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Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:19 pm
by andries
Stop the infighting is a good point and precius value Stop the fighting is a poor value, we must never stop fighting, i think up against the dark side we are far to pilite so far in comparrising with them.If you fresh your memory on the internet and take notice what,s goingon so now and than, conspiracy freaks are sometimes thankfull victimseither if it,s groden,mark lane garrison or wim,it,s not to flattering,and without any morals sometimes.It was winston churchill who stopped hitler,not ghandi,( perhaps the most wise man ever lived )ghandi never could have stopped hitler.

Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:27 pm
by ChristophMessner
tom jeffers wrote:chris,i am sorry you have not seen your son, but the remark was not meant for you it was meant for society in general. phil, we all have the ability to discern truth from bullsh#t and that is where a good foundation helps. it is true that we all may be deceived but the saying you can fool some of the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you can't.... is generally i said generally! I know, sorry it switched out and I put the private thing above the general thing, which is not good. Let's hope the saying is really generally true, I rather have the impression that each new generation wants to repeat the mistakes of a former one. I hope my impression is wrong and these few, who can't be fooled, are enough to make the decisive difference. I guess you are one of these. Chris

Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:57 pm
by barney 1961
Members; being rather new here, I am somewhat reluctant to make remarks on conduct of forum members posts. However, if we can allagree to disagree in good form, patience, and a wad of patriotic skepticism, with a thimble full of wisdom and research, all of these issuescan usually be resolved without namecalling, or verbal insults, which do not fulfill this forums mission, or what I thought it was to be.

Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:19 pm
by Bob
barney 1961 wrote:Members; being rather new here, I am somewhat reluctant to make remarks on conduct of forum members posts. However, if we can allagree to disagree in good form, patience, and a wad of patriotic skepticism, with a thimble full of wisdom and research, all of these issuescan usually be resolved without namecalling, or verbal insults, which do not fulfill this forums mission, or what I thought it was to be. Good points Barney. Actually this forum compared to others is quite tame and insightful. My point in starting this thread was really aimed at other forums and at some researchers. Eating your own has never served a purpose. That is what some posters in other forums do. Some researchers act in the same manner. We also have other folks who communicate to several people via email, and use that forum to spout their views and take pot shots at others in the CT community, knowing full well that those views will eventually find the people who are getting the criticism. Not just general criticism either. But blantant name calling and vulgar expressions that expose the immaturity and delusional views of the critic. People here know what and WHO I am talking about when I bring up that last example. Thankfully, this forum continues to get better and keeps adding excellent members who have exceptional knowledge about 11/22/1963 and other key events. That is why I love this forum. Sometimes we have different views at times about the Zapruder film, who the conspirators were, where the shots were fired from etc., but the banter has been very professional and respectful for the most part. Bottom line, we have to stay together as a team in the CT community. We can't let others that have a clear agenda to get us to stop focusing succeed in their cowardly mission. That and and their embarrassing attempt to tear down excellent and qualified researchers.