Oswald photos

JFK Assassination
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Re: Oswald photos

Post by Deborah »

Barney wrote:I think the time frames are so iffy, that Ruby could easily have been seen in Dealey Plaza, ran to the Parkland Hospital, dropped the MagicBullet on a stretcher, left and gone to the theater where he was suppose to either help Oswald or his imposter escape via Red Bird airport,or shoot Oswald, but then what would be his legal justification, since Oswald was an unknown to the police at that point. One black womanwitness observed the shooting of Officer Tippit from her front porch where she was sitting. She said she saw the car and recognized Tippitin the squad car as he regularly patrolled that general area. She observed him slow down and stop beside the sidewalk right beside two men.One man was slender and young, about 30, and the other man was older and stocky build using her language for him. She said that OficerTippit seemed to be talking to the two men thru the car window, and then started to exit his car and walk around to the two men, when theshort stocky older man pulled out a gun and began to shoot the officer even after he pulled his gun but fell to the ground on top of it. He then went around the back of the squad car and came within feet of Tippit and shot him in the right side of the head. He then waved for the younger man on the opposite sidewalk, to run and then they both ran away in opposite directions. Police detectives later called on herand she repeated to them what she saw. Upon folding up his notebook, the DPD detective looked at her harshly and told her she better shuther mouth and speak again to nobody or she might just get herself hurt or in trouble. After this she refused to discuss this matter until manyyears later and then was very cautious of whom she spoke to. Mrs.Clemons was never called to testify before the Warren Commission or any other court of law.I would like to venture these thoughts on the Tippit murder scene if I may. Mrs. Clemmons could identify the shooter. It he was a cop, then they don't want her testimony. Too messy.I think it likely the two men who were at the Tippit murder scene were Roscoe White and Raven, Gary Marlowe. Roscoe White was of 'stocky build' and Marlowe, young and slender, albeit closer to 21 than 30. They missed Oswald at the rooming house, drove away looking for him, went to the meet place with Tippit who balked at the plan to 'kill Oswald the patsy' OR they were ordered to kill Tippit for his body double look alike to JFK, or both. Either way, I think with Oswald running and not being where he was supposed to be, plans went partially awry and they couldn't have a 'police shoot-out with the patsy Oswald being the victim' because they didn't have him. I think Jack Ruby organized the police in the field like Roscoe White and Tippit and told them exactly where to be and what exactly to do. And Oswald too. Oswald was taking evasive action and they missed. When you miss and the 'mob' is your employer, you run. Marlowe ran to his friend James Files' motel. Its not a big surprise that he would know where Files would hole up. Marlowe was Files' best man at his wedding. They were buds. Nothing has ever been said about Marlowe that leads me to believe he was a 'hit man' as a profession like Files was. I think he just thought Files would know what to do with the 'gun' and he tried to pass it to him at the rooming house because he was scared out of his mind. We're not paying enough attention it seems to Roscoe White's son's finding of his fathers stache of evidence. Why?Thanks,Deborah
Alex Hidell
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Re: Oswald photos

Post by Alex Hidell »

Oswald was framed, pure and simple. He was on the 2nd floor in the cafateria while JFK was being shot. He was set up and then eliminated by the mob. Perfect plan. Perfect execution.The rifle was a set up too. The actual rifle entered into evidence form the TSBD was inoperable by an FBI agent as testifying before the warren commission. It wouldn't surpise me if there were several rifles used for this frame up.Remember, Oswald's rifle was 70 years old, bolt action was inoperbale and sight was badly mis-aligned.There is simple no way that rifle did what it is claimed to have done. Whether owned by Oswald or not.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Oswald photos

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.20.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:09.23.2010 - Mr. Ray Mitcham Posted this interesting Headline.A lengthy discussion developed that covered many facts, point ofinformation, and opinions that many may not be aware of today.This should be considered in conjunction with the other Headlines andPosts about LHO here on the JFK Murder Solved Forum.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.