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Re: ufo's real

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:27 am
by barney 1961
The people who occupy the highest levels of governments around the world, are indifferent to the individuals, they are only interested inattainment of their secret goals, which consist partly of; abolishment of nationalism among nations, one world government, one worldmonetary control, one world courts, one world military control and logistics and deployment. The individual is like a grain of sand on theshores of Lake Michigan. Some blame the Illuminati conspiracy going back to Bavarian monks, others the Knights Templar and Lords and Knights of the Crusades, and the Freemasons, but conspiracies and deadly conspirators, oneand all.

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:39 am
by Dealey Joe
Scenario:Large English Tudor room.Giant fireplace.Huge flannel top Table with the world map on it.Men standing around the table with drinks in their hands carrying long sticks.Playing a game, moving pieces and objects around on the map.Goal: see how much and what you can change and the reactions of the change.What has happened in the world order for the last 1000 years has been controlled by this game.only the very elite and select get to play thus game.remember they seek not financial gain, only power to manipulate.use your imagination and you can begin to see how the game is played.


Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:53 am
by Phil Dragoo
I enjoyed the 1994 Roswell with Martin Sheen. It tracks well with the work of Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt. ... itt.htmCol. Philip J. Corso is a frequent guest of George Noory. ... ip/6069The sequential limited hangouts, the plausible denials, the stifling surrounding the 1947 Roswell crash mimic what we've seen in the JFK assassination.We had a chance to do work for the retired chief scientist of the Air Force in Los Alamos' bedroom White Rock. He was recognized for contributions to the F-22 Raptor.All of these technologies—U-2, anyone?--have been operational for a decade or more before the public becomes aware.And now we've come full circle: our 35th was a bold adventurer exhorting us to the moon; our 44th is a stifler, telling us no manned flight, and the only moon is the crescent—oh yes, NASA isn't for the stars; it's for the star and crescent.A religion based on a black meteorite.We all recall Webb Hubbell telling Letterman he was going over to the Pentagon to find out who shot JFK and the truth about UFOs.They fed him the same shit: Warren Commission and Project Bluebook.Two versions of Mother Goose and Hans Christian Anderssen on the yellow-brick Autobahn in a magni-craft disappearing into the future, Marty, at 88 miles per hour.How did they build the pyramids? No, really. A twenty-ton block of granite cut to the finest tolerances and placed perfectly. Now do that two million times. Coat it with marble—yes, and it's geometrically sophisticated and astronomically astounding.I had the tapes of Wesley Streiber read by Roddy McDowell. The little people who just don't take no for an answer.The Hubble reveals beauties infinite in every direction, a million Mozart works a parsec.And we are to be content with Dancing With the Stars?We shall not.

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:17 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Phil Dragoo, and Fellow JFK Forum Members;Phil - Your older twin brother and I are re-reading the Bible, and new interpretations that read "miracles" as visitations from aliens and/or time travelers.We are also focused on Egypt and the pyramids. Nothing else makes sense other than extra-ordinary assistance of some type.For me it comes down to: God built the pyramids, or Aliens built the pyramids. No other explanation is possible.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Housing boom viewed by Masonic All-Seeing Eye

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:55 am
by Phil Dragoo
We've seen the attempts by large egos on public television to go to Egypt and duplicate on a small scale the quarrying, carving, transport, and placement of a very few, very small blocks.Pathetic. Unconvincing. Some commentaries below posit human agency for the Great Pyramids at Giza. Yet some of the initial scenarios factor in iron tools, and iron cables.We read that a permanent force of twenty thousand swelled to perhaps a hundred thousand seasonally as the floods dictated.Graffiti is cited as proof due to its location requiring inscription as part of the construction sequence.The most notable feature of the following two references is the organization of the work force into tribes or phyles.One might say, gangs, or outfits; organizations or families.And Files might be one of the artisans, or mechanics. And, no, that's not red paint.As in, “I hear you paint pyramids.”NOVA: Who Built the Pyramids? ... tmlHarvard Magazine: Who Built the Pyramids? ... -pyramidsI still am unconvinced.The scale of the weight of the stones; their number, their precision, their transport and placement in a precision alignment leaves many questions.The tens of thousands were fed all of this cattle, all of these lambs—where was the agricultural industry to raise, feed, slaughter this.The stone was transported on rafts or barges—where were these forests.The alignment and precision and speed of production:Where were the tools? Stone tools? It is to laugh. Bronze? Have you used a non-sparking bronze tool? Would you cut granite with that?Did they line up on a string, a chalk, a transit, a laser?In twenty years?And they did this of their own free will because?The authors here are pitching an enlightened communal society where masses willingly lived to the age of thirty-five for the honor of eating bread and pulling stone.These are the academicians who have a few points of reference upon which they base “evolution,” and are currently enamored with Hawking's Inevitable Result of Laws of Physics.All part of the Warren Commission Frame of Mind as a college in the University of Because We Say So.Today's Egypt shot up Anwar Sadat and can't maintain an orderly boundary with Gaza.This then produced the largest construction projects on Earth, visible from outer space.Somehow the pharoahs had the power to command masses to perform epic efforts plus accessed and utilized technological multipliers not in evidence.The claim from academia is that no divine or extraterrestrial agencies participated in this op.We remain skeptical.

38 Levels Above TOP SECRET

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:37 am
by Phil Dragoo
Video: US GOVERMENT: There are 38 Levels above TOP SECRET! UFO

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:07 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Messrs. Phil Dragoo, Wim Dankbaar, Bob Fox, Tom Jeffers, Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall, Ken Murray, Barney 1961, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Phil - Cerebral, Erudite, Phenominal, and Surrealistic beyond anything that I have ever seen, or ever heard of, and anything that you have ever done or provided to my knowledge.This is exactly what I have been looking for, without knowing exactly what I have been looking for. !?!You have set a New Level even for yourself in My Opinion.I had been informed of, and then researched and studied limited amounts, about this Subject Matter. But I have never seen this video, or this degree of supporting documentationThis is Exactly On Point With What I Have Been Studying And Searching For, For Years.For me, this is the most powerful video that I have ever seen on the JFK Forum.For me, this is the most powerful video that I have ever seen anywhere.A friend of mine told me that he performed "Contracts" for this group years ago. Although I trusted my personal beliefs of him, I doubted that what he said could be possible. I will leave it at that for now. I can now categorically believe everything that he ever told me because the parts are clearly included in this whole.Wim - The George H. W. Bush quote that you and I have been talking about, and looking for, for almost 10 years is here. If you haven't seen it by now, as I have not, it is here.Bob - This adds a totally New Level of analysis for George H. W. Bush, and why he was "brought back" to visibly head the C.I.A. What are your thoughts ?Tom - This goes beyond the excellent material that you have already submitted. What are your thoughts ?Phil, and everybody else: What are your thoughts ? Who could determine that only 25 + people in the world would know this knowledge ? Who would be at the apex ? Who would pass the "torch" ? As some have hinted elsewhere, could alien life forms that far outlive human life forms remain in charge, picking human life forms to continue to rule for "short terms" ? Could alien life forms exist in human life forms, and change bodies as chosen bodies wear out, by transferring to another body as hinted in science fiction works ?This all begs the question as to whether we will ever know the truths about JFK, MLK, RFK, 09.11.2001, and ever other major Conspiracy Theory. With this Power Structure In Control, we clearly will never know the major facts and theories that "We The People..." are not intended to know.If George H. W. Bush was this powerful, leading to the power of George W. Bush, what could this foretell of Jeb Bush, Marvin Bush, or Neal Bush ?What does this do for our ideals about searching for "the truth" of all great issues, especially going forward in The New World Order ?POPULATION CONTROL.CONTROL OF THE POPULATION.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:41 pm
by Bob
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Messrs. Phil Dragoo, Wim Dankbaar, Bob Fox, Tom Jeffers, Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall, Ken Murray, Barney 1961, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Phil - Cerebral, Erudite, Phenominal, and Surrealistic beyond anything that I have ever seen, or ever heard of, and anything that you have ever done or provided to my knowledge.This is exactly what I have been looking for, without knowing exactly what I have been looking for. !?!You have set a New Level even for yourself in My Opinion.I had been informed of, and then researched and studied limited amounts, about this Subject Matter. But I have never seen this video, or this degree of supporting documentationThis is Exactly On Point With What I Have Been Studying And Searching For, For Years.For me, this is the most powerful video that I have ever seen on the JFK Forum.For me, this is the most powerful video that I have ever seen anywhere.A friend of mine told me that he performed "Contracts" for this group years ago. Although I trusted my personal beliefs of him, I doubted that what he said could be possible. I will leave it at that for now. I can now categorically believe everything that he ever told me because the parts are clearly included in this whole.Wim - The George H. W. Bush quote that you and I have been talking about, and looking for, for almost 10 years is here. If you haven't seen it by now, as I have not, it is here.Bob - This adds a totally New Level of analysis for George H. W. Bush, and why he was "brought back" to visibly head the C.I.A. What are your thoughts ?Tom - This goes beyond the excellent material that you have already submitted. What are your thoughts ?Phil, and everybody else: What are your thoughts ? Who could determine that only 25 + people in the world would know this knowledge ? Who would be at the apex ? Who would pass the "torch" ? As some have hinted elsewhere, could alien life forms that far outlive human life forms remain in charge, picking human life forms to continue to rule for "short terms" ? Could alien life forms exist in human life forms, and change bodies as chosen bodies wear out, by transferring to another body as hinted in science fiction works ?This all begs the question as to whether we will ever know the truths about JFK, MLK, RFK, 09.11.2001, and ever other major Conspiracy Theory. With this Power Structure In Control, we clearly will never know the major facts and theories that "We The People..." are not intended to know.If George H. W. Bush was this powerful, leading to the power of George W. Bush, what could this foretell of Jeb Bush, Marvin Bush, or Neal Bush ?What does this do for our ideals about searching for "the truth" of all great issues, especially going forward in The New World Order ?POPULATION CONTROL.CONTROL OF THE POPULATION.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Excellent as always Phil. You are a deep thinker who has an amazing way of expressing yourself in your posts with a fantastic combination of words. Excellent link as well with that video. Link Murraydale would be proud. Bruce, how did I know that Poppy Bu$h would be involved in all of this. Prescott and Poppy knew Eisenhower very well, especially Prescott. But Ike saw through the sordid and evil thinking of the Bu$hes and those of their ilk. Ike tried to warn us too. JFK did even better, he tried to stop it. That led to 11/22/1963. That has led us to today. Jimmy Carter was refused Top Secret information regarding UFOs by then CIA Director Poppy Bu$h. Is it any wonder that the White House has been led by an operative of the CIA ever since Poppy became President. That continues to this day. Wars continue to fester, and the CIA keeps getting more powerful. As do the corporations. As do big banking and big oil. All staples of the Military Industrial Complex. Secrets remain secrets, thanks to the gutlessness of the MSM, who are in bed with their masters. Thank God for the internet. Enjoy it while you can.Also, please see this entire video when you get the opportunity...

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:51 pm
by ChristophMessner
It's not about lights in the sky. It is about lies on the ground. How shall we identify the unidentifyable flying objects as long as we don't even identify the identifyable non-flying subjects? What's remote viewing good for as long as we don't even take close looks? I'm on cosmic level as soon as I start taking a look and identifying the cosmos as it is.

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:56 pm
by Bob
It's not about lights in the sky. It is about lies on the ground. - ChrisExcellent take on the subject Chris! The lies are more powerful than the lights, at least in terms of the truth being told. We know all about those lies, that are also told about the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations, 9/11 and other false flag events like the Reichstag Fire that happened in your country Chris, that led to the power grab by Hitler in 1933.