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The FBI "on the job"

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:08 pm
by kenmurray
Don Adams back on the Real Deal with James Fetzer: ... ms.htmlBob, you will like it. Fetzer plays Beatles music.

Oswald: Lone Nut Or Covert Jackal?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:08 pm
by kenmurray
15 things Oswald must have done if he was the Assassin for which there is NO evidence,record,or witness:

Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:57 am
by Barney
I do not doubt that Mr. Milteer was a racial and political radical, who may have heard rumors that Kennedy was going toget it on one of his numerous planned 1964 campaign tours around the country. However, we do not know for 100% certaintythat the curbside photo of a gray haired, older stocky man, was in fact Milteer. The Miami police informant stated that thisman Milteer gave theories of how he would or could be hit, tall office bldg., high powered rifle etc.- but thats about it.There have been indications in the investigation, that Milteer may have called the informant stating he was in Dallas on theday K was murdered, but a long distance call could have been placed from anywhere in those days, and no one could traceit back to the source and location.

Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:38 am
by Barney
Someone using the name alias, Harry Dean, an alleged former CIA-FBI- counter intelligence person, alleges that LHO never fired a shot atKennedy. He stated that LHO was hired after his episode in Russia, to become a counterspy in the Cuban and Russian communities back homeafter his return to Fort Worth, Texas on 06-26-1962, when he was visited by FBI Agents, Fain and Carter in the local FBI office there. Later,he met with them again on 08-16-1962 in the FBI car in front of the house where LHO was living with his family. I suspect that this was thetimeframe he was recruited for undercover work for the Bureau at $200 per month salary, given a code number, and had funds wired to himby Western Union so the sender could not be ID'D nor the location of the sender.

Lew Rockwell Interviews Don Adams

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:18 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Lew Rockwell Interviews Don Adams

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:15 pm
by Bob
kenmurray wrote: ... sy/Another excellent source AbraKen Linkin.

Re: Lew Rockwell Interviews Don Adams

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:59 am
by kenmurray
Bob wrote:kenmurray wrote: ... sy/Another excellent source AbraKen Linkin. Thanks Bob. I find the Milteer information that Adams talks about quite interesting. Since Quitman, Valdosta and Thomasville, Georgia are all within 100 miles or less from where I'm at.

Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:05 am
by kenmurray

Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:42 pm
by Bob

Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:59 am
by Barney
In reading over newspaper reporter Hugh Ayneswworth's 2003 book, "JFK: Breaking The News" it appears that quiteearly on, Marina Oswald, was quickly helping the govt. to bury her husband over the Walker shooting and in allprobability the Kennedy murder, as well as intentions to shoot former VP Nixon, on his next visit to Texas. He toldMarina allegedly the night of the shot fired into Walker's house, that he had tried to kill Gen. Walker. He was outof breath, disheveled, and seemed very excited. She asked who is Gen. Walker, which seemed to anger LHO whoangrily replied, " a damned fascist thats who he is." Shortly after the murder of LHO by Ruby and the funeral, itslikely that Marina was programmed at only 22 yrs of age, alone in a foreign country and having little fluency inEnglish, and dirt poor, that she was told what to do, how to do it, and set out to turn her bad experiences withLHO into a cash register of sorts, and its alleged she may have been paid or given up to $750,000, for interviews,photos, and just out of charity for this woman in such circumstances. Since she was considering divorcing LHOdue to his temper, bad work habits for losing or quitting jobs, lack of money, and having beaten her from time totime and endless arguments, that perhaps her best day, was the day her husband was murdered by Ruby, mostassuredly it was the day money started to roll in and in large sums.