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Re: Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:38 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
j.j.c.bruinsma wrote:j.j.c.bruinsma wrote:I've been coming across evidence that the Israelis were also behind the 9/11 shows definite evidence of the Israelis having had a hand in the JFK assassination. This is BULLSHIT en Anti-Semite.It seems that an Israeli firm ran the security at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Assuming that the Israelis had a major hand in 9/11, I am not surprised at what is going now at those nuclear power plants. The same bullshit,nothing more than Anti-Semite CRAB,again SHAME on you.You can better look this doku than that shit from You Tube,maby you stopmaking Anti-Semite crab on this JFK forum: whas my last post on this forum,I send Bob a pm too thankhim and W.dankbaar for the fine year on JFK forum.For you: SHALOMThat's too bad for you because I have not written anything anti-Semitic at all, and you are reacting to it with a sense of hysteria. So, if there is evidence that Isreali or Jewish organized crime has basically infiltrated our government to a certain degree, we're not supposed to talk about it because it bothers you or someone else? (See the article by Jim Fetzer about whether 9/11 research is anti-Semitic. It's very informative.) Nobody asked you to leave this forum to my knowledge. You are supposedly choosing to leave simply because you don't like the information that I am presenting. If my information was false, you could easily prove it, and we could have a healthy discussion about it. However, you know that you can't because the information is real. You just have a problem with it. You may not have even looked at my information.This is what an honest, open discussion forum like this one is all about. It's about free-flowing discussion and not calling people names like you do to me. Why the sense of hysteria? As I asked you to do, look at my information about Israeli involvement in 9/11 and THEN make your conclusions about whether I am supposedly some sort of racist. You are proving to me that you are not interested in a rational discussion. You just want to try to defame my character by using those labels on me. It just so happens that there is a lot of evidence of Israeli involvement in 9/11, and now it seems that an Israeli company also ran the security at Fukushima nuclear power plant where they're having trouble. I'm beginning to wonder if some sort of sabotage happened there too. The information I posted about the Israeli security company and the Fukushima nuclear power plant comes from is a JEWISH news source, so it's not anti-Semitic. The idea that you supposedly sent a message to Wim and Bob shows that you are trying to shut me up and stop me from sharing this information. The information is valid, and you are trying to stop free discussion here. Shalom to you too.

Re: Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:07 pm
by Davyjones
JJC Bruinsma.. dont leave the forum,please. Pasquales posts are informative and persuasive but he is not the oracle and members can make up their own minds about what he says. He is not anti-semite in my opinion but I realise you are not to be persuade otherwise. I am for instance sceptical that the Isrealis are anyway responsible for the horrers in Japan despite the security connections. Come on JJC dont down tools now, stick with it and state your opinions.Its up to forum members and the moderators to see that fair play takes place.Pasquale,as I have previously stated I find your posts are on the button but would suggest that you might just muscle through JJCs comments and try to live and let live.The world is full of people who think like JJC so dont get involved in a battle that serves no great purpose.

Re: Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:09 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Davyjones wrote:JJC Bruinsma.. dont leave the forum,please. Pasquales posts are informative and persuasive but he is not the oracle and members can make up their own minds about what he says. He is not anti-semite in my opinion but I realise you are not to be persuade otherwise. I am for instance sceptical that the Isrealis are anyway responsible for the horrers in Japan despite the security connections. Come on JJC dont down tools now, stick with it and state your opinions.Its up to forum members and the moderators to see that fair play takes place.Pasquale,as I have previously stated I find your posts are on the button but would suggest that you might just muscle through JJCs comments and try to live and let live.The world is full of people who think like JJC so dont get involved in a battle that serves no great purpose.That was very well said, Davyjones. That's why I love this forum. Open minded people like you make it good.

Re: Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:28 pm
by SLogan
I'm of the opinion we have many "Oracles" on here and a few Sherpas too.

Re: Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:28 am
by Kirk
For me this comes back to the loss of trust. This maybe have been the actual intent of the JFK assassination and the aftermath. Everyone and everything becomes suspect, and not to be trusted. That includes us, Obama etc. etc. I believe everything should be questioned and studied, but to make conclusion, just from association is not enough evidence to indict much less convict. We are associated on this forum, but I doubt any of us feel total agreement on anything.I do not know enough about the HAARP thing. I have read some of course, and some of what has been offered on here. I am open to the possibility, but I am aware that it is not probable, and hard to prove, and also seemingly not needed for control. My Father was Jewish, my Mother was raised methodist, I went to Bapstist Military school, and later married and divorced a Catholic. My Grandmother went to church, and my Grandad laid on the bed and listened to the radio. Apparently I was never given any kind of secret information or hand shake from any of these people or groups. The real Powers that want to control us have no God, but power itself. They do not buy the bullshit they sale.

Re: Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:28 am
by Dealey Joe
Thank for your balanced perspective Kirk.But I am a bit disappointed, I thought you knew the secret handshake

Re: Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:03 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Kirk wrote:My Father was Jewish, my Mother was raised methodist, I went to Bapstist Military school, and later married and divorced a Catholic. My Grandmother went to church, and my Grandad laid on the bed and listened to the radio. Apparently I was never given any kind of secret information or hand shake from any of these people or groups. The real Powers that want to control us have no God, but power itself. They do not buy the bullshit they sale.Kirk,I hope you're not implying that I actually think there's some sort of secret handshake among Jewish people. I thought that's what certain people thought about Masons or something. LOLThe mere fact that an Israeli company ran the security at the Fukushima nuclear plant is not proof positive of anything. It just makes me a little suspicious. In the case of 9/11, for example, the security company at the WTC is definitely suspect to me. The buildings collapsing the way they did is entirely consistent with a controlled demolition. They could have pulled that stunt after a supposed natural disaster like an earthquake, and it still would be entirely consistent with a controlled demolition. How else do 110-story tall buildings collapse at free-fall speed (about 10 seconds)? Looking at the Fukushima information in the context of the mountain of evidence of Israeli and Jewish organized crime involvement in 9/11 is making a lot of my colleagues take a closer look at it. After all, there was a recent media campaign in this country regarding Toyota vehicles having problems, remember? Is there some sort of effort going on to weaken the Japanese economy for some reason? Was there some sort of sabotage involved in those power plants? On the "anti-Semite" issues, regarding 9/11, there is so much evidence of Israeli and Jewish entities being involved in 9/11 that it prompted James Fetzer to write an article called "Is 9/11 Research "Anti-Semitic"?" The answer, according to Fetzer, is "No." Here's a link to his article. ... semitic/Is Fetzer an anti-Semite too? This is what some people, like jjc bruinsma, are trying to make it look like...that basically saying ANYTHING critical of Israel or saying ANYTHING critical about any Jewish people (like Jewish organized criminals) is somehow anti-Semitic no matter how true it is. It's a ridiculous attitude to have. Why are topics about Israel and Jewish entities somehow out of bounds for people like him? Is it because he's Jewish and taking it personally? I have repeatedly asked jjc bruinsma to have a rational discussion about WHY he thinks that I am anti-Semitic, and he won't answer the question. He just repeats his accusations and name-calling. Then, when all else fails, he pulls this hysterical move by trying to involve Wim and Bob and saying that he's leaving the forum. Step back and look at his calling, defamation of my character, four letter expletives used repeatedly, no rational discussion, and then finally drama and exaggerated histrionics which look like an effort to evoke sympathy, like he's the one who is hurt. It looks like a big act to me.

Re: Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:25 pm
by Bob
I also hope the J.J.C. reconsiders. I know that he and Pasquale have been going at it about this and that, and I just want to put my two cents in here. First, I have some very good friends that are Jewish. We joke around quite a bit about religion. Joke being the key word. It's just humor. However, we also have discussions about the Middle East and the state of Israel. We all agree that Israel has been way too aggressive in their approach in foreign policy. VERY similar to what the United States has done the last decade or so. Bottom line, I think there are rogue elements in Israel AND the United States that have a LOT of power and influence. Those rogue elements fly under the radar, but they control what the politicians in each country do. Just look at the U.S. today. Now we are involved in the military situation in Libya. Is it because the leaders of this country care about the people of Libya? Hell no! It's because of oil. That's all it is. That's why the U.S. is in Iraq as well. Obama has also escalated the war in Afghanistan too. Why? It's simple...there is a very important oil pipeline that runs through that country and also because all of the opium there. The biggest rogue elememt that influences foreign policy in the United States is the CIA. The CIA also killed JFK and RFK. I think every President since Poppy Bu$h has been a CIA operative before they became President. That includes Clinton (Mena), Dumbya Bu$h and Barry Obama. Do I hate ALL of the CIA? No. I think there are outstanding people in the organization. But I do hate the rogue elements of the CIA that have done things like killing JFK. This takes me to to Pasquale. I don't believe Pasquale is anti-Semitic. I think what Pasquale is trying to illustrate is that there are rogue elements that steer Israel's decision making in foreign policy, just like what happens in the United States. The biggest rogue element is the Mossad. The Mossad and the CIA have long been partners. As I said, there are some excellent memebers of both organizations. But the leadership of both intelligence agencies are almost always pre-selected by the rogue elements that want to control foreign policy in the world. If you look at the United States and Israel as of late, it's almost like we are mirror images of each other. We call ourselves democracies, but in essence, we project a fascist attitude to the rest of the world. Killing innocent civilians. Waging war for profit and power. Finally, I understand where J.J.C. is coming from too. There are many people in Europe that have lost a lot of family members in WWII due to the Hitler war machine and the atrocities that he did to all of his enemies, including the Jewish people. The U.S. fought in that war against Hitler and also against Japan. We thought that we actually won that war against those two countries and against fascism. Israel was created a couple years later. But there were those in the U.S. that backed Hitler during the war. One of those families was the Bu$h family. Another one was the Dulles family. Look at the power they both accumulated after WWII. Now look at the U.S. now, thanks to the influence of the Bu$hes and from people of their ilk. The U.S. has become a fascist government. The same thing has happened in Israel. Again...the CIA and the Mossad are joined at the hip. They are the two biggest intelligence agencies in the none, although the KGB was strong in it's day too. Bottom line, I do think the CIA and the Mossad had roles in the events of 9/11. Why? Because those events set up the Middle East as we see it now.

Re: Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:31 am
by Kirk
Pasquale,I know what you mean. I guess what I want to make clear is that we need to make ourselves as clear as possible, especially if we ever want the sleeping to wake up. The MSM and their controllers use whatever they can to marginalize the truth.Thanks,Kirk

Re: Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:23 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Kirk wrote:Pasquale,I know what you mean. I guess what I want to make clear is that we need to make ourselves as clear as possible, especially if we ever want the sleeping to wake up. The MSM and their controllers use whatever they can to marginalize the truth.Thanks,KirkThank you, Kirk. That is also a very good observation you just made, in my opinion. I agree. We have to be very clear.