Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

07.24.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Joe - You raise good points as always. But you missed my point. Perhaps I could have written it better.Obama does not have to have a CIA Library Card to be part of the group, or do their bidding.Though I am a member at many libraries, when I visit one that I am not a member at, does not preclude me from being a student, or doing valid research, study, and writing.At the highest levels of any alphabet organization I do not think that you walk down to the Human Resources Department and have a Photo I.D. taken.Do you really think, for example that after being sworn in as President of the United States of America, Barack Obama had to go to some Human Resource Department of the White House and have a Photo I.D. taken that he must carry in his wallet next to his driver's license, but behind his CIA I.D. ? See my point ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Well Bruce what comes to mind is what Chauncy Holt said about making the communist cards for someone to carry. They don't carry cards. They just seem to know one another.
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Re: Legend of O

Post by ChristophMessner »

Phil Dragoo wrote: Brennan was O's pick for DCI. Did Brennan's Analysis Corp. sanitize O's passport file.Brennan is now O's assistant for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism.Manning stipulates O is a zionist asset; Daniel Pipes has this to say about Brennan: ... shingtonIt was said O was under Brzezinski's wing at Columbia. What is of note is O retained Gates who co-authored with Brezinski the 2004 CFR paper Iran: Time for a New Approach: Brennan and Gates/Brzezinski would seem to mitigate against the zionist tag.The presence in Pak in 81 in company with two Islamist brothers. The sweetest sound on earth; my muslim faith; NASA tasked to Muslim outreach. Curiouser and curiouser.Hillary was teamed with Saudi agent of influence Huma Abedin. Manning might have transited Sutton to Monsour to Taleel, oh my.Or O is Malcolm X's son conceived in Cuba. Frank Marshall Davis. The Little Red Schoolhouse. Anthony Frank on jfklancer insists KGB infiltrators ran CIA and may yet.The tabla rasa invites projection, and certain presentation invites characterization.Did Putin decapitate the Polish regime after O withdrew the US missile system. Strobe Talbott the great Khruschev/Russian scholar under the Clintons forecast the extinction of the nation-state.Will O actually push CIA to unass its Johanides files, suggesting global cooling in hell?Manning is a caricature, comic relief—but the best comedy contains elements of truth—viz. George Carlin.O told Cubans they ought not blame him for something which happened “four months after I was born”--but wait: he alleges he was born August 61; Bay of Pigs was four months BEFORE, in April, not four months AFTER in December. Can he keep ANYTHING straight.Maybe he needs a new data center: ... center/The Utah project was enabled by a new funding bill signed last week by President Obama, which also provides money for an expansion of the power infrastructure at Fort Meade, Maryland where the NSA’s primary data center is located. All that additional power. On top of 1947. 1948. 1963.Poppy production is up in Afghan. Mexico is open for business. O's in the Oval Office. ... atedThanks a lot for your enlightening compendium, Phil! At first sight to this info, I was going to say: "This is enough to tell it all." But at second sight I continue asking myself about the aganda of the more or less hidden elite to which good actor-boys like Barrack or Gates or Brennan are just the marionettes for the media to keep people's minds busy with unimortant daily soap far from the real agenda issues. Do the people's really have a chance against this agenda? With extremely talented muckrakers like Julian Assange from wikileaks for example? Maybe it's godgiven that the people will never reach a glimp of executive power, but all the muckrakers, resistance fighters, truthers, ngos, critical thinkers together will just help raising the level of sound scepticism and immunity for manipulation in the langauge and thinking of the people, so that the agendae of the power elite can never be accomplished undisturbed and unwithspoken. ThomZajac wrote: In my view, yes, yes, OF COURSE Obama is a representative of the secret government. EVERY president is.I think, we have to take into account, that the heads of state in Russia, China, India, Japan, Saudi-Arabia, ... are representatives of their more or less secret governments as well, so if there is worldwide war for future world leadership and exploitation guarantees, it's logical that the executive branch is not only praying and telling the truth and nothing but the truth all day and promoting integrity and nothing but integrity all over. But the question is: Is it possible for any human, after having come to power, to change a little and to work against those who have brought you to power, cause you feel an inner call? Can we trust a natural impulse of livelihood in any human, which is able to learn, change and jump out of outdated agendae? Probably it is only likely that the president is a representative of the secret government, but it is not necessarily so. The more informed a people is, the less secret a government-behind-government can afford to be. It always moves to the question, what is real intelligence? Is social/compassional/mutuallyrespectful/helpful/honest intelligence more powerful in the long run than asocial/stratigic/intention-to-rule/win-war intelligence in the short run?If Obama has done things for the Company and Brzezinski&Co in Pakistan/Afghanistan/Indonesia during his Columbia University "studiing" years, then he must have left traces ...
Michael Calder
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Michael Calder »

Guys,Does anyone know if Dr. Manning's two best friends, Amos and Andy also think that Obama is a CIA agent.
Phil Dragoo
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President Obama Addresses the C.I.A.

Post by Phil Dragoo »

President Obama Addresses the C.I.A. ... re=related
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Re: President Obama Addresses the C.I.A.

Post by ChristophMessner »

Phil Dragoo wrote:President Obama Addresses the C.I.A. ... relatedThe camera man held into the wrong direction, haha! I wonder, whether anybody in the CIA, including Obama, knows for which values they are working anymore. The address sounded like Obama had to care about a lot of self-doubt in the company and he cared by the usual reliable stereotypes. Whether the "enemies" are really enemies and what the threats actually are he did not say ...
tom jeffers
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by tom jeffers »

Michael Calder wrote:Guys,Does anyone know if Dr. Manning's two best friends, Amos and Andy also think that Obama is a CIA agent. http://www.jfkcia.comobama was recruited by the cia at occidental college. he spoke farsi and was used in afgahistan as an interpreter. they got him into harvard. he never went to columbia university that is why nobody that went there those years ever saw him or remembered him, he does not appear in any publication and there is no trace of him there. that is why all of his school records are locked and sealed away. he was student editor of harvards law review which meant he could have went to any of the largest prestigeous law firms but because he could not pass the citizenship test and his records did not jive, he chose to be a low paid community organizer where his background would not be scrutinized.
Michael Calder
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Michael Calder »

Tom Jeffers,Just as an experiment, a few hours ago, I got a notepad and pen and watched 15 minutes of Fox News. First, a general discussion of Iran being such a threat and Obama wanting to establish a dialogue with Iran and how bad and nieve that is. Then how his health care plan is destructive and then how Obama economics is hurting the country. Next, Eliot Abrams, a real criminal, now with the Council on Foreign Relations, goes on about Obama and Iran getting together. Next, John Bolton using the word "Dangerous" in describing Obama. That's just in fifteen minutes. You know a man by the enemies he makes. The Obama hate machine is orchestrated by the people you know are the enemy. The public is being softened up before the hit. What don't you guys get?
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by ThomZajac »

It's possible that both of you guys (Tom and Michael) are right. Obama could very well be CIA as well as being a representative of the hidden government that really runs things (I like to call them 'the wizards'), AND he could also be in the cross hairs of the FOX hate machine (which he obviously his).I think one of the greatest triumphs the wizards have achieved is the almost universal perception that the media is liberal and that the most liberal of them all is The New York Times, when if fact it is The Wizards who run those shows. It's the perception of The New York Times being a liberal bastion that makes it such a powerful propaganda tool; if the paper were perceived as establishment-dictated, the news it prints would been viewed in an entirely different light.And so it is with Obama. He is perfect for the Wizards because he can be painted as an ultra-liberal, dangerous, socialist ANTI establishment guy, when he actually a willing representative of The Wizards. What could be better than that?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.07.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Gentlemen - Brilliant work by all contributors.Michael - I am being hyper-analytical, not negative.Define or explain clearly your exact meaning, please:"...The public is being softened up before the hit. What don't you guys get ?"I am thinking of Re-Posting a two (2) year old Headline and subsequent Posts thereunder of mine that missed the mark time wise, and I am curious to see if we are on the same line of thought at this point in time, i.e., JFK vs. CIA.This week Obama said the troops are coming home on schedule.Later that day Gates said no they are not. The wars will continue. (My words, condensed version.)Comments ?Respectfully,BB.