A discussion of Ed Haslam's work

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Gentlemen It is time for me to say this. you all have the right to question any and all supposed facts you wishAs for me I feel a loyalty to support those that to me are truthful.I accept James Files, Judyth Baker, Ed Haslam, Chauncy Holt, Roger Craig as all being truthful.It is fun to discuss the things they have told us. I am appreciative for their honesty and willingness to stand out from the crowd and be heard, to tell their story even at great personal loss.but i am not going to be a part of an attack on their honesty and integrity.If they are disinfo agents then I am hooked.disinfo agents usually attack the veracity and character of the one they are discreditinghidden within the facts they are expressing.Also on a comment by Pasquali about Israel being involved in the plot.I have long been one who was outspoken about the Zionist and their roll in the world order but sometimes get caught up in calling them Jews when that is not what I mean at all but we have been conditioned that way. All Israelites are not Jews and all Jews are not Israelites.We have been conditioned for years about the holocaust and if you mention the word Jew you are instantly branded antisemitic.We have the same situation with the Zionists as we have with the conspirators in this countryWe are warned about them that call themselves Jews but are not.The migration of the tribes of israel is very interesting and revealing. I am afraid not many are aware of the true facts about their history..And of course you are not supposed to know. how else can you be deceived.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:Pasquale I am no rocket scientist so what i think about Accelerators would not be useful in a discussion.However I did a little research into particle Accelerators and here is what I found.As you can read, Accelerators of every form are used in the medical field.So to insinuate that X Ray is sufficient for all medical purposes is erroneous and false.This gal picked and chose from this article what she needed to cast doubt.See what you think. This is not going very deep at all into the field.Beams of high-energy particles are useful for both fundamental and applied research in the sciences, and also in many technical and industrial fields unrelated to fundamental research. It has been estimated that there are approximately 26,000 accelerators worldwide. Of these, only ~1% are the research machines with energies above 1 GeV (that are the main focus of this article), ~44% are for radiotherapy, ~41% for ion implantation, ~9% for industrial processing and research, and ~4% for biomedical and other low-energy research.[6]For the most basic inquiries into the dynamics and structure of matter, space, and time, physicists seek the simplest kinds of interactions at the highest possible energies. These typically entail particle energies of many GeV, and the interactions of the simplest kinds of particles: leptons (e.g. electrons and positrons) and quarks for the matter, or photons and gluons for the field quanta. Since isolated quarks are experimentally unavailable due to color confinement, the simplest available experiments involve the interactions of, first, leptons with each other, and second, of leptons with nucleons, which are composed of quarks and gluons. To study the collisions of quarks with each other, scientists resort to collisions of nucleons, which at high energy may be usefully considered as essentially 2-body interactions of the quarks and gluons of which they are composed. Thus elementary particle physicists tend to use machines creating beams of electrons, positrons, protons, and anti-protons, interacting with each other or with the simplest nuclei (e.g., hydrogen or deuterium) at the highest possible energies, generally hundreds of GeV or more. Nuclear physicists and cosmologists may use beams of bare atomic nuclei, stripped of electrons, to investigate the structure, interactions, and properties of the nuclei themselves, and of condensed matter at extremely high temperatures and densities, such as might have occurred in the first moments of the Big Bang. These investigations often involve collisions of heavy nuclei – of atoms like iron or gold – at energies of several GeV per nucleon. At lower energies, beams of accelerated nuclei are also used in medicine, as for the treatment of cancer.Besides being of fundamental interest, high energy electrons may be coaxed into emitting extremely bright and coherent beams of high energy photons – ultraviolet and X ray – via synchrotron radiation, which photons have numerous uses in the study of atomic structure, chemistry, condensed matter physics, biology, and technology. Examples include the ESRF in Europe, which has recently been used to extract detailed 3-dimensional images of insects trapped in amber.[7] Thus there is a great demand for electron accelerators of moderate (GeV) energy and high intensity.[edit] Low-energy machinesEveryday examples of particle accelerators are cathode ray tubes found in television sets and X-ray generators. These low-energy accelerators use a single pair of electrodes with a DC voltage of a few thousand volts between them. In an X-ray generator, the target itself is one of the electrodes. A low-energy particle accelerator called an ion implanter is used in the manufacture of integrated circuits.[edit] High-energy machinesDC accelerator types capable of accelerating particles to speeds sufficient to cause nuclear reactions are Cockcroft-Walton generators or voltage multipliers, which convert AC to high voltage DC, or Van de Graaff generators that use static electricity carried by belts.The largest and most powerful particle accelerators, such as the RHIC, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN (which came on-line in mid-November 2009[8][9][10]) and the Tevatron, are used for experimental particle physics.Particle accelerators can also produce proton beams, which can produce proton-rich medical or research isotopes as opposed to the neutron-rich ones made in fission reactors; however, recent work has shown how to make 99Mo, usually made in reactors, by accelerating isotopes of hydrogen[11], although this method still requires a reactor to produce tritium. An example of this type of machine is LANSCE at Los Alamos.[edit] Electrostatic particle acceleratorsMain article: Electrostatic nuclear acceleratorHistorically, the first accelerators used simple technology of a single static high voltage to accelerate charged particles. While this method is still extremely popular today, the number of electrostatic accelerators greatly out-numbering any other class, they are more suited towards lower energy studies owing to the practical voltage limit of about 30 MV (when the accelerator is placed in a gas tank). The same high voltage can be used twice in a tandem if the charge of the particles can be reversed while they are inside the terminal; this is possible with the acceleration of atomic nuclei by first adding an extra electron or forming an cationic (negatively charged) chemical compound, and then putting the beam through a thin foil to strip off electrons inside the high voltage conducting terminal, making a beam of positive charge.This category should not be confused with linear accelerators, which term refers to accelerators that use oscillating electric fields or waveguides. Thus, most accelerators arranged in a straight line are not termed "linear accelerators".[edit] Oscillating field particle acceleratorsDue to the high voltage ceiling imposed by electrical discharge, in order to accelerate particles to higher energies, techniques involving more than one lower, but oscillating, high voltage sources. These electrodes can either be arranged to accelerate particles in a line or circle, depending on whether the particles are subject to a magnetic field while they are accelerated, causing their trajectories to arc.[edit] Linear particle acceleratorsMain article: Linear particle acceleratorIn a linear accelerator (linac), particles are accelerated in a straight line with a target of interest at one end. Linacs are very widely used – every cathode ray tube contains one. They are also sometimes used to provide an initial low-energy kick to particles before they are injected into circular accelerators. The longest linac in the world is the Stanford Linear Accelerator, SLAC, which is 3 km (2 miles) long. SLAC is an electron-positron collider.Linear high-energy accelerators use a linear array of plates (or drift tubes) to which an alternating high-energy field is applied. As the particles approach a plate they are accelerated towards it by an opposite polarity charge applied to the plate. As they pass through a hole in the plate, the polarity is switched so that the plate now repels them and they are now accelerated by it towards the next plate. Normally a stream of "bunches" of particles are accelerated, so a carefully controlled AC voltage is applied to each plate to continuously repeat this process for each bunch.As the particles approach the speed of light the switching rate of the electric fields becomes so high that they operate at microwave frequencies, and so RF cavity resonators are used in higher energy machines instead of simple plates.Linear accelerators are also widely used in medicine, for radiotherapy and radiosurgery. Medical grade LINACs accelerate electrons using a klystron and a complex bending magnet arrangement which produces a beam of 6-30 million electron-volt (MeV) energy. The electrons can be used directly or they can be collided with a target to produce a beam of X-rays. The reliability, flexibility and accuracy of the radiation beam produced has largely supplanted the older use of Cobalt-60 therapy as a treatment tool.Joe, your particle accelerator lesson to the forum looks like the exact link that Jennifer Lake posts in her article. In fact, I think it IS the exact link to it. So, it doesn't look like she did a pick-and-choose routine. If she did, why did you post her own words?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:Look at Files, Haslam and Baker, they are live witnesses.by discrediting their story for lack of proof, what have we accomplished?Hey Joe,How is Haslam a witness? He's like a witness to a witness, which doesn't make him the same kind of witness as someone like Files and Judyth Baker.So, to put Haslam up there with Files and Baker is MISLEADING and disinformation. Did Haslam work in that lab? Was he on the grassy knoll? Why do you put him up there with actual "witnesses?"You see, this is how disinformation works.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:Judyth would not known about the particle accellerator.She never actually worked with Sherman and only saw her when she delivered the goods.I am sure that accellerators are adjustable for output.He does not call Shermans death definatly a murder but that it was odd that it happened the very day the Warren Commision came to New Orleans. He thought it might have been an Industrial accident?Personally I lean towards an accident maybe intentional given what we know about suspicious deathsI think she was burned by the actual beam of the accellerator instead of the lever theory but that is my question to ask Ed.Joe,I believe that Ed Haslam said that Judyth had a key to Mary Sherman's apartment. How can you say that she never worked with her?As for the accelerator being "ajustable for output," how do you know this? Can you show me a link or get Ed Haslam to give you one? Also, how can you say that Ed Haslam didn't call Mary Sherman's death a murder? The cause of death was a stab wound to the heart. I also believe there were stab wounds to her genitals that were post mortem. Anyway, she didn't stab herself in the heart. So...it leads someone like me to conclude that she was murdered. Are you saying that Haslam isn't sure of this? Are you serious?Joe, how can you lean towards "an accident maybe intentional" reason for her death? She was found in her apartment, missing an arm, with a stab wound to her heart. It looks like you are the one who is picking and choosing your information to blindly support Ed Haslam. The only problem is that you're not supporting Ed Haslam. Ed Haslam said that Judyth Baker knew Mary Sherman and worked with her, had dinner at her apartment, had a key to her apartment, and now you're saying that she didn't work with Sherman? Now, you're not even supporting Ed Haslam's story. What gives?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:THIS WOMAN IS SPENDING FAR TOO MUCH TIME AND ENERGY ON THIS TO not BE INVOLVED IN A SOPHISTICATED DEBUNKING PROCESS, mho. Joe, By your logic, are you saying that the only honest people are people who DON'T spend much time and energy on an issue? Also, any debunking process sort of HAS to be sophisticated, don't you think? I believe that Jennifer Lake is a polio researcher. She wrote an article called "Assassination by Cancer" and came across the Ed Haslam material in the process.I believe she thinks that the polio vaccine contamination was NOT a mistake as Haslam claim. Haslam makes it out to be a mistake. I don't think Jennifer Lake thinks it was a mistake at all. Read her articles. Read the Polio material she wrote. She thinks the polio vaccine was a part of the nuclear weapons program at that time. It seems that you are misrepresenting Jennifer Lake. Mormon agent? Are you serious?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:Mary Sherman's death:http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index ... ,Excellent link! That clears up the mess and shows that Mary Sherman was undoubtedly murdered.More on point with my suspicions about nuclear weapons work being also done there is this quote from the link you provided:"As Edward Haslam points out in Dr. Mary's Monkey: "In 1937, it (University of Chicago) produced the first sustained nuclear reaction for UC physicist Enrico Fermi. This is where Mary Sherman did her post-graduate work. She was trained at the headquarters of nuclear, bio-chemical, and genetic research in America." So, Mary Sherman was trained at the headquarters of nuclear, bio-chemical, and genetic research in America.The word that jumps out at me, given the size of the linear particle beam accelerator, is NUCLEAR. LOL What I'm seeing is a machine that does not seem suited for biological work and is rather more suited to nuclear work, and, of course, one of the main doctors there is a woman, Mary Sherman, who trained at the "headquarters of nuclear, bio-chemical, and genetic research..." Dealy Joe said that the linear particle beam accelerator's power could be adjusted for output or adjusted to a point where genetic mutation could be done with it. To my knowledge, lasers can be adjusted that way, but not a linear particl beam accelerator. I see no mention of that in the Haslam material. What I DO see is references to that same machine being able to vaporize limbs and, in one instance, vaporizing an entire adult male. Has Haslam given any thought to this? If he did give thought to this, why isn't he talking about it?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Dealey Joe »

You have a lot of questions,Size does matter. Particle accelerators run from very small cathode tubes to very large machines.Most electronics of this nature use an exciter to control them, hence I would guess their output could be ADJUSTED.Judyth may have had a key to Shermans apartment but to be able to leave her material when Sherman was not at home.She has not said she worked side beside Sherman in fact as I understand just the opposite, JVB delivered her work to Sherman and Sherman took it from her and did something else with it.As far as what JVB knew and what Ed Haslam could deduce from what evidence he could find could and would be totally different.JVB at the age of 17 probably with her abilities knew about particle accelerators but most likely had never been around one at that time.Ed assumed from the evidence he talks about in his interviews that it to him appeared to be murder but could well have been an accident. he could not know which however she was killed by someone with a knife. He calls it a "mercy killing"Why did I post this article that seems to be the same??? because it was the very first thing that came up in my search engine when I typed in "Particle Accelerator" and as you can see the article states than these particle accelerators ARE USED IN THE MEDICAL FIELD for research. She says not...an x ray is sufficient.Ed never saw the particle accelerator but was able to visit what was left of the building as the accelerator evidently been removed by then.I don't know what is so hard about listening to ed and seeing what he is talking about, he answers all these questions.Why is it so hard to believe there was an accelerator there in use. Ed don't know what all it was used for.I would say that when Sherman needed to use it it would be made available to her. Ed does not even know for sure she even used one but there was one there and it was the only thing capable of doing the damage to Shermans body that he could find.eEd does a good job of detective work here. he ties JVB to Sherman, he ties Sherman to Ochsner, He ties Oschner to Oswald.JVB does the same, She ties to Oschner, She ties to Sherman, She ties to Oswald.Hell, Ray Charles could follow that road.In my mind I am sure the Gov. or more likely the military was working on Bio weapons, we know they did/do.Was that particular Particle Accelerator used for weapon production/ I don't know, Ed would not know, JVB would not know and you don't know. we have to do the same os ED, get some facts together and see what it looks like.I really cannot comment on MZ. Lake, I do not know her or her expertise. I only looked at what she published and to me what stood out was exactly what she was accusing Ed of and actually going thru him to get to Fizer.you interpret it however you can.You seem to be willing to accept what Mz.Lake thinks. where is her PROOF.Mormon? Quaker? Zionist Jew? I don't know. I have read other articles that talk about these religious sects being more heavily involved in these areas. Ruth Paine and Von Pein are Quaker or at least from Quaker backgrounds. The Mexican Oswald connection was said to be Quaker/? you tell me.If you all have not read Ed Haslams book then I recommend you do that.It should answer all the questions that have come up here.Well I have run out of energy here.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Dealey Joe wrote:Look at Files, Haslam and Baker, they are live witnesses.by discrediting their story for lack of proof, what have we accomplished?Hey Joe,How is Haslam a witness? He's like a witness to a witness, which doesn't make him the same kind of witness as someone like Files and Judyth Baker.So, to put Haslam up there with Files and Baker is MISLEADING and disinformation. Did Haslam work in that lab? Was he on the grassy knoll? Why do you put him up there with actual "witnesses?"You see, this is how disinformation works. Now I am a disinfo agent?I don't put him up with anyone.In his own way Ed was a witness, He was in New Orleans at the right time, He was at the university and had access to facts and rumors. I only said I have listend to his story, I have read his book, I say he is truthful.Can I prove it? NO. Can Mz. Lake Prove not? NOI don't have enough information and neither does she. I doubt she was even around in '63I now feel like I am a member of the Education Forum.