: Seamus Cooghan on John Hankey

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:37 am
by SeamusCoogan
Phil Dragoo wrote: ... nky.html48 postsI read the 21,000-word review and found it credible and compelling.It's posted on CTKA which is a credential of substance, there being no conceivable higher court of peer review.Still not able to grasp the Hankey math of fifty years studying a forty-seven-year-old crime.Thanks Phil. Yeah, I think Tom J WIll find Greg Palasts "Bush Family Fortunes" More to his liking. Have you seen it if not Dragoo and gang check it out. ... 9971500776#

Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:18 am
by NickMarinich
Seamus, what do you think of Hankey's docu on JFK Jr?

Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:19 pm
by SeamusCoogan
Not being a JFK jr expert by any stretch i cant say much. But the idea that he was killed by a manchurian candidate fly instructor (ludicrous utterly ludicrous) rather than a simple case of someone sabotaging his plane (a good friend of mine whose a tech freak told me its frighteningly easy to do if thats the case) and having a lax coast guard system. Lol.No if JFK 2 is an example I'd stay well clear Nick.