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Oswald acquitted--History Undunkeled

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:39 am
by Phil Dragoo
Oh wait—maybe Oswald DIDN'T murder Tippit--This leads us to the murder of Patrolman J. D. Tippit. Quite naturally, Bugliosi thinks there is no question about Oswald's guilt in this incident also. As the reader can see here, Bugliosi appears to distort Mark Lane's fine work on the Tippit murder. (To the point that Lane has sent a letter to Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman at their company Playtone threatening to sue if these are repeated in the production they are preparing based on this book.) Bugliosi deals with the mismatching of cartridges with bullets in an on-page footnote in his End Notes section. (pgs. 451-52) There were two Winchester and two Remington shells which hit the officer. But the bullets were three Winchesters and one Remington. How does the prosecutor solve this problem? He says that one shot missed. And he does not in any way note the paradox of what he says in this instance with what he said previously about the murder of JFK. With JFK, Bugliosi promulgates the myth of Oswald the excellent shooter -- which as we have seen is false. Yet in this case, at very close range, he wants us to believe this crack shot somehow missed. Also, as I noted in part one, with the JFK shooting Bugliosi demands to know: if there were more than three shots, where did the extra bullets or shells go? As I noted previously, there is an answer to that question. Here there is none that I know of. No one has ever found this missing bullet. But strangely, or not, the prosecutor does not even pose the question.FBI agent Cortland Cunningham could not match the bullets recovered from Tippit's body to Oswald's alleged handgun. (WC Vol. 3 p. 465) So the shells became key. Bugliosi does not deal at all with the late arriving and discovered cartridge cases. Once the FBI found they could not match the bullets to the weapon, the cases were sent to the Bureau six days later. Even though they were not on the evidence summary. (Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins, p. 200) But were these matching cases the ones found at the scene? Witness Domingo Benavides gave Officer James Poe two shells. Sergeant Gerald Hill told Poe to mark them with his initials. When Poe examined the shells for the Commission, he could not find his initials on any of them. (ibid p. 201) maybe it was two guys and a 30.06 who shot at Walker.So maybe Oswald was drinking a Coke during the Crime of the Century.And Larry Dunkel is full of donuts.

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:21 pm
by andries
I have been reading through this, and it would almost make a lone nutter out off me,it,s verry determent and it,s rules out any other than LHO is the guilty one on both,s based on the principel from hitler sutch as :great luck for gouverments that people dont think.Poor Tippit burried as an inocent national hero but the alternatif are we: that he was nothing else than a crooked officer who was more or less involved and was absolutely not the person which his family and friends claimed he was ?what witneses should we believe ?

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:23 pm
by Dealey Joe
We don't believe anything or anyone.The whole thing really never happened, it was a hoax put upon us by the nesmediagetting ready for their roll in their coverage of the flight to the moon.Tippit was worth a whole lot more dead than alive.She received something like, in today's money, 4 or 5 Million bucks.I think I saw where in a short time she remarried another cop.I bet the Dallas cops was running over one another trying to be of "service" to her?

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:17 am
by Slim
INDEED, Harry Olson is a MAJOR player in the shooting! Last time I heard, he was alive and living in the Tampa , FL area.If someone could get him to tell what happen , it would answer ALOT of key questions!Unfortunately, from what I hear, he, at least up til now, has had no desire to talk to anyone.If only he would tell someone something, BEFORE HE DIES!!!!

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:41 am
by Dealey Joe
Slim can you get any contact information on Harry?

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:43 pm
by kenmurray
Dealey Joe wrote:Slim can you get any contact information on Harry?Joe, maybe Bob can look into it when he gets back to Tampa.

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:15 pm
by Dealey Joe
Is Bob still alive?

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:58 am
by kenmurray
Dealey Joe wrote:Is Bob still alive?He's alive and well in Packer land.

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:31 pm
by barney 1961
8/26/10 who the devil is Marlow? Never heard of this person. Gimme some help here.

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:22 am
by kenmurray
barney 1961 wrote:8/26/10 who the devil is Marlow? Never heard of this person. Gimme some help here. ... &sk=t&sd=a