Zapruder film alteration or not?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Post by dankbaar »

j.j.c.bruinsma wrote:The autopsie foto,s we know are 1000 % fake,why not the Zapruder film,what i can see on the Internet (o.a. John Costella ,Jim Fetzer and more)i think the film is fake.grtzz.Is it your opinion that all three films (Muchmore, Nix and Zapruder) were altered to conceal a full stop of the limousine? I want a simple YES or NO! That is what I asked. That is what you refuse to answer! Wim
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Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Post by Davyjones »

JC Bruinsma offers no evidence just the opinions of others. Kit Carp says he has seen an improved copy of the Zapruder film but is unable to confirm a stop or otherwise.Why? The car either stops on the film he has seen or it doesnt. So his answer should be No to the Zapruder movie and No to Mutchmore and Nix.I see he has gone from the forum without revealing where and when WE can see this miracle new version of Zapruder so I am inclined to think it does not exist.
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Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Post by dankbaar »

Exactly Davy Jones! The hogwash about the existence of an alternative "Zapruder film" is just what it is: HOGWASH! With no proof whatsoever! Only HEARSAY. This type of bullshit irritates me to the bone! Imagine what it would mean if it could really be proven that such a film exists. Why did all those bullshitters that allegedly saw the film, never produce it? Fuck 'm! Instead we are polluting internet space, energy, books and wasted and time on this baloney! Wim
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Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Post by Davyjones »

Ok Lets move on? What do you think forum members should be concentrating on?
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Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Post by dankbaar »

Davyjones wrote:Ok Lets move on? What do you think forum members should be concentrating on?On Posada Carriles being on trial and protected because he knows the secrets of the CIA , George Bush and his covert operations? Like 11/22/63? Wim
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Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

Davyjones wrote:JC Bruinsma offers no evidence just the opinions of others.That,s tru,i get my info from the Internet and a lot offdvd,s,2 dvd,s i buy via W.Dankbaar,the hole case stinksthe autopsie foto,s are 1000% fake,25 or more dokters/peoplesay a large piece of back of the head is cone,why idont see that on the Z film ?grtz.
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Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

dankbaar wrote:The hogwash about the existence of an alternative "Zapruder film" is just what it is: HOGWASH! With no proof whatsoever! Only HEARSAY. This type of bullshit irritates me to the bone! Ik heb zo,n 25 jaar intresse in de JFK case,heb ontelbare boeken/dvd,s gelezen/gekekenzins Internet is de intresse alleen maar groter geworden,door Internet ben ik hier terechtgekomen en heb de boeken/dvd,s over de J.Files story allemaal doorgenomen heb erzeer veel uren in gestoken en ben tot de conclussie gekomen dat het zeer betrouwbaar isik zie de puzzelstukjes (langzaam) op zijn plaats vallen,mijn mening/conclussie worddoor veel van mijn relaties/kennissen afgedaan als HOGWASH.Nou dat vind ik verder prima maar ik niet.Eigenlijk het zelfde verhaal als met de,heb er zeer veel van gelezen/gezienen vind de info die ik vind op Internet zeer betrouwbaar,zijn kundige mensenvaak profesor of advocaad die met een prima ,,verhaal,,komen,hebben ze bewijsNEE want dan was er geen JFK case meer.Sorry dat het in het Nederlands is maar mijn Engels is helaas niet zo goed.Gr.Jan.Sorry my Engels is not that good.
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Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Post by Jsnow915 »

In my humble opinion...the zapruder film wasnt altered....point...Kennedy would have never slumped to the back and left if it was.
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Re: Posida Cariles

Post by Davyjones »

An update on the continued protection of Cariles. He must know where the bodies are buried and wont be extradited.Neither will he talk.The cover up continues............. ... dence.html
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Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Post by Kirk »

Possible I should let sleeping dogs lie on this issue because of the contension of whether there was alteration or distruction involved of the Zapruder film. Being a novice compared to most on the forum it is easier for me to look at it from the both sides. In truth I do not know if it was altered or not, but we all know that other evidence was altered, destroyed or disappeared from this case. Many of the other films as one example, the limousine as another etc. etc. Meaning much the evidence for the whole case has been corrupted by poor precedures or no precedures for the proper methods of chain of evidence. I am not a lawyer thankfully, but I believe any reasonably competent lawyer could have the case thrown out of court no matter who or what was on trial. Maybe that was the most important process in the planning of JFK's murder. Everything and everyone is suspect Every motivation, insight, and belief is suspect making concensus all but impossible. The mudding of the water to the point of total darkness. My opinion only on some of the issues. Did the limo stop? No, but slowed down, and Greer looks suspicious by being so slow to react to the first sound whether it be a firecracker, blank, or bullet from silencer. He should have floored it at the corner. If the car had stopped Hill would have flown into the back seat at the start, but I do think it slowed beyond competency. Was the Zapruder altered? At this time I would say not enough proof yet for me, but it was mishandled. Did Zapruder shoot the film? I am not sure any more. There are pictures where he is there, and others where he not. He is older guy, and I doubt he had the reflects to jump like a cat.Have I lost faith because everything is suspect? NoI have spent enough time in the creek that runs by my family farm to understand muddy water. It requires patience and time to clear, and it does clear. Wisdom from experience has taught me when looking for arrow points and artifacts in the creek to walk against the current for a clear view.