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Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:23 pm
by ChristophMessner
Jerry Craig wrote:i understand what you are saying I like your prompt understandology! Bob, Billy, wasn't their an intermediate windowglass between the Connallies and Greer&Kellerman, too? Didn't any bullet, which hit the front windshield from behind (from TSBD area) but didn't hit the intermediate windowglass necessarily have had it's trajectory high above JFK's and Connally's head? Chris

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:03 pm
by Billy Boggs
Passion, is not the word, LIVID, is closer. I understand your mental block when it comes to this subject. I even think I understand the reason, but for my life I can not understand why people are not called out for submitting obviously erroneous materials that's only intention is to muddy, no, fill the research waters with fecal matter, to me, is a act no less that treason! This is one of the reasons I left this forum.This isn't a walk in the park picnic, this is a murder investigation that involves the overthrow of our country, government, and way of life. I can not stress the seriousness of our situation, and I believe deep inside your aware of this,but unable to do anything alone, just like the rest of us. If we "all" do not hang together on this then as it has been stated in history, we shall all most certainly hang separately!!! ALL OF US. United we should be, but separate, we are. Find a way!!!Now, not being condescending, I believe I can state without a doubt that President Kennedy was in fact shot from the front, though the windshield. We have first hand witnesses account, almost a dozen, and all of them are what might be termed "Professionals" in their respective fields, most medical professionals. We have testimony from attending "Professionals" that saw the bullet hole in his neck prior to the tracheotomy being preformed, which leads to the next question. Why?If you look closely at the tracheotomy site you will notice no blood running from the incision. There is no hint of blood, indicating, the procedure was preformed, on a corps. And as far as I can imagine, there is no reason to do a tracheotomy on the dead, except to destroy and or mutilate criminal evidence. Besides, this tracheotomy appears to be very large and excessively long for what is needed minimally for an opening. Area of neck in questionObvious bullet hole in the front of President Kennedy's neck.As to any exit wound, not all bullets exit. It must be taken into account that this bullet went though a automotive windshield that is multilayer glass, not regular household glass, which is depicted in "Joe,s" photos. It lost much of its energy doing this. It lost the rest of its energy impacting President Kennedy's spine, and most likely lodged in it. If the butchers that removed President Kennedy's head did not also remove his neck lower than this bullet wound, the bullet is still there, waiting to be uncovered. And if discovered would once and for all prove beyond any reasonable doubt, President Kennedy was assassinated by a Conspiracy! But, it has already been proven by these photo's.If there are any honest prosecuting attorneys out there that would like to reopen this case I would be more than happy to volunteer my services to that cause. To Wim, can you see if its possible to update this BBs to some software that can stream video? Not as a favor to me, but for a service to humanity.To the question of a "Intermediary window", if one was installed in the limo it would have been in the down position, the SS would have made sure.To the question of being able to raise his arms if hit in the neck, all things are possible. It is possible the bullet did not sever the spinal column that carries the never bundle. As I said, I suspect the bullet lodged in the front of the spinal column, not going completely though. At any rate, president Kennedy's arm movements do appear to be limited in capacity and hampered. After-all, he is being pushed forward by another bullet impacting his spine from the rear at this very same time.EDIT TO ADDI agree that the target was not his neck, but rather right between the eyes. The windshield deflected the bullet down to where it hit, I agree with this.

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:43 am
by ChristophMessner
Billy, you hardly can imagine how much you speak out of my heart when you admonish us to be serious, precise and unified in solving this case! I hope you stay tolerant with some fellow members anyway, who made some uncouth or non-serious remark here and there sometimes, if you take into account that it's just those, who REALLY care about solving the case and put much energy into it and feel all the facewind from the LN-side and the present plutocracy permanently, who can't just bear all this slow, gooey solving-"progress" without some uncouth or ridiculizing remarks. Did you check the possible trajectory interpolations from windshield crack to throat and further on Dan Roberdeau's genial Dealey Plaza map already? Take into account how risky it was to hit the driver or Nellie and the window at the left side of Nellie from the south knoll and that there was no windshield between shooter and Kennedy from the north knoll! How come nobody of the railroad workers and policemen on the overpass and Mr. Tague under the overpass heard a shot on the south knoll? And if the windshield crack or hole was cause by a bullet (part) from behind, how was the trajectory or deflection then? Yes, not all bullets exit again. Did they have multilayer glass already in the 60s? If you think the back bullet is still in JFK's body, will you engage for exhumation? Will you call honest prosecuting attorneys by yourself now? You meant stream video about what? Could you check about the existance/non-existance of an intermediary window for me? You think JFK was hit by two back bullets? If the windshield deflected down that it was a bad aiming, wasn't it? Did you contact some of the JFK-case-specialists on facebook yet? Thumbs up! Chris

Bullet hole in throat, windshield.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:51 am
by Phil Dragoo
The limo was delivered in 1961 with a privacy window which the Secret Service removed that year. Weldon's work established the hole in the windshield. The written statement of the Ford Motor Company glass engineer described the covert replacement.Perry stated three times it was a wound of entry. This brought upon him all-night telephone harassment by the Secret Service, as well as badgering by Allen Dulles, Arlen Specter, J. Lee Rankin.It is asinine to ask where is the bullet, to ask where is the exit wound—Kennedy was shot in the throat. The tracheotomy was torn open in a frenzied attempt to remove evidence.Horne established the arrival of the body at Bethesda at 18:35 hours, 6:35 P.M.Humes was seen with a skull saw removing forensic evidence of a crossfire.Why doesn't James File's frontal shot appear in the photos—because Humes and Boswell incised it.Where's the throat wound and the bullet which caused it? Humes and Boswell tore it open and removed any bullet there.Is Perry lying?Perry was the surgeon at the scene with the closest view of the throat wound.He said it was entry.Was he lying?Did the Ford Motor Company engineer leave his family with a false statement?Were the witnesses Weldon assembled lying?

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:04 am
by ChristophMessner
Phil, thanks a lot for your excellent additional information and answering my questions about the intermediary window! I don't think Perry lied, but I ask myself if the throat wound was an entry wound, where did the bullet exit anyway, cause it is such soft tissue in the neck. Let's take into account that in the moments of Z313 / Z314 JFK looked downward almost and any bullet part from the occipital area must have been deflected downward considerably to reach that throat position! The original size of the throat wound, less than 5 mm, exludes the cause full-bullet-from-the-front anyway. The shrapnel-theory of James Files remains most convincing! Chris

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:50 am
by Dealey Joe
Gentlemen I am a bit confused.The object seems to be to tie the windshield damage to the throat wound.If in fact reliable doctors being cool headed individuals saying it is an entry wound in the throat then it must be considered, however saying the throat wound had to be made by a bullet through the windshield is something else again.One does not prove the other.Under what conditions did the hospitalist say the wound was an entry wound.Was there some proof of it or did it just look so much like an entry wound that it was just the thing to say?It was just a hole for seconds as they cut his throat immediately, so there was no standing around and commenting on if and what.Weldons work to me establish only the possibilities of a bullet hole through the windshield.workers at the Ford plant told him that when they received the windshield the damage had been probed and picked apart to retrieve fragments. so could this have caused the hole that the Ford man thinks he saw?I don't think he is lying but he may certainly be mistaken. He also stated that he had a hard time getting into his shop as the doors were locked and his people already inside.The chain of evidence of the windshield has been so broken as to make any observation useless foranything other that entertainment and speculation.The throat wound could well have been an entry hole?I don't see any way to prove that either.The characteristics of the wound suggest a shrapnel wound, entrance or exit, ie. no evident damage to any other organsjust the shirt and tie. No blood gushing ect.At this point from what I can see, both the throat wound and the windshield crack were made from shrapnel flying around the inside of the Limo.So for now, I will just go with the picture of the limo windshield.

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:39 pm
by kenmurray
Malcom Perry interview: Perry ,MD Falls Into The Kennedy Vortex:

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:28 pm
by Billy Boggs
Entered in effor

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:36 pm
by Billy Boggs
Gentlemen I am a bit confused.The object seems to be to tie the windshield damage to the throat wound.The object is not to tie anything to anything. The object is to expose the truth as to what happened, the "Whos", Hows, "Whys".If in fact reliable doctors being cool headed individuals saying it is an entry wound in the throat then it must be considered,however saying the throat wound had to be made by a bullet through the windshield is something else again.One does not prove the other. The medical professionals on the scene are the ones stating the damage to the front of president Kennedy's throat, was mad by a bullet. Watch the videos, before they are gone. If there were only one person claiming he was shot from the front, it might be questionable, but we have at least 3 who saw the bullet hole in his neck, in the front.To assist you with your confusion you are going to have to make a effort to let go of any preconceived conclusions you may have learned over your lifetime, and open your mind to new ideas.The throat wound could well have been an entry hole?I don't see any way to prove that either.The characteristics of the wound suggest a shrapnel wound, entrance or exit, ie. no evident damage to any other organsjust the shirt and tie. No blood gushing ect.The characteristics of the wound depict exactly what the attending doctors state it does, a well rounded entrance wound, of a bullet. Blood is not going to necessarily spew from a bullet hole as depicted in the fictitious movies. Did they have multilayer glass already in the 60s? Yes!Laminated glass was invented in 1903 by the French chemist Edouard Benedictus, inspired by a laboratory accident. A glass flask had become coated with the plastic cellulose nitrate and when dropped shattered but did not break into pieces. Benedictus fabricated a glass-plastic composite to reduce injuries in car accidents. It was not immediately adopted by automobile manufacturers, but laminated glass was widely used in the eyepieces of gas masks during World War I.By 1939 some 600,000 square feet (56,000 m2) of "Indestructo" safety glass was being used every year in vehicles produced at the Ford Motor Company works, Dagenham England[1]. "Indestructo" safety glass was manufactured by British Indestructo Glass Ltd, Chase Estate, Park Royal Road, London, NW10[2]. It was a laminated glass used by the Ford Motor Company... in Cars# Automobile safety glass developed along with the development of side windows in cars. According to, during the decade between 1919 and 1929, the passenger compartment on cars went from being mostly open to having side windows. Safety glass was first used in cars in 1927. Before safety glass, windshields could become weapons in an accident when they shattered on impact like a home window. ... s.htmlReal bullet hole in a vehicles safety glass windshield, including context ... mageBullet holes in safety glass can be identified by their "frosty white" appearance around the hole. Regular glass will remain somewhat clear. The reason for this is that the plastic safety layer has a tendency to keep the "powdered" glass in place, not allowing it to fall out as in regular glass. Your second photo is that of a bullet hole through regular glass, not safety glass. Therefor, your second photo is misleading. And, if your fist photo of a "crack" was taken in the white house garage, it too, is out of context, and misleading.

Re: Keeping an eye on the windshield

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:44 am
by Bighunter43
First of all, I have always believed that the throat wound was one of entry! I think, this, more than so many other things, means an abosulute 100% conspiracy. I believe Files fired the head shot......but I also believe that someone else fired from the front and the throat wound was one of entry. NONE of us are experts.......doctors who saw it at Parkland may or may not have been experts.....but they saw it firsthand! I believe in Perry, Carrico and other doctors/personnel who said it was a wound of entry. I DONT necessarily believe the shot came thru the windshield though (but it could have).....Let me make two points:1.) Someone cut a jagged wound in JFK's throat (probably looking for a bullet)........I think it was to cover up the frontal shot or find the bullet! The Trach. opened it up some........but not as jagged as what we see in the autopsy pics. All bullets don't exit.....I've shot deer in the throat with a .308 at 70 yards and no exit wound.......found the bullet in his chest cavity while gutting it.....hit the spine and landed there! I don't buy the theory that fragments from the head wound made that throat wound either..... the fragment would have to go DOWN the throat first, then TURN and EXIT the FRONT of the throat......... the magic bullet theory might be easier to prove. (Yes I know Robinson saw the wound tract...) Anyone here want to ask Bob Groden what HE thinks about the throat wound......go buy his Case for Conspiracy book in Dealey Plaza and look on page 20. Better yet, watch the DVD!2.) For whatever reason, there was a massive effort to cover up the windshield evidence. If it was just cracked (from fragments from INSIDE the car, then the evidence would STRENGTHEN the govt. case of shots from the rear)......but if there was a hole........or damage from outside the front...then the need to get rid of or cover up the evidence!