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Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 3:05 pm
by Dave Cannon
The CIA via David Atlee Phillips was trying to get Oswald into Cuba as an US asset as part of the Kennedy’s plan coup on Castro that was to take place in December of 63. (Code named AMWORLD or Operation Judas) The Mafia infiltrated this plan and also new that if this plan was exposed to the public, then it would be very embarrassing to the Kennedy administration and it could also start a war with Russia and Castro.

In general, from what I have read, I believe that Oswald was being prepared to go into Cuba as part of the coup on the Castro regime. Before going to Cuba, I think Oswald thought he was helping individuals like James Files and Jack Ruby to prepare guns that were being run into Cuba. My guess is that Oswald probably did not know exactly what was going and that day in Dallas. He must of known that something important was going to happen, but I think that Files said that he didn't know what was going on until that day.

Oswald probably thought he was going to Cuba that day, not be set-up as the patsy. According to "The Man Who Knew Too Much", Oswald was told to meet his contact in the Dallas movie theater to receive further instructions to leave for Cuba with David Ferrie as the pilot of the plane.
My speculation is that Osawald was beiing trained to be the Patsy in the assassination of Castro. IMO, Oswald could easily have been brought back to the US and pardoned once the coup was stabilized.

Since Oswald could be easily associated with David Atlee Phillips, Guy Bannister, Johnny Rosselli, Jack Ruby, and other associates of organized crime that had previously worked with the CIA/Mafia plots to kill Castro, the Mafia maneuvered Oswald into position to take the blame for the hit on JFK. The CIA would want to cover up Oswald’s identity because he could easily be linked to the unsanctioned plans of AMWORLD and lead to war.

In addition, the CIA must have known about the hit on JFK in advance but were powerless to do anything about it. They were out maneuvered by the Mafia, (Giancana, Trafficante, Marcello, Rosselli and Nicoletti) Rosselli must have been in the middle of the Kennedy’s AMWORLD coup on Castro and learned of the Mafia’s plot on JFK. Therefore he was sent by the CIA to stop the assassination by the CIA (David Atlee Phillips) and he was also told by the Mafia (Giancana) to kill JFK. Rosselli was caught in between loyalties with the CIA and the Mafia and he chose the latter. Tosh Plumlee was powerless to do anything about it either.

In addition, to Mr. Dankbaar’s book and DVD’s, read the books “The Man Who Knew Too Muchâ€

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:23 am
by Erik van t Wout

Thank you for your eleborate and well read answer. I'll study the book you recommend. Thanks a lot.


Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 8:50 pm
by Maarten Coumans
I consider it to be unthinkable that the CIA was outmanouvered by the MOB.
Why not fire a couple of blanks in Fort Worth, so in Dallas the hood is on. Easy!
Can The MOB call off security, get the Warren-Commission appointed. Tell the media to go to sleep?
According to James, Roselli was a liaison between Mob and CIA. Why go to Fort Worth to pick up orders, and false documents, if they are not to be used. No, the Mob is not the big fish.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 4:33 pm
by Erik van t Wout
I think I agree with Maarten. The thing is THE CIA did not exist as a perfectly coherent unit. You might say there was a 'timid' CIA, following orders from high up, and on the other hand a rogue CIA (consisting of....6--25 people???).

Erik van t Wout

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:06 pm
by Dave Cannon
I believe Roselli was more Mafia than CIA and he was not a nice guy. I also believe he was only interested in protecting his interests and his Mob associate's interests. (Marcello, Giancanna and Trafficante) His CIA connections came out of the several assassination plots against Castro via the CIA and the Mafia.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:57 pm
by john geraghty
Dave must be holding a hammer because he just hit the nail on the head, IMO.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:31 pm
by Erik van t Wout
Except it doesn't answer the question who outmanouvered whom. You don't mean to say that Roselli completely took over the CIA, do you?
I'm interested in that rogue group in the CIA, that was willing to cooperate with that nasty guy Roselli (or the other way around).
Greetings, Erik

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:30 pm
by Maarten Coumans
I think Dave and John think of the Mob as too powerfull.
That would mean today, that all of the USA is controlled by the mob, through the CIA. ????
If I turn it around, would make more sense !!!!!
I think the workarea's of both very much, how shall I say, overlap.
Resulting in a large grey area.
The maffia's involvement is unmistakably present. They lost millions in Cuba, and a nice playing-ground/hideout for oulaws.
That the Kennedy's lost faith in the CIA is quite obvious, resulting in the firing of Dulles, Bissell etc. after the Bay of pigs. And still found out the CIA was sending asassins into Cuba. Officially the CIA knew nothing of that. Later Bobby started his own project Freedom from his own office, bypassing CIA FBI etc.
Since the Cuban Missile Crisis, the White House had access to a hot-line with Moskou, bypassing all desinformation the CIA could throw at the president. Bobby was fighting the maffia, John the CIA. John wanted to print his own money, bypassing the Federal Reserve (would be smiling??).
He was taking on some serious problems, without the emergency as a WW2 to push laws allong. Roosevelt could end prohibation, so warships could be loaded for Europe (thanks Roosevelt). Thusly desimating the amound of maffia-controlled moneyflow. And so blow the Hoffa to the side, and loading ships for Europe, without Union "supervision".
Kennedy could have a war like that in Cuba or Vietnam. I know that at least Vietnam he did not want. In my view, because of it would be a created war, distracting the public's attention. So he could pass/push some laws, probably not new. But I think that is exactly what John did not want, I conclude from his actions. So he had to go.
The maffia is a considerable force, but a small fish compared to the Gouvernment/CIA. Jimmy states something allong those lines.
Jimmy was a class A assassin, he ended up hijacking trucks. Were his services no longer required? While the maffia should start the best time?
How well organised is organised crime?
I think Prouty gives a nice insight in how things were done in those days. Hiring special crooks for specific jobs. I think Jimmy's story from a differend perspective adds nicely.
I consider this whole "outmanouvering", "abort-team" etc. to be desinformation/code to hide the real thing. Throw people off track, make it harder to understand, let allone proof. Even insiders are left in the dark, about where their work ends up. They were on the same side, killing Kennedy.
Those things are prepared by small groups (cells), false documents, travel plans, moneyflow, cover-up story.
Who send, among others, Oswald to Russia and back, Roselli? Too big for the maffia. IMO.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:12 pm
by Oscar
I personally don't think there wasn't any real intention of stopping the assassination. Everything went according to plan. I believe that the secret government (which basically has ties to all government intelligence agencies), behind the military-industrial complex, gave the order. The Mob had very close ties to the CIA, so I don't see why there should be any conflicts of interest.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 3:04 am
by Dave Cannon

I am not saying that Roselli took over the CIA. The book "Ultimate Sacrifice" explains the role of Roselli. According to the research, Roselli was used by the CIA to assassinate Domincan Dictator Trujillo in May 1961. Roselli also murdered New York mob boss Frankie Yale. Because of his success, the CIA planned to use Roselli to help get Castro. There was a point in time that I believed that the CIA and the Mafia killed JFK together, but now I definitly do not. I do believe that the CIA knew that it was a possibility that he would be hit in Dallas. They also had reason to believe he would be hit in Chicago and Tampa a few weeks before Dallas, but they did not plan it. They tried to stop it.

We know that Roselli was controlled by David Phillips for CIA operations. Because of his connections with the CIA, Roselli learned of Robert Kennedy's secret plot to kill Casto. This operation is documented as code named AMWORLD. It was Robert Kennedy's operation. An operation that was illegally funded and only a few high level people new about it.

Think about this, the U.S. and JFK just went through the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missle crisis. RFK was prosecuting organized crime. Castro shut down the Casinos in Cuba and wanted them back. Organized crime would do anything to protect their interests. Now the Mob finds out that RFK and JFK have secretly planned another assassination or coup before the upcoming elections. If the citizens of the US found out about this new plot, JFK and RFK illegal actions of funding a plot to remove Castro without the permission of the other area of government, then this would result in winning the election again. In addition, if the world found out about the plot, then there was an excellent cahnce that there would have been a nuclear war. This is the primary reason they have covered up the assassination.

So why was and is there a cover up? To prevent a nuclear war and to protect the Kennedy administration! That is plenty of reason to cover up and the mob new they could get away with it. If they investigated the Mob, (Roselli) that would have led to operation AMWORLD. The whole world would have known what the U.S. was up to in dealing with Castro. So the governemnt decided to keep it covered-up in order to preserve peace.