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Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:50 pm
by Bob
Excellent feedback fellas. This entire thread has brought out great information and insight, plus good JFK assassination book referrals. I believe the period of 2008 & 2009 was a breakthrough era regarding research about the JFK assassination. Why? The excellent books by James Douglass and Doug Horne. I think they might be the two of the most important books written about the JFK murder. They both definitely put together a number of pieces of the puzzle. Add to that Wim's great book regarding James Files, and we see a pretty clear picture as to how this murder went down. If you haven't read these three books, you are starving your intellectual mind. ... 080&sr=1-1

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:05 pm
by Kit Carp
Dealey Joe wrote:Thank your father for his comments.I am not ready to say that Life people were involved at this time.I can see where they well could have been but no real proof.Most of the researchers here are Hornetts but not being able to do extensive reading I must take their observations to contemplate his work.I tend to be sceptical of what book writers say as fact.I do think we were screwed with at every turn in some fashion like withholding the Zfilm for years.If not for Garrison we most likely still would not have seen it.You say Hollywood crew? where can we find out what they found?Hi again-Ah, I understand your position. It is very hard, and only natural, to be very sceptical of new information, if you arent able to keep up with new evidence that is uncovered in books that actually present the evidence.It's clear that those who ran LIfe Magazine at the period JFK was assassinated had ties to the CIA. This is not proof that they themselves actively tried to keep the film from the America people, in itself. They also paid Mr. Zapruder an awful lot of money for the "film broadcasting rights", after they had already acquired the photo publication rights, and after they had seen the film. One has to ponder for a very long time the reasoning behind this. They never showed the film they bought. Why then, did they buy the film rights at all? I cant think of any innocent reason. Can anyone?Throughout the entire history of the Z film's existance, there has been a struggle to get it seen by the American public. Even after we, the people, bought the film, with our taxpayer still have these issues present. You've got the Dealy Plaza Museum hiding those excellent images in their have to get permission to use them, and pay a fat, outrageous sum if you do get permission. Why, exactly is that?I realize this is just "circumstantial evidence". But, it's pretty damn damning....if you ask me.***Doug Horne isnt just a writer coming in from nowhere with his opinions on the case, he was the Chief, Senior Analyist of Military Records on the ARRB, which was an actual government body studying the records...which gave him the chance to first hand study the evidence. Here is an official government employee, a "boss" who had other anaylist's working under him, who found critical evidence of conspiracy, and was motivated to write a book about it, after the ARRB's existance was completed. Heavy stuff.One of the very best thing about his massive, 5 volume book is that he brings this witness testimony, pictures, drawings with him to the book. Most of the book is him simply presenting what the witness's say....sort of cobbling it together, with supporting evidence buttressing the case pointing towards conspiracy.I too, tend to take with a grain of salt works where authors make accusations, or come to theories, without supportive documentation, and I suspect Doug Horne's masterwork might very well contain the "most specific amounts of direct evidence" of any book on the case. Where many books contain explosive fluff...."Inside the ARRB" is a careful compilation of first hand evidence in the form of documents and testimony brought all together.***Doug Horne writes about Sydney Wilkerson and her film editor husband in his book. They both work in Hollywood in film post-production, and she is the one who has brought together this Hollywood Film Group to document the alteration of the Z film. Several prominent film historians, film restoration experts, top of the field people have examined the state of the art, flat or neutral HD digital scan Sydney had made from a 35mm dupe negative, at great cost, from the forensic copy of the Zapruder film that sits in our National Archives.Each of the people Sydney showed the images to agreed that rather crude, obvious alterations were made.This is the first time any professionals or experts have physically looked for signs of alteration on something that isnt a fuzzy, later dub. The quality of this HD scan offers amazingly crisp images....nothing at all like anything else available to the public.Sydney and her husband are currently working on a documentary of what they have found. It is a noble endeavor, and speaking as someone who also works in the entertainment field in a position as an artist, in a field close to what they are studying, it is very clear to me, professonally, that they have really nailed something no one has been able to see before, because it is only in the last 10 years or so that we have had the technological capabilities to do what Sydney has done.I think this is quite exciting, and Doug writes about it in depth in his last chapter of book IV of his big work.

Magic bullets or Morales' Yaqui Way of Termination

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:26 am
by Phil Dragoo
Kill Zone, Craig Roberts, pages 89-90:According to my friend, Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock, the former senior instructor for the U.S. Marine Corps Sniper Instructor School at Quantico, Virginia, it could not be done as described by the FBI investigators. Gunny Hathcock, now retired, is the most famous American military sniper in history. In Vietnam he was credited with 93 confirmed kills—and a total of over 300 actual kills counting those unconfirmed. He now conducts police SWAT team sniper schools across the country. When I called him to ask if he had seen the Zapruder film, he chuckled and cut me off. “Let me tell you what we did at Quantico,” he began. “We reconstructed the whole thing: the angle, the range, the moving target, the time limit, the obstacles, everything. I don't know how many times we tried it, but we couldn't duplicate what the Warren Commission said Oswald did. Now if I can't do it, how in the world could a guy who was a non-qual on the rifle range and later only qualified 'marksman' do it?”Horne established the arrival of the plain shipping casket with JFK in a body bag at 18:35 per the after-action report of the squad leader who brought it in.Humes was seen wielding a skull saw in the period ending 7:15. Then an hour later, Humes beats his chest and cries out that there has been, “Surgery, to the head.” Gunn and Horne noted Boswell drawing the back-of-the-head wound—AND the giant Crater Lake National Park created by Humes, “Texas Skullsaw Massacre—Friday the Thirteenth.”How many witnesses to the “small, round wound” in the right front hairline—the shot from the Grassy Knoll.A grand presentation of Mantik, including radiodensitometry at the National Archives proving the 6.5 mm round artifact to be a hoax, along with the white patches of Bondo on both lateral skull x-rays obliterating the suture. Kennedy was exceptional but was he the only human born without the suture.Horne all the more amazing considering he survived in the toxic environment for four years, the sole holdout for truth in the land of the newthinkers—even Gunn fell asleep and was taken by The Bodysnatchers.Two brains, two brain exams, a third to a half missing yet a weight of 1500 grams, Humes and Boswell and Stringer with the deli slicer; then, Humes and Boswell and Fincke with the brain of John Doe Number Two. Is there anything more asinine than Humes and Boswell and Fincke playing Locate the Rear Entry Wound? They look at the extant photo and hem and haw and wring their hands. They fold like pocket knives when various panels raise and lower the wound like a window blind in the Dal-Tex building.And the autopsy photo of the open wound in the side of the head the size of a coal car when the forty at Dallas and Bethesda saw the rear wound—only.We await Tom Hanks in Toy Deposit Story IV: Buzz Specter and Woody Bugliosi Hype the Magic Hoax in Posner Plaza.Between Forrest Gump and talking to a volleyball, the man's got the credibility of a crash dummy.

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:36 am
by Davyjones
Got a lot of reading to do! I just bought Rush to Judgment on E bay for $3. Lets hope I can get some more at this price!

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:06 pm
by Kit Carp
"Rush to Judgement" is an excellent place to start. It is not at all a bad idea to work your way up through the case starting with the earliest good books on the case, towards today.Lane is very smart, and asks good, logical questions.

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:42 pm
by andries
I alway,s have a strong impression that the moment off the headshot has depended entirelyon govenour connely from some angles he could have been in the way ,in particulair from behind the the moment connely falls over to the left,for a front shooter right,the headshot follows ,this is possible from a surten angle and distance.

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:14 pm
by barney 1961
8/26/10 Fellow Forum Members; I have found and in the process of reading and viewing photos made by Chief White House Photographer Cecil Stoughton, and Bob Knudsen, and others on the White House detail during the late 1950's, and on into the so-called Camelot Era of theKennedy Years, written by Richard B. Trask,"" Pictures Of The Pain", published by Yeoman Press of Danvers, Ma. in 1994. At the time Stoughton and Knudsen were assigned duty under General "Ted" Clifton, under auspices of the Secretary of Defense, who needed a motion picture and still picture topqualifty photographer with much experiences in his field. Stoughton went on the first shakeddown cruise of the nuclear submarine, the USSNautilus, and also was present in Huntsville, Al. when the military wished to have photos and film of missile and rocket launches there and later on from Cape Canavaral, Florida.White House staff photograper Stoughton was selected, after JFK liked some of the photos he took of the President and his family. After this JFK asked his chief superior Gen. Clifton to assignStoughton and Knudsen to the White House Photo dept. on a permanent basis. Thushe and Kunudsen were directed permanently to the White House staff, and he had virtual unobstructed access to Jack Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, Robert and Ted, and the Kennedy children and guests. They made over 8,000 photos during their time there. One of his most treasured mementos is a signed and dated photo of JFK playing with John-John in the Oval Office.During the Nov. 22, 1963 motorcade, one of very many motorcades Stoughton had ridden in before, the press car was in position #7 as assignedby the Secret Service officials in charge, Emory Roberts, Roy Kellerman, & Winston Lawson. lawson, had surveyed the route beforehand withDPD Chief Curry and Dallas Sheriff Decker prior to the motorcade trip to Texas that fall. It was the opinion of Lawson, that the motorcadeshould proceed down Main Street to Stemmons Freeway and no turn onto Houston and the sharp left turn onto Elm and the triangulation that proceeded once the day proceeded towards noontime, and JFK's date with infamy, a public spectacle not likely to occur again in ourlifetime. To his credit, Lawson was disinclined to use Main Street at all, as there were better and safer routes from Love Field to the TradeMart, where Kennedy was scheduled for a luncheon speech that day. In fact of matter, Lawson was also opposed to using the newer TradeMart facility as it was too large and difficult for the advance team and the followup team guarding the President and First Lady and dignitaries to provide even adequte protocols and protections.This book is a good read so far, and has a massive amount of black and white photos from various cameras used on that fateful day frommany private persons, professional photographers etc. and fillin information of what is going on at that particular time. Because of being so far behind in the motorcade, Trask got out and took still photos with his cameras, one being a large format

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:40 am
by barney 1961
8/30/10Kit, sounds as if your Dad qualifies as a gun and shooting expert. However, I have killed a fair amount of small game and a few deer, andone thing has always struck me as odd, when a .30-06 bullet hits a deer in the shoulder area, for a heart-lung kill shot that drops them intheir tracks, they always fall towards the shooter, not blown back and away from the shooter. Either they collapse straight down in a heap,run a short distance and pile up, or they fall as described down and towards the shot fired. Same goes for small game shot still or running,it falls back towards the impact of a rifle or shotgun blast.Started on another good book, better than the other one which was filled up with stuff only a professional photographer would love, lenses,filters, angles, cameras etc.-This book is; " Bloody Treason," by Noel Twyman, copyrighted 1997, and published by Laurel Publishing, P.O.B. 67 5128, Rancho Santa Fe,California 92067. I am finding this book very well researched and written by a non-professional author or investigator, but a science engineer who like so manyof us, have become more or less captivated by their monstrous crime of the 20th Century, not just of the murder itself, but the massive after the fact coverup.

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:26 pm
by barney 1961
Members; I started reading eye witness Jean Hill's book last night and knocked out about 70 pages of it. Its a pretty good read and dealswith what she says she did that day, what she saw, and the aftermath of this which greatly affected her life thereafter due to harassmentby the public, the FBI and the CIA. She was hounded mercilessly from the time she told two men with badges on the Knoll, that she was up up on the Knoll trying to catch up with a shooter behind the picket fence. As she had reached the west end of the sidewalk in front of thepicket fence and next to the pergola she found a man dressed as a police officer who appeared very nervous and carrying a rifle of some kind.This she thought on first impression was odd, as none of the other officers carried rifles at the scene at that time, only afterwards. At thatpoint, she was accosted by two men in suits, who shoved badges in her face and told her to smile and quietly come with them, which shevehemently protested but away she was dragged anyway, as was her friend with a new Polaroid camera, Mary Moorman. Jean had 4-5photos in her red raincoat pocket drying with fixate on them, but they were confiscated by these officers never to be seen again. Thesedetainments occurred around 12:45pm and they were held in police custody in the County Records Dept 3rd floor until around 9:00 pm when they were finally able to slip unnoticed out of the building, and into Mary's car for a quick journey home for some welcomed rest. This however was just the beginning of their misadventure into harassing phone calls, surveillance by the FBI, nasty letters and midnight rudeabusive phone calls from rank strangers, and numerous repetitive meetings with CIA-FBI officials in downtone Dallas, to over and again repeat her story only to be rebuffed repeatedly, as these officers of the law sought to get her to change her version of events to their theory, thatLee Oswald fired three shots into the Presidents limo killing JFH, wounding Gov. Connelly, and that there were no other shots or shooters.So far so good, aside from her love affair with the motorcade right rear motorcycle cop, who she had gone to see more than to get the President and Jackie's pictures, with her new love interest, and the President of the USA in the same polaroid photo for her album of pictures.

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:00 am
by kenmurray