Bothun #4

JFK Assassination
Posts: 307
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Zapruder not Files!

Post by Dan »

If we compare the Wiegman film to the Bell film to the Bothun #4 photograph:

The Bell Film shows Abraham Zapruder begin to walk East away from the pedestal toward the Hesters who are being filmed by Wiegman.

In the Wiegman film it is shown that Wiegman then turns and walks South and films the Newmans and Cheryl McKinnon before turning East to film the approaching motorcycle of Officer Haygood.

Bothun 4 captures Wiegman turning to film Haygood.

If Zapruder continued East as he had started in the Bell film - heading toward his office just like he testified - then he would be on that walkway heading East - just where the Bothun photograph shows him carrying his camera.

I never considered this to be Zapruder (in the almost two years I have been researching it) because Richard Trask suggested that the Jim Towner #2 and Rickerby #1 photos show Zapruder in the West Shelter of the North Pergola. I believe Sitzman and the Hesters are in the West Shelter without Zapruder. Sitzman even stated that once they jumped off the pedestal Zapruder was gone.