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Re: What Happens When The US Economy Collapses??

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:02 pm
by Barney
In looking up the Rothschild International banking cartel, the article stated that the true accurate wealth of thisbanking family going back to Frankfurt, Germany is undeterminable, being anywhere from 1 to 100 trillion dollars,spread out over every continent on the globe in all kinds of assets, banking, mining, industrials, manufacturing,precious metals etc. so it was hard to find a hard fast figure of wealth.

Re: What Happens When The US Economy Collapses??

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 1:21 pm
by Barney
Just recd. the book on the life and times of financial wizard and banker, Andrew Mellon, who also became Secretary of the Treasury. In scan reading a few pages, Mellon complained that there was no way to balance thenational budget unless the loopholes, tax-dodges and tax havens domestic and offshore, were closed by Congresspassing an act forbidding such tax havens for the ultra-rich among us. It was his opinion back in the late 1920's-30'sthat at minimum 30-40 Trillion in assets was being hidden from federal, state, and local taxes by the ultra-rich andcorporations.

Re: What Happens When The US Economy Collapses??

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:20 pm
by Bob
More news from Goldman Sachs... ... .htmlAgain, please see the Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura episode about Wall Street if you haven't already... ... tedGoldman Sachs is prominent in the episode.

Re: What Happens When The US Economy Collapses??

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:33 pm
by kenmurray
Bob wrote:More news from Goldman Sachs... ... .htmlAgain, please see the Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura episode about Wall Street if you haven't already... ... tedGoldman Sachs is prominent in the episode. One of Jesse's best episodes. He exposes these bastards for sure.

Welcome To The Brave New World of George W. Obama

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:27 pm
by kenmurray