Any Deeper Skull & Bones Connections....

JFK Assassination
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RE: M.C.

Post by bobwc »

Hi M. C.
After that, I can only say AMEN!!!! Good to have you here.

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Post by Dan »


First of all - no one called you a one dimensional anti-bush kook - please reread the post carefully - it seems you labeled yourself that so you could jump up on your soap box and spew your hatred. Get over your victim status - it doesn't reflect well on those who assume it?

Perhaps the best label for you from your post is what Karl Marx called a useful idiot (no he was not Groucho's brother). This is not an insult - this is a descriptive term coined by the king of communism. Learn what the phrase means before doing your liberal victim dance again.

Maybe you should read about Marx, but your post puts you more in line with the Marks brothers - so a viewing of "A Day at the Races" or "A Night at the Opera" could help.
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Post by Bob »

George Soros? What about Rupert Murdoch? Give me a break. Dan, it's obvious you have a deep-rooted hatred for the Kennedys and an equally deep-rooted admiration for the Bu$hes. I have admitted that the Kennedys aren't saints, but unlike the Bu$hes, they have tried to help the middle and lower classes of this great country succeed in the American dream. Under the Bu$hes, the only people that get ahead are the upper 1% of the population. Under Bu$h's leadership, energy and healthcare costs have skyrocketed. Those are the two biggest issues that affect the middle and lower classes. The poor and the elderly. You say some are anti-Bu$h kooks. You OBVIOUSLY have NEVER researched their family history or family traits. Like treason and war profiteering. Four generations of treason and war profiteering. If that makes me an anti-Bu$h kook, than kook kook cachoo. I can see you smirking now as you gaze upon the pictures of Dumbya Bu$h and Tom DeLay in your law office.
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Post by Dan »


I enjoy your posts and consider you a friend although we have never met and have different views on politics. I don't have a law office and have no clients - as I posted earlier - I'm an attorney and in the union - since you aren't in the field of law that means nothing to you - but it sure reveals a lot about me.

As for the poor and middle class - I come from a lower middle class family in Pittsburgh - my parents never went to college. I was the first in my family to obtain a college degree (at the age of 27).

I see the demon-rats as enslaving the poor and middle class - the Clintons/Kennedys of the world do the damage and cause the suffering - I lived it! Do you know what it is like to have to put empty bread bags over your socks in an attempt to keep your feet dry when you walked to school with holes in your shoes?

The Republicans on the other hand offer freedom and a chance to live the american dream. My parents couldn't afford to send us to college - I paid for my education by enlisting in the Navy at 17 and working full-time after the end of my 6 years obligated service while attending school in the evening. Fifteen years of continuous night school to attain three degrees, BSME, MBA and JD while working a low pay union rotating shift job at a power plant. Believe me - in my life I have been discriminated against by officers, by college educated professionals and by the rich. Now I am free of their control.

You can stand around and wait for a handout if you want - some of us want to be free from the government plantation and sacrifice much to get from under their control.

The Clintons/Kennedys are evil and want control of your life. The Bushes may be greedy but they permit freedom.

If you ever visit Texas - I would gladly welcome you into my home.
Jim Harwood
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Post by Jim Harwood »

Bob wrote:George Soros? What about Rupert Murdoch? Give me a break. Dan, it's obvious you have a deep-rooted hatred for the Kennedys and an equally deep-rooted admiration for the Bu$hes. I have admitted that the Kennedys aren't saints, but unlike the Bu$hes, they have tried to help the middle and lower classes of this great country succeed in the American dream. Under the Bu$hes, the only people that get ahead are the upper 1% of the population. Under Bu$h's leadership, energy and healthcare costs have skyrocketed. Those are the two biggest issues that affect the middle and lower classes. The poor and the elderly. You say some are anti-Bu$h kooks. You OBVIOUSLY have NEVER researched their family history or family traits. Like treason and war profiteering. Four generations of treason and war profiteering. If that makes me an anti-Bu$h kook, than kook kook cachoo. I can see you smirking now as you gaze upon the pictures of Dumbya Bu$h and Tom DeLay in your law office.

Nice point regarding Murdoch. Soros and Murdoch are two peas in a pod. One, Soros, runs a left operation while the other one Murdoch runs a right operation, but both work for the oligarch's.

But the same is true of the Bush and Kennedy family. Both families owe their debts to the same group of oligarchical families who created them.
Anyone wondering why the Kennedy family has been "mute" over the assassinations dont know much about the family or whom they owe their debts.
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Post by M.C.Newton »

Well Dan this will be my final response in this topic. I'm absolutely astonished that you could really read my post and come out of it thinking nothing and frothing red white and blue bile from your mouth. You see, your stance is quite clear, I at first took you for a traditional conservative but after your blind retort I'm having my second thoughts.

Anyway you clearly put your Party above your Country, and that's fine, there's always going to be those people. It's just good to know who they are. And by the way just because I feel that Bush has set this country back, and done some really horrible things certainly doesn't make me a liberal or a democrat apologist. Anyone with both eyes open knows that you have two choices on election day Business Party #1 or Business Party #2. Neither one have the best interest of the people in mind. I read in your dialogue with Bob your views on Clinton, personally I think that Clinton was a well trained liar, I think there needs to be an investigation into Oklahoma City Bombing, as well as 9/11. Clinton's CFR ties and the fact that he is a Rhodes Scholar make me suspicious of him. So here I am Dan not apologizing for anybody, but it just so happens that in my adult life I have never seen a travesty as great as the President residing in the White House right now.

And next time when someone takes time to write a post if you want to actually refute it then do it properly minus the name calling, and insults. Did you even read the post or just skim it? Because you would not be able to tell from your reply. I think it's quite revealing when people post the standard reply, I could copy and paste that in any number of places and have it make the same kind of sense.

BTW tax cuts for the 1% don't help anybody who has grown up in situations similar to yours.
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Post by Dan »

I believe you also got a tax cut - I know I did and I am not in the 1%.

I read your post - its the same Al Franken crap spewed out of every angry down on their luck joe that can read. Lies, lies and more lies, distortions and fantasy..blah blah blah blah blah.

I want to personally thank the useful idiots of the world for causing the incredible volatility in the market this week. The more it moves - the more I make - five $20K plus days in a row makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. It is nice to make more in a day than I used to earn in a year.

Got to get back to trading - I'll check your angry frothing reply shortly.....
Jim Harwood
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Post by Jim Harwood »

Dan wrote:I believe you also got a tax cut - I know I did and I am not in the 1%.I read your post - its the same Al Franken crap spewed out of every angry down on their luck joe that can read. Lies, lies and more lies, distortions and fantasy..blah blah blah blah blah.I want to personally thank the useful idiots of the world for causing the incredible volatility in the market this week. The more it moves - the more I make - five $20K plus days in a row makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. It is nice to make more in a day than I used to earn in a year.Got to get back to trading - I'll check your angry frothing reply shortly.....

Youre a "day trader"? Get what you can now because the whole shee bang is not long for this world.
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Post by M.C.Newton »


I'm going to be completely honest with you here, last year I made less than 14,000 dollars. I live in an apartment that costs around 650 dollars per month, and struggle to make that every month. So my perspective is from that of the have not's I live in a crummy part of town where the people around have nothing also. So while your sitting back and on one hand talking of holes in your shoes and on the other talking of making 20K five days in a row, I'm sitting here wondering if I'm gonna make rent this month. And while I'm not ashamed to admit that I am living around the poverty line, it does offer me some perspective, that you seem to have forgotten. I see the disadvantage of those without money, everyday I see it. But that's good and fine isn't it so long as your makin' yours.

While 20K five days in a row can certainly help your health and your wealth it would appear that five 20K plus days in a row has done nothing for your wisdom. You paint everyone who doesn't agree with the way the country/world is going with a Franken-Brush knowing nothing about those you've painted. Simply because I do not agree with "trickle down economics" does not make me a lefty "kook". I assure you I see the faults in both parties, but right now there is one party that is controlling the Senate, the House of Reps., and the White House. This is an unhealthy situation that can only lead to bad things.

Back in the day would you also have supported the Aldrich Bill?
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Post by Dan »

Guess what? None of us is long for this world. As they say in West Virginia "It's All Relative!"