WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Dealey Joe »

yea I gradiated from the 4th grad when I uz 21
Alex Hidell
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Alex Hidell »

Guys,If you cannot discern the difference between a religious war such as the one being carried out by Islamic Fascicts against non-Muslims in countries raning from Sudan, Iraq, Afganistan, Phillipines, Spain, England, Algeria, US, Bali, MalaysiaWith a monetarily motivated assassination such as that of JFK, may Heaven help us all.
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Bob »

Alex Hidell wrote:Guys,If you cannot discern the difference between a religious war such as the one being carried out by Islamic Fascicts against non-Muslims in countries raning from Sudan, Iraq, Afganistan, Phillipines, Spain, England, Algeria, US, Bali, MalaysiaWith a monetarily motivated assassination such as that of JFK, may Heaven help us all.I understand that point of your argument Alex. I also agree that the JFK assassination was monetarily motivated for the most part. I have often said that the number one reason JFK was assassinated was because of the changes he was making to the Federal Reserve. But there were several other reasons as well. Like JFK's attempt to splinter the CIA. Like not invading Cuba and not escalating the war in Vietnam. Like trying to make big oil pay it's fair share. Like RFK going after the mob with vengeance. Like trying to forge peace with the Soviet Union and Cuba through back channels.However, to say the events of 9/11 occurred solely because of Islamic terrorists is off base in my opinion. Again, we have provided a number of posts and links that provide great information as to who was REALLY behind the events of 9/11 in this forum. The U.S. blamed 9/11 on Islamic terrorists, but it was MUCH deeper than that. As in government knowledge and partcipation. Please check out some of these documentaries...http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/watch-online/
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by SLogan »

Sorry if I started a little SH*T Storm here by typing my opinion . I in no way singled out anyone else's . I respect everybody's opinion . I do however agree with what Bob had spent his valuable time expounding on what I was trying to put forth as mine without getting into it like he did. So Alex you have your opinion I have mine , Bob has his as does Phil and Ken and Joe and Pasquale and others . There's another site about the Assassination on the NET that reeks with confrontation if that would suffice . I just recently joined this forum about a month ago after visiting it many times over the past year . I am a fan of many on here and feel glad to be a small part . I mean have you seen some Phil's stuff? Amazing ! Just ask a question and boom Ken has a link . So just be cool have fun .....
Dealey Joe
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Dealey Joe »

Alex Hidell wrote:Guys,If you cannot discern the difference between a religious war such as the one being carried out by Islamic Fascicts against non-Muslims in countries raning from Sudan, Iraq, Afganistan, Phillipines, Spain, England, Algeria, US, Bali, MalaysiaWith a monetarily motivated assassination such as that of JFK, may Heaven help us all.I hope some day I will be able to discern between Politics, Money and Religion.They all seem the same to me.Ok now:JFK was a money war?9/11 was a religious war?What then was a political war?
Phil Dragoo
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Not Lee. Okay, reset.

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Joe, though my college poli sci department head could speak eight languages and regail us with passages of significant geopolitical strategy, one of the wisest men I've worked with was a quiet fellow from KEN-tucky with a sixth-grade education and six kids.You ran a four-engine coal train into a tuning fork the height of a grain elevator with your innocuous-appearing:I hope some day I will be able to discern between Politics, Money and Religion.James Douglass—as did L. Fletcher Prouty, Peter Dale Scott, and George Michael Evica—used the term The Unspeakable to encompass what Ike had called the military-industrial complex, and many observers have alluded to in their analyses.Our Seventh-Century figure has caused a ripple effect, yet do the fish know they're wet, and/or are some of the players actually surfing.That is, power is the end, the aim, the goal, the means, the all-seeing eye.Jackson was Ike's psy-ops man who in 1952 wrote the speech on getting all agencies of government saying the same message.Jackson's billet was with the mag who sucked up the Z film.Donovan got FDR's nod because of the intercession of the British intelligence legend Intrepid who was Fleming's model for Bond.The Crusades—are they a continuance unto the day, as the north of Africa is in flames.Do we hear the drums of war rolling thunder-like over the horizon.Did not O'Brien inform Winston Smith:The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. ... We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.  Power is not a means, it is an end. John F. Kennedy sought to govern counter to this by reforming the Federal Reserve in June 1963 EO 11110, by banning A-tests that summer, by seeking detente with Eurasia.Nixon went to Eastasia to counter Eurasia.The past is being re-written.We will not see the towers fall up.Until John Lennon stops and asks the doorman about the Brigade.
Alex Hidell
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Alex Hidell »

Guys,There are obviously a lot of smart people on this board and I did not mean to crticize any of you.My biggest concern when I see someone trying to tie 9/11 to the JFK assassination is that is begins to make us all look like "Conspiracy Nuts". Pretty soon we will be talking about UFO's and Elvis living in northern Michigan.JFK's assassination and resultant government sponsored cover up is the worst mis-carriage of justice I have witnessed in my lifetime and if I could play any small part in reversing that mis-carriage of justice, I would be honored.Tha's why I chose to post on this forum. To exchange ideas about JFK. I would prefer to limit the discussion to facts as established by eyewitnesses to the event.I don't pretend to be an expert on 9/11 but I am a bit of an expert on JFK. 47 years of research and counting.I just hate to see this board get bogged down in conjecture and certainly would hate to see our collective credibility be compromised by giant leaps of faith relative to 9/11 and JFK.With that said, regarding 9/11- if there is a quick synopsis of the general belief as to what actually happened and why- pls feel free to start a thread on that. I am always eager to learn.
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by kenmurray »

Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11. Scroll down to that topic.
Alex Hidell
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Alex Hidell »

Ken- not sure what you are talking about here. Are you telling me there were fake planes on 9/11? The planes that hit the Twin Towers looked real enough to me.Also, what media hoax? The thing was shown live, in real time, on TV, what hoax?And even if both assertions are true what does that have to do with JFK?????????????????????????????????
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Alex Hidell wrote:Ken- not sure what you are talking about here. Are you telling me there were fake planes on 9/11? The planes that hit the Twin Towers looked real enough to me.Also, what media hoax? The thing was shown live, in real time, on TV, what hoax?And even if both assertions are true what does that have to do with JFK?????????????????????????????????Alex,Just look at the information before you jump to conclusions about it. For example, we watch football games on "real time" and "live" TV, and they have ways of putting those nice yellow lines and big arrows on the football fields during a game and between plays. Anyone who watches football knows what I'm talking about. It's because of computer graphics. I even posted information regarding this technology on my fake planes topic. I have presented evidence that those "planes" we saw were not real. This has nothing to do with how the towers were demolished. I'm also not saying that nothing hit the towers either. All I'm saying is that there are major problems and issues with what the media showed us. The problems and issues, when examined, look like those "planes" were fake computer graphics. How do you explain the same plane that hit the second tower being portrayed as hitting the south tower in three different trajectories? There's even more to it than that. There's audio that appears to be tampered with, and the crash physics just aren't reality.Here's the link to the topic.http://forum.jfkmurdersolved.com/viewto ... t=2005Keep in mind, Alex, that we see all sorts of things on the television that aren't real. They are usually TV shows and movies. For you to say that what you saw on 9/11 is reality just because you watched it on the television, isn't enough. It doesn't make it so in the case of the 9/11 attacks. For the rest of you who haven't looked at the information yet, please look at it. Here's the link again.http://forum.jfkmurdersolved.com/viewto ... f=1&t=2005