Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Frenchy wrote:Christoph, if badgeman is real, no one was near him to run away from him, he was behind the picket fence. Frenchy, they are claiming, that bad bad "badgeman" would have stood and shot behind this white wall, please see Moorman photo! Frenchy wrote: As for no one filming him, there was lots of film in the aftermath of the assassination behind the fence and in the parking lot, with lots of policemen in the parking lot. I meant being filmed while shot. Zapruder, Nix, Muchmore, Babushka Lady filmed that, (Zapruder could have held a little too high for getting badgeman on tape), but there was no badgeman and in the aftermath on Bell, Weigman, Hughes and Darnell obviously either or was it? If you would have been Zapruder, Newman or Muchmore, wouldn't you have told the running by policemen: "There! It was exactly there!" when you would have seen badgeman? And they just couldn't have overseen him from that position! Chris
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by saracarter766 »

ChristophMessner wrote:ChristophMessner wrote: Sara , please do explain, why nobody is frightening shortly before the shot or running away from this to everybody clearly visible man and why he is not on any film and why he should chose such a visible position, where he would risk to shoot Jackie or some bystanders as well!oh crying for out loud christopher i was making a statement sheesh read what frenchy said it will tell you god your not gonna be like conspiracybuff and jump all over me are ya? you are indeed intitled to speak your opinion just like i'm intitled to say what is on my mind cut me some slack this is seriously and pardon my french and i apolgize for what i'm about to say and i do say this in the nicest and most polite way but this is getting on my damn nerves i say something and i feel i get jumped on and i hate to say it but if it keeps on i will be another one who leaves and i love this board and everyone on it but this is getting on my nerves real fast. now i apologize to you if i'm rough in my comment but i've had just about enough of this. i have spoken my opinion on badgeman and i stand by my opinion. you have every right to disagree with me just like i have a right to disagree with you.i have respected all of your opinions christopher but i'm tired of people coming down on me for speaking my opinion i'm sorry but it had to be said. and i apologize to all of you for my rough comment.
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by tpfleming »

I have visited Dealey Plaza many times, and have stood at the very spot where the Badgeman image appears. It is an impossible shot in relation to where the limo was at the moment Moorman snapped her photo, because the retaining wall obstructs the view of the shooter. However, if the shooter was elevated, like standing on the bumper of a car behind the fence, it is possible. Not likely...but possible. The important thing to remember is that the head shot DID, without question, come from behind the picket fence. I believe the shooter who made that shot was firing from near the southeast corner of the fence. From there it is an obstructed view. And, since Greer actually stopped the limo at the point, it was easy shot for the "corner of the fence shooter." Plus, that's where S.M. Holland and others saw a puff of smoke.Tim
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by tpfleming »

My apologies...I meant "unobstructed" view from the SE corner of the fence.Tim
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by Frenchy »

Chris,Badgeman was supposed to be behind the fence.....NOT the retaining wall.Sara dont leave, we all have different views....and though im new to this site i enjoy reading input from you and everyone else.Who would point out a Dallas Policeman....and say " it was him, he shot the President" ?
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Sara, if you really feel bad about my way of asking, I feel bad, too. When I tell my opinion about something in this forum I try to substanciate it by plausible reasons and arguments. I'm open to any questioning of my opinions and expect others to substanciate their's by their reasons and arguments, too. If his or her reason or argument is stronger than mine, I will change my opinion. But it's no so important, WHO found the most plausible theory with it's best reasons, but to just try to find it, and it is important, that on the mutual way to the truth both LISTEN and APPRECIATE the other's words and reasoning of their opinion. Your opinion about badgeman was: I just believe in badgeman, because I see him there on the photo! No reasoning about the logical consistencies or inconsistencies, the probabilities, no thinking into the shooter, what he might have thought, done, etc., no considering about the other persons standing around. So I just had the feeling, you would say an opinion without naming any foundation to substanciate your opinion. It's like saying: The son his hot, just because it is hot. The badgeman is there, because he is there. In any serious inverstigation this does not count as an argument. So I brought up my reasoning and my arguments for my opinion in the hope, you would LISTEN and APPRECIATE the reasoning of others and care for them. Also you could have said: "I cannot explain." or "I cannot answer your questions, because I don't know." This would have been ok as well. Actually, I'm happy that there is a woman in this forum. Often or maybe always women have another reasoning or approach to the same than men and if we would happen to discuss the "badgeman" in a round eye to eye, I would have surely accepted, if you would have said: "I just can't tell any probabilities or logics, but I have the feeling, that there was standing and shooting a badgeman!" and I would have searched your eyes and checked, whether you meant it seriously or not. And I would have left it like that and tried to check my own reasoning even harder. But here in a forum, where you discuss opinions, which can make a big difference, only in written form, it's just legitimate to demand a reasoning from the other and the care for the other's reasoning. And there is NO JUMPING ON SOMBODY OR COMING DOWN by doing so! I would have come down on you by not taken you seriously, if I would not have wanted to know your rationale behind your opinion. Chris
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Frenchy wrote:Chris, Badgeman was supposed to be behind the fence.....NOT the retaining wall.? Just click "Badgeman" on the right menue and then you will see Wim's photos and the white wall. Frenchy wrote: Who would point out a Dallas Policeman....and say " it was him, he shot the President" ? Imagine the fatal shot has happend just 20 seconds ago. Policeman are coming. They look around and might ask the bystanders: "From where did you hear something? Where did you see something?" And if I would have been Newman for example, I would have said: "I heard it right behind me, just where ... " and if a bystand would have seen the badgeman where he was, he would have pointed the policeman to that direction and that would have been in the files afterwards, that's my guess.Sara dont leave, we all have different views....and though im new to this site i enjoy reading input from you and everyone else.Chris
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by Frenchy »

Chris i dont want to harp on this......but he was supposed to be behind the fence mate......ask Wim
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

dankbaar wrote:That's not the point. I'll give you a hint: Compare the sizes with other humans, like Emmett Hudson and Zapruder. Also keep in mind that the retaining wall reaches not even to your belt. And that the picket fence reaches to your shoulders. WimI USED to believe in the Badgeman idea. Once the badgeman image is pointed out, he seems plain as day, BUT...there's always a BUT in there...based on the measurements, it seems unlikely to me. There are a couple of other reasons too. Badgeman is at a point of exit for Files as Files' position is to the left of Badgeman. Files never mentioned seeing a man in a police uniform behind the fence. Then again, Files also didn't originally mention Lansdale meeting him there either.Another reason is that if Badgeman supposedly did the headshot, JFK's head would have been thrown to the side. Then again, he could have shot and missed.Another thing is that the House Select Committee on Assassinations' sound tests placed the shooter in Files' position exactly. Then again, the scientists weren't allowed to test for all of the other shots during that Committee. I tend to go with Wim on this one primarily based on the measurements. What would really convince me is if someone could put grown men in those locations (where Badgeman and the others appear) and see if they measure up.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:you made a good point bob and i respect your opinion and everyone else's when i strongly believe in something i stick and stand by it i'm very stubborn when it comes to that and yes this is a wonderful forum but everyone has a right to an opinion and i respect it in every sense and i know everyone respects mine i will always remain a strong believer in the badgeman theory i'm just not convinced that it's a fake i need more in order to believe it. being feisty, strongly opinionated and stubborn just don't mix lol i guess that comes with being a red head which i am hahaha i know in the past my mom always told me i was very set in my ways and she was right i really am set in my ways. Very well said! I wish someone would put people in those locations and take a few pictures to see if they're the same size as Badgeman et al. By the way, I've NEVER heard of a red head being stubborn or feisty. Yeah right!!!! LOL My baby cousin is half Irish and half mom's brother married a pure Irish woman from Chicago, and my cousin has flaming red hair...and, yes, she's feisty and stubborn too. I MIGHT feel like I'm stereotyping here about red heads, but YOU SAID IT FIRST. LOL Anyway, don't sweat it. You're just fine as far as I'm concerned.