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Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 10:34 pm
by David Octopus
Dave Cannon> your account is flat wrong - the same very day Collin Powell was doing his multimedia show before the UN security council the european media ran information to the contrary. It took many months to appear the same info on the US main stream media..

Now, Powell's chief of staff went on PBS recently and said that the whole UN security presentation on Iraqi WMD was a hoax and he feel terrible that he mislead the american public..

So, Mr. Powell is a nice little coward if he didn't have the balls to go open with similar statement and had to send his long time top aide and friend to do it..

The best part is that the moronic american public still en masse believes in the unsubstantiated Saddam <> 9/11 connection..

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 10:49 pm
by Dave Cannon
Countries supporting the U.S. position
Shortly before the Iraq war began, the US government announced that 49 countries were joined in a "coalition of the willing" in favor of forcibly removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, with some number of other countries expressing their support in private. The 49 countries named by the White House were Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Israel,Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of Macedonia, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Mongolia, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Palau, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Rwanda, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Tonga, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, and Uzbekistan. Of these, the following countries had an active or participant role, by providing either significant troops or political support: Australia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and United States. Some newspapers and organizations ([1]) questioned what "willing" meant in this context, or whether these countries' populations or even their governments were actually in favor of the plan to remove Saddam Hussein. Many of the supporting countries are extremely poor and, to this day, rely on U.S. military or development aid. In no country other than the U.S. did opinion polls show a majority of the population was in favor of the war when it started. Critics also asked why the United States sought for the support of such questionable governments as those of Azerbaijan (see Politics of Azerbaijan),Rwanda ([2]), Uganda ([3]), Ukraine ([4]) or Uzbekistan (see Politics of Uzbekistan) when trying to install a stable democracy in Iraq.
Four of these countries supplied combat forces directly participating in the invasion of Iraq: the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Poland. Other countries have provided logistical and intelligence support, chemical and biological response teams, overflight rights, humanitarian and reconstruction aid, and political support.

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 10:49 pm
by Dave Cannon
How do you explain this

Saddam’s WMD: Discovery and Denial
June 28th, 2006
Last week, Senator Rick Santorum and Rep. Pete Hoekstra revealed declassified portions of a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) that said Coalition forces in Iraq have recovered several hundred munitions containing degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. The report also stated that “filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist.â€

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 10:57 pm
by David Octopus
Dave> to speak about several hundred pieces of munition of degrade sarin/mustard found somewhere in Iraq after the US army used napalm on the entire civilian population of Falluja including children, not speaking about the tons of depelted uranium all over the Iraq is kind of crazy.

I'm sorry you just can't win this argument. Besides Saddam was for many decades the bad boy on the bloc supported by the US. Although it's true that some weaponery came also from euro/russia..

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:51 pm
by Dave Cannon
Where is the evidence for that statement? Is it credible?

Again, you can interpret the info to make it fit your idealogical way of thinking.

• In May of 2004, elements of the 1st Cavalry Division encountered a 155mm binary chemical artillery shell wired as an IED,2933,120268,00.html. The round exploded before it could be rendered safe exposing two US soldiers to the deadly nerve agent, who then displayed the classic symptoms of sarin exposure: dilated pupils and nausea. Later tests confirmed that the shell contained three to four liters of sarin.
• On May 2, 2004, a 155mm shell filled with mustard agent was discovered; this one also rigged as an IED. In keeping with the tradition of dismissing Coalition forces recovering WMDs, ISG testing concluded that the mustard gas was “stored improperlyâ€

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:14 am
by Bob
Maybe this will enlighten you Dave. It's from the Madsen Report and it's a little long but VERY in depth. Bottom line...once a war profiteer, ALWAYS a war profiteer.

June 28, 2006 -- WMR has reported on the explosive information from two Iraqi War Army counter-intelligence veterans that they uncovered materials and documents proving that some of Saddam Hussein's chemical and biological weapons were provided in 1988 by The Carlyle Group, through Spanish and French intermediaries. WMR has learned that pre-cursor and recombinant chemicals used in Iraqi WMDs were provided by a Texas petrochemical company and a chemical/biological toxin firm in which George H. W. Bush held and continues to hold a financial stake.

In April 2003, counter-intelligence personnel with the 223rd Military Intelligence Battalion, California Army National Guard, discovered, with the help of an Iraqi Air Force Chief Warrant Officer, aerial bombs specially configured for delivering chemical and biological weapons. The discovery was made at Al Bakr Air Base, some 60 miles north of Baghdad. In all, 29 crates containing the bombs were discovered.

Dave DeBatto, one of the counter-intelligence agents who discovered the bombs, wrote,

"He [the Iraqi Warrant Officer] pointed to the midsection of the bomb and to what appeared to be a small, thin metal door or covering bolted shut with small metal pins and possibly covering a slot or chamber. Inside, ]the Warrant Officer], explained, was a small parachute. He told us that after the bomb was dropped from the aircraft, the metal covering was blown open and the parachute deployed at about two hundred feet, slowing the descent of the bomb. A chemical agent, which was located in another chamber located at the rear of the bomb, was then dispersed into the air in an aerosol spray and spread over as large an area as the prevailing winds allowed.

[The Warrant Officer] led us around to the rear of the bomb and pointed to the tail assembly. It had a circular piece of metal connected to spokes in a conventional sort of design, but the similarity stopped there. Where ordinarily the rear end of a conventional high explosive bomb would taper into a point, this bomb had apparently had the tail section cut off about six inches from the tip resulting in a flat, circular end. Into that flat end, a small handle was inserted like one on a drawer. [The Warrant Officer] motioned with his hand near the handle and said that this device was twisted in order to open the compartment and then the technician pulled the drawer out and inserted a chemical agent in the slot. When finished, the drawer was reinserted into the bomb and the handle was once again secured."

The Iraqi Warrant Officer was proud that he managed to hide the bombs from UN weapons inspectors over the years since Operation Desert Storm. According to information provided to WMR, Saddam's decision to hide these particular weapons from the UN actually protected the ultimate source of the chemical and biological weapons -- companies directly linked to George H. W. Bush and James Baker.

DeBatto wrote, "I opened the folded off-white paper form and noticed several interesting things right away. The bombs had been purchased in the United States in 1988 from what appeared to be a government contractor called The Carlyle Group. I am almost embarrassed now to say that I had not heard of The Carlyle Group at that time so the name meant nothing to me. The only reason I remember it at all is that I was amazed that the bill was in English and I was stunned to see that a bomb that was used by Iraq in delivering chemical WMD – the only WMD found during the entire Iraq war – was in fact supplied to Saddam Hussein by the United States. Un-blanking believable."

However, there is more to this story, much more.

The Bush/Baker-influenced Carlyle Group profiteered from the Iraq-Iran War in the late 1980s. In the late 1980s and early 90s, illegal U.S. weapons shipments to Iraq became the subject of an intensive investigation by the House Banking Committee Chairman, Rep. Henry Gonzalez of Texas. This is what Sen. Edward Kennedy said of Gonzalez at the award ceremony presenting him with the 1994 President John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award, "The achievement of banking reform might have been enough courage for most elected officials — but not Henry Gonzalez. The following year, he launched the "Iraqgate" investigation that exposed the role of the Atlanta branch o£ an Italian bank and the involvement of the U.S. Commodities Credit Corporation and Reagan and Bush Administration officials in the illegal sale of U.S. arms to Iraq leading up to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and the Gulf War. The Bush Administration first asked — and then pressured - Chairman Gonzalez to drop the investigation, on the ground that national security would be compromised. But Chairman Gonzalez saw through that flimsy pretext, and the rest is history."

From the reports of Gonzalez's Banking Committee and two law suits by Desert Storm veterans suffering from Gulf War Syndrome against two Texas-based companies named as sources of chemical and biological weapons for Iraq in court filings, WMR can report that George H. W. Bush and James Baker were directly involved in providing WMDs to Saddam Hussein using then-private businessman Donald Rumsfeld as an intermediary. U.S. Army counter-intelligence agents report to WMR that they and British WMD clean-up personnel were used as a janitorial team to get rid of evidence linking U.S. firms, including Carlyle, Phillips Petroleum (now Conoco Phillips), and Tanox Biosystems of Houston in providing deadly chemical and biological agents to Iraq in violation of UN sanctions. In addition, another Bush-connected corporation, Bechtel, was investigated by Gonzalez for providing not only chemical and biological production materials to Iraq but pressuring the U.S. Export-Import (EX-IM) Bank to underwrite loans for the construction of an Iraq-Aqaba, Jordan oil pipeline. [Vice President Dick Cheney's hand picked President of the EX-IM Bank, publishing magnate Phillip Merrill, was recently found in the Chesapeake Bay with a shotgun blast to the head and weighed down with an anchor].

On February 24, 1992, Gonzalez made the following remarks on the floor of the House concerning Bechtel, the first Bush administration, and the EX-IM Bank:

". . . the State Department and the White House would pressure the EX-IM Bank repeatedly to gain access to guaranteed financing for Iraqi projects. The most prominent of these projects was an Iraqi oil pipeline with an outlet at the Red Sea Port of Aqaba, Jordan. This contract alone was worth $1 billion for its contractor, Bechtel, the California engineering conglomerate. Secretary of State George Shultz and Bechtel had a longstanding business relationship. As a matter of fact, Secretary Shultz came from Bechtel, and he came back from Bechtel. He worked at Bechtel prior to becoming Secretary of State and, as I say and repeat, he went back immediately upon leaving the State Department. Other high officials in the Reagan administration involved in this project including President Bush, the current Deputy Secretary of State, Lawrence Eagleburger, former Attorney General Ed Meese, former NSC Director Robert McFarlane, and former CIA Director William Casey. At various times, every one of them contacted the EX-IM Bank to obtain financing for the Aqaba pipeline project. These officials all had one thing in common–they saw EX-IM Bank financing as crucial to United States-Iraq relations... Clearly, the highest levels of the administration placed tremendous importance on the Aqaba pipeline project. On June 19, 1984, the EX-IM Bank’s Board met and not surprisingly approved a preliminary commitment of $484 million for the Aqaba pipeline for Bechtel. As a side note, the report read: Under normal peaceful circumstances, this project would not be economically viable. Can you imagine that? Under normal circumstances this project would not be viable. Oh, but it involves Bechtel. But Bechtel, as President Eisenhower said, is a mighty component of this great industrial defense complex, which in effect has been determining policy for our country, and particularly in the last two administrations."

The EX-IM Bank authorized the sale of chemical weapons to Iraq in the 1980s. On Dec. 20, 2002, The Washington Post reported, "An Export-Import Bank official reported in a memorandum that he could find 'no reason' to stop the sale [pesticides to Iraq from Dow Chemical], despite evidence that the pesticides were 'highly toxic' to humans and would cause death 'from asphyxiation'."

Bechtel also counted Ronald Reagan's Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger as a General Counsel; CIA Director Richard Helms (whose niece was the U.S. envoy of the Taliban and helped negotiate another pipeline deal (trans-Afghan CentGas) that would partly result in the 9-11 "Al Qaeda" attacks on the United States) as a consultant; and Ross Connelly, George W. Bush's chief financial officer of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (and another conduit of slush finds to the Iraq Coalition Provisional Authority) as head of Bechtel Investments.

During his probe of U.S. military support for Saddam, Chairman Gonzalez also investigated another Iraqi pipeline consortium partner, Brown & Root, now Kellogg Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton, headed after the Bush I administration by Dick Cheney.

Gonzalez, in a letter to President George H. W. Bush on May 2, 1991, brought up the names of a number of other Republicans in the illegal WMD trade with Iraq:

Washington, DC
May 2,1991

President of the United States,
Washington, DC

DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: The House Banking Committee is conducting an
investigation into over $4 billion in unreported loans the former employees of the Atlanta branch of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) provided to the government of Iraq between 1985 and 1990. The Committee's investigation has uncovered the fact that Henry Kissinger was on the International Advisory Board of BNL during that same time period and that BNL was a client of Kissinger Associates.

As you are aware, Mr. Brent Scowcroft and Mr. Lawrence Eagleburger were high ranking officials of Kissinger Associates- Mr. Scowcroft as Vice Chairman and Mr. Eagleburger as President. Kissinger Associates represents many large multinational companies involved in various aspects of international trade, including the arms business. Since these firms sell their wares worldwide, they often are the beneficiaries of U.S. policy towards foreign countries. I am deeply concerned over the potential influence Mr. Kissinger may exert over the decisions and actions of Mr. Scowcroft and Mr. Eagleburger, and am especially troubled by a potential conflict of interest involving Mr. Scowcroft.

The NationaI Security Advisor is in a position to strongly influence our national security and foreign policies, including the U.S. export licensing process. These policies often have a direct influence on individual corporations doing business abroad. Until October 4,1990, Mr. Scowcroft owned stock in approximately 40 U.S. corporations. many of which were doing busies in Iraq. Those companies received more than one out of every eight U.S. export licenses for exports to Iraq. Several of the companies were also clients of Kissinger Associates while Mr. Scowcroft was Vice Chairman of that firm.

Mr. Scowcroft's stock holding, particularly in corporations that are clients of Kissinger Associates, present the potential for serious conflicts of interest and cause one to question whether or not his decisions as National Security Advisor are completely disassociated from the interests of his former boss and longtime colleague.

Mr. Eagleburger, the current Deputy Secretary of State, as well as Mr. Scowcroft, may also be involved in a conflict of interest related to their role in promoting military sales abroad. The Legal Times recently reported that Mr. Eagleburger and Mr. Scowcroft (a lifelong Air Force Officer) are strong advocates of using $1 billion in Export-Import Bank resources to finance the sale of U.S. military articles overseas. The Legal Times also
reported that Mr. Eagleburger actually sent a classified memorandum to all U.S. Embassies urging that U.S. defense firms be given more help selling weapons abroad. Many corporations, including Mr. Eagleburger's past employer, the ITT Corporation, stand to benefit if the U.S. foreign service is forced to take a greater role in selling U.S. military articles abroad. For your information, I have attached a copy of the Legal Times
article referring to Mr. Eagleburger's and Mr. Scowcroft's roles in expanding military sales abroad. I am concerned that their attempts to use the foreign service and the Export-Import Bank to assist corporations in financing military sales abroad may have been prejudiced by their past associations.

Mr. Scowcroft's and Mr. Eagleburger's actions seem out of step at a time when the U.S. should be leading a worldwide effort to limit arms proliferation. The positions held by these men are of the utmost importance to the national security of the United States. Persons filling such important positions must be independent from past associations which
could cloud their judgment.

I trust you will consider the issues I have raised in this letter and, if necessary, take appropriate action to ensure that potential conflicts are eliminated.Thank you for your time and consideration. With best wishes.


In a Nov. 1991 letter to CIA Director William Webster, Gonzalez sought specific information on foreign firms and individuals that received EX-IM Bank-backed loans from BNL:

1. Wafia Dajani (Jordanian citizen) and his related companies: Amman Resources, Amman, Jordan; Amman Resources International, Georgetown, Grand Cayman; Araba Holdings, Inc. Panama; Aqaba Packing Co., Amman, Jordan.
2. Technology and Development Group (TDG) London, England.
3. TMG Engineering Limited, London, England.
4. Matrix-Churchill Limited (MCL) Coventry, England.
5. Tigris Trading Company, Baghdad, Iraq.
6. Al-Arabi Trading Company, Ltd.
7. Meed International, Ltd, England.
8. Kintex, Sophia, Bulgaria (aka `Globus' or `Korekom').
9. TechnoExport Foreign Trade Company, Ltd., Czechoslovakia.
10. Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of the USSR, Moscow, USSR.
11. Exportkhleb, Moscow, USSR.
12. Ministry of Industry and Military Manufacturing, An Agency of the Republic of Iraq.
13. Nassar State Establishment for Mechanical Industries, An Agency of Republic of Iraq.
14. Central Bank of Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq; Sadik Taha.
15. Rafidain Bank, Baghdad, Iraq.
16. Ali Mutalib Ali, former commercial attache at Iraq's German Embassy.

On Nov. 12, 1991, the CIA responded to Gonzalez:

Central Intelligence Agency,
Washington DC,
November 12, 1991.
Hon. Henry B. Gonzalez,
Chairman, Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, House of Representatives, Washington, DC.

Dear Mr. Chairman: In a letter dated 20 August 1991, the Banking Committee informed us of its investigation into the operations of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL). As a part of this investigation, the Banking Committee requested any foreign intelligence information this Agency may have on foreign beneficiaries of BNL loans to Iraq. As you are aware, we also are responding to a separate request from your Committee to review summaries of several raw, unevaluated reports on Iraq and BNL. Some of these summaries contain specific information on the Rafidain Bank (item 15 in your 20 August letter).
In addition to the information we are providing at this time, there are other documents, with the security classification TOP SECRET compartmented information, on the Iraq/BNL connection that we are prepared to provide directly to you and the other Committee members. The TOP SECRET compartmented documents also can be made available to staff members when they have obtained the appropriate clearances.

In response to your request, an extensive search of the files and indices of the appropriate CIA offices produced the following results that are keyed to your letter.

All portions classified secret

In addition to providing information from our classified files, we also have included some unclassified material from other open source publications (TAB B), and from the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) that may assist you in this investigation. (TAB C)

In the course of searching our records, we identified documents relating to this matter that were originated by the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, United States Information Agency, Department of Justice, and the Department of State. We are prepared to provide these agencies with specific document citations to facilitate their response to the Committee if you with to obtain these documents from them.

Stanley M. Moskowitz,
Director of Congressional Affairs.
Enclosures classified secret

Gonzalez also received a Federal Reserve Bank of New York memo regarding the shipment of nuclear triggers to Iraq and BNL:

Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
April 5, 1990.
To: Mr. Corrigan.
From: Thomas C. Baxter, Jr.
Subject: Lavoro.
I followed up on your suggestion about a possible connection between Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (`BNL') and the nuclear triggers that were seized in London. As you suspected, there is a connection. Apparently, Von Wedel (a former officer of BNL who is now cooperating with the government) says that one of the transactions done with Rafidian Bank at some point referenced nuclear detonators. According to Von Wedel, this reference scared BNL away from this particular transaction, but it is possible that the lesson the Iraqis learned was to be generic in preparing the credit documentation. Thus, it is entirely possible that BNL financed some of this material.

At any rate, I have been assured that those conducting the criminal investigation in Atlanta are looking into these connections, with a view to developing additional criminal charges. The resignation of the United States Attorney in Atlanta has led to a number of difficulties in that investigation. These difficulties have been compounded by what is perceived an interference from the Justice Department in Washington.

The press has also made a connection between BNL and the detonators. Attached you will find copies of two Financial Times articles doing just that.

There is also an interesting Justice Department memo from U.S. Attorney Robert Barr (later elected to the House of Representatives) that was uncovered by Gonzalez that points to Turkish involvement with Saddam's acquisition of WMDs from the United States. After serving a Bush I's National Security Adviser, Scowcroft became the head of the American-Turkish Council (ATC), an entity that figures prominently in the A Q Khan nuclear proliferation network, the work of Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster Jennings & Associates covert team, FBI Turkish and Farsi translator Sibel Edmonds' discoveries while looking over FBI intercepts, and the use of Turkish intermediaries connected to Russian-Israeli Mafia syndicates involved in WMD proliferation. Barr subsequently lost his House seat in a redistricting engineered with the assistance of George W. Bush political "Svengali" Karl Rove.

Re: Assistance of Robert Kennedy.

Mr. Zane Kelly,
Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta, GA

Dear Mr. Kelly: As you are aware Mr. Kennedy of your office has been providing essential assistance to this office in the BNL-Atlanta criminal investigation since late July 1989. In fact, without Mr. Kennedy's expertise this major case could not have progressed with the speed and depth accomplished to date. We certainly appreciate his efforts as well as those of yourself, Madeline Marsten and Ed Willingham.

Prior to anticipated indictment early next month, we request additional assistance from Mr. Kennedy, which involves a trip to Rome and Istanbul to interview essential non-grand jury witnesses. Travel may commence as early as January 19, 1990.

The stop in Rome is necessary to speak with a number of BNL-Rome employees, officers, and directors at whom Chistopher Drogoul and other key subjects have leveled charges of complicity in their BNL-Atlanta scheme. A Rome setting is required for immediate access to all relevant records which may assist in defeating these spurious claims by subjects of our criminal investigation.

The Istanbul portion of the trip is necessary to interview Yavus Tezeller, a Turkish national who has essential knowledge and records regarding kickbacks to BNL-Atlanta's First Vice President, Christopher Drogoul, and his father Pierre Drogoul. Tezeller's attorneys also indicate he can provide information regarding `after sale services,' unearned consulting fees, and other payments to the Iraqis, as well as kickbacks paid by United States and multinational companies to obtain Iraqi contracts. This is especially important information in light of the prevailing rumors regarding the Paris Club's intent to reschedule Iraqi debt, including a substantial portion of the $1.7 billion guaranteed by the CCC. Other Entrado and Enka officials with their relevant documents should also be available for interview.

Thank you again for the support of your office in this most important investigation.


U.S. Attorney.
Assistant U.S. Attorney.

The George W. Bush administration attempted to censor all mention of U.S. firms in the 11,000-page WMD dossier submitted by Iraq to the UN Security Council prior to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. However, the 29 crates of aerial chem-bio dispersal bombs was proof in the pudding of Bush I (via Carlyle, Bechtel, and others) and Margaret Thatcher's complicity (via the firm Matrix Churchill) in arming Saddam. That is why the number one priority of American and British counter-intelligence personnel was recovery of the evidence and classification of the incriminating documents, including shipping bills. Unfortunately, for the Bush II and Blair governments, the uncensored Iraqi dossier was leaked to the German press.

The Iraqi dossier and UN weapons inspector reports support what Sen. Donald Riegle, the Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, reported on Feb. 9, 1994, and reported in the Senate Banking Committee's "U.S. Chemical and Biological Exports to Iraq and Their Possible Impact on the Health Consequences of the Persian Gulf War" (the "Riegle Report"), "the U.S. government actually licensed the export of deadly microorganisms to Iraq. It was later learned that these microorganisms exported by the United States were identical to those the United Nations inspectors found and recovered from the Iraqi biological warfare program."

On September 11, 1990, PBS's Frontline reported the following, "In the beginning, the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro [BNL] provided credit for Iraqi purchases of U.S. grain and other commodities. Most were federally guaranteed loans under a program designed to help American farmers by promoting commodity exports. But the Iraqis soon began using BNL's money for equipment and technology which could help them develop their military-industrial base. BNL extended a $14 million letter of credit to a Tuscaloosa, Alabama company -- XYZ Options -- so the Iraqis could purchase precision carbide tools [which are used in chemical and biological weapon production]. $53.8 million in credit from BNL went to Lummus Crest in New Jersey to build an ethylene plant. Ethylene has many uses, including the production of chemical warfare agents."

In 1994, Bechtel, Phillips Petroleum and other firms were sued by Gulf War Syndrome sufferers for providing to Saddam's government, ethylene, a primary precursor ingredient for thiodiglycol, a chemical used in the production of mustard gas. Between 1983 and 1985, Phillips Export (a subsidiary of Phillips Petroleum), sold 500 tons of thiodiglycol, to the Iraqi State Enterprise for Pesticide Production, via the Dutch firm, KBS Holland. In addition, five tons of thiodiglycol, were allegedly shipped to Iraq via the Spanish firm, Cades. Cades claims chemical was destroyed prior to its delivery. DeBatto and his team discovered the Carlyle shipments of WMDs were made via a Spanish intermediary. Phillips Export/ConocoPhillips is a defendant in a Texas civil suit brought by 3,500 Gulf War Syndrome sufferers.

In 2000, Phil Beck, a partner with the law firm, Bartlit Beck Herman Palenchar & Scott, served as a member of George W. Bush's three-man Florida election trial team that argued on behalf of Bush before Judge N. Sanders Sauls. Beck was supported by four other Bartlit Beck lawyers, Shawn Fagan, Sean Gallagher and Glen Summers, and associate Joseph Fazioli , a former clerk on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Not surprisingly, Beck served as counsel for Phillips Petroleum in a case involving a Phillips' ethylene plant in Sweeny, Texas (First Olefins Limited Partnership v. Phillips Petroleum Company) and a polythylene case (DuPont v. Phillips Petroleum). Phillips contributed $100,000 to the Bush-Cheney 2000 Presidential Inauguration Committee. Phillips personnel, along with those from Enron, were rewarded with positions on the Bush-Cheney Department of Energy Transition Team. Bush I's Secretary of State Eagleburger serves on the board of Conoco-Phillips.

The discovery of Carlyle documents with WMD components at Al Bakr by US Army counter-intelligence agents closes the loop on the involvement of Bush I and Baker in supplying Saddam Hussein with his deadliest weapons. Bush and Baker are reportedly shareholders in Houston-based Tanox Biosystems, sued by Gulf War Syndrome sufferers for shipping deadly biological agents to Iraq before Desert Storm. Tanox has also been accused of infecting death row inmates at the Texas State Prison in Huntsville with Mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus), eventually passing the results if the tests to the U.S. Army's Fort Detrick bio-weapons laboratory. Another defendant in the Gulf War veterans' suit is Rhone-Poulenc, headquartered in Shelton, Connecticut, and operator of a chemical plant in Houston. (After merger with Hoetsch, Rhone-Poulenc is now known as Aventis). DeBatto's discovery that the Carlyle shipment of the chem-bio weapons was made through Spanish and French intermediaries is bolstered by the fact that two firms identified by Gulf War plaintiffs, one Spanish -- Cades -- and the other French -- Rhone Poulenc -- are identified as pass through firms for U.S. shipments of nerve and mustard gas agents to Saddam in the 1980s.

The Gonzalez investigation of the provision by Phillips Petroleum of the mustard gas precursor chemical ethylene to Iraq was stymied on October 23, 1989, when Phillips' largest ethylene chemical plant in Pasadena, Texas, which sits alongside the Houston Shipping Channel, was rocked by a mega-explosion that killed 23 people and injured more than 100. According to the U.S. Fire Administration of FEMA, metal and concrete debris from the explosion were found as far away as six miles from ground zero. The report states that the explosion was caused by "a failure in either a line or valve which carried ethylene and/or isobutane. The line was reported as being approximately 10" in diameter and possibly carrying as much as 700 pounds per square inch pressure. It is not known if a mechanical failure took place or if human error was a factor. Regardless, a failure of a high pressure line carrying these types of flammable products can create a large, enveloping, explosive cloud within seconds." Rice University, 25 miles away, registered the explosion as 3.5 on the Richter scale, however, it was 4.0 at ground zero. A number of the plant's offices, which possibly contained documents that could have been of use to Federal investigators, were totally destroyed. Gonzalez and Senate Banking Committee investigators constantly complained that Bush I administration officials covered up every aspect of the Reagan-Bush secret arming of Iraq with WMDs. With no definite finding of what caused the Pasadena explosion, there is a possibility that more innocent Americans paid with their lives for the myriad crimes of the Bush Family.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:28 am
by M.C.Newton
That "Coalition of the Willing" is really something. It breaks down like this US 133,000, PRIVATE CONTRACTORS (READ MERCENARIES) 20,000, UK 8,000, South Korea 3300, Italy 2700, Poland 900, Romania 830, Bulgaria 460 Georgia 400, Japan 400 medics and engineers, Denmark 550, Australia 450, El Salvador 380, Azerbaijan 150, Mongolia 145, Albania 125, Lithuania 120, Slovakia 105 Czech Republic 90. All others contributed less than 100 soldiers.

Is it not interesting to note that the second biggest contingency in Iraq are mercenaries, by more than a 2 to 1 margin over the next biggest contributer.

A list of countries no longer participating: Ukraine, Nicaragua, Spain, Honduras, Norway, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Thailand, Hungary, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, Netherlands, Moldova, Tonga, Iceland.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:51 am
by M.C.Newton
"If you want to debate this further, then tell me what the US and the world should do about terrorism if anything."

I'm curious to know what you (Dave Cannon) think about the 2 British soldiers (Special Forces) arrested in Basra dressed as Iraqi civilians with a car full of powerful explosives. Once they were arrested by the Iraqi police the British military destroyed the police station killed several prison guards and busted them out. ... terror.htm

Now why would these soldiers (special forces) be driving around Basra with car full of explosives disguised as Iraqi civilians?

If the west does not want terror then maybe we (the citizens of the west) should hold our governments responsible for actions which DIRECTLY result in terror. Not to mention what the west does that indirectly contributes to the problem. But the largest thing is that the Government should stop committing acts of Terror, by definition.

I'm also pretty astounded that you can watch Loose Change 2nd Ed. and come away with nothing. I understand that some of which is in the film is potentialy flawed, but to come out of it with nothing no sense that it is absolutely possible, and probable that the government played a large role in the death and destruction that took place that day. Maybe a better documentary that you should watch is: ... artial+law

And how do you feel about Bush being part of the Bohemian Club which meets each July in Northern California, and in their main ceremony they burn a person in effigy to the "God" Moloch. Which is a 40 foot carved owl which is the same Moloch which in Biblical times people would sacrifice children to. I personally am not a Christian but even I can see that that is probably not a very good Christian thing to do. You see the government is a much darker place controlled by much darker individuals than you want to see, thus when you see Bush you probably see the "compassionate conservative" whom was forced on us by the Supreme Court in 2000.

I really can't believe that you think that they are going to actually find WMD's. That is truly amazing to me. Immediately after Santorum said what he said even the DoD had to come out and say that the claim was false. It has to be a faith based view of politics because I've been looking at the facts and they all point in one direction, to the truth.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:37 am
by john geraghty
And how do you feel about Bush being part of the Bohemian Club which meets each July in Northern California, and in their main ceremony they burn a person in effigy to the "God" Moloch. Which is a 40 foot carved owl which is the same Moloch which in Biblical times people would sacrifice children to.

Not this crap again.
If someone sees this ridiculous tripe they will run a mile.
You were having a good enough debate, no need to bring this rubbish into it.


Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:03 am
by M.C.Newton
Documented fact. Strange. I think so. Representative of Christian Values. I think not. How about masturbating in a coffin is that strange? Or is it too weird for people to believe?

These are facts. If someone is too blind to accept reality then they are beyond the realms of being helped.

Are things not moving along quite nicely toward a New World Order as "Poppy" Bush brought into the mainstream, exactly 11 years prior to 9/11.

And how does this detract from anything I have said thus far?

I haven't made any misleading statements. It's all based in soundly in reality. And how exactly are facts ridiculous can you go into detail?

Perhaps it's better to sit quietly in the dark and try to retune my tinfoil hat. Maybe I'll try that and things will turn out different. I'll give it a try.