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Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:15 pm
by Dealey Joe
gentlemen I am tiring of the controversy about a hole THROUGH the windshield of the are photos that explain the difference.This is my story and I am stickin to it!Lets go on to something else, OKActual Limo windshieldReal actual bullet hole through a windshield

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:42 pm
by Wayne Stracener
Most of us members are lost, We were not privy to emails,pm's or the phone calls, we are only getting bits and pieces that are posted, We are researchers some full time some part time which means we investigate, So it's natural that we are now distracted from JFK to try and put the pieces of the barney situation together which will continue until posting stops - threads closed/removed or all parties involved start a post and get everything out in the opening so we the members are no longer getting the (He said/She said). For myself if I'm not happy with a forum I just do not go there for awhile instead of quitting, Forums over a period of time purge or flush themselves, If I like the way things are going then I will log back in.barney, to those of us outside the loop we are seeing someone that posted a I Quit this forum to I'm not quitting then right into Fed threats.When I signed up I had to agree to these terms which you have already broken two of.Please, All involved fix this or sign your real name under I Quit This Forum and exit please. Forum Rules for registrationby dankbaar on Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:39 pm FORUM RULES for registration 1) Register under your real name , first and last. First names or aliases will not be validated and deleted. 2) The forum will be visible for registered members only. Only registered members can view, read, make and edit posts. 3) No name calling, obscenity, profanity or insults. Wim Dankbaar

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:44 pm
by tom jeffers
there seems to be an "irishman" in the woodpile! i assure all who were involved that ir was not me. i am very disappointed.tom

Apology to Jerry and Ken

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:45 am
by Dealey Joe
I must apologise to Mr. Jerry Craig and Mr. Ken MurrayI deleated two posts that should not have been deleated.Not exact wording but close...Jerry Craig wrote: Barney, you have me lost here.Ken Murray replyed: Jerry I am also at a loss.Gentlemen please accept my apology.Joe

Re: Apology to Jerry and Ken

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:57 am
by kenmurray
Dealey Joe wrote:I must apologise to Mr. Jerry Craig and Mr. Ken MurrayI deleated two posts that should not have been deleated.Not exact wording but close...Jerry Craig wrote: Barney, you have me lost here.Ken Murray replyed: Jerry I am also at a loss.Gentlemen please accept my apology.JoeNo need to Joe. I was just wondering what was going on. That's all.

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:50 am
by Jerry Craig
i did not even notice joe lol

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:23 am
by Wayne Stracener
Thank You Joe, Those were the two post right b/4 mine,They are what lead me to post mine, I am confused like they are.

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:49 am
by katisha
Wayne Stracener wrote:FORUM RULES for registration 1) Register under your real name , first and last. First names or aliases will not be validated and deleted. 2) The forum will be visible for registered members only. Only registered members can view, read, make and edit posts. 3) No name calling, obscenity, profanity or insults. Wim DankbaarThat's strange, Wayne. When I registered it said:"The rules are: 1) Register preferably under your real name, first and last. You may also choose a nickname if you provide your true name to me or another administrator. (my bolding)2) No name calling, obscenity, profanity or insults.Wim Dankbaar"I just checked and it still says that. I'm registered under a nickname but Wim, Bob, Joe and possibly Ken (can't remember) know my real name.After Barney's experience can you blame people for not using their full names?

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:38 pm
by Wayne Stracener
Katisha, The list of forum rules that you have supplied is from Feb 27th of 2006 and is listed above at the top of this page and needs to be updated,Wim revised the rules on April 14th of 2006 and is listed under the board index that leads to the forum post, Could be that Wim has the final say so on the name registration, If that be the case then Barney broke one out of three rules, As far as barneys (experience) goes I put no blame on barney because I still do not know what he has experienced and by what person or parties,Katisha you said (after barneys experience) do you have some insight on this to share for those of us who are lost on the subject.I'm still asking so the forum can move on,Please, All involved come forward and work it outor work it out off postor drop it...