
JFK Assassination
Billy Boggs
Posts: 194
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Post by Billy Boggs »

So the Masons can't discuss "Political subjects" at their meetings? Didn't know that, but I can imagine the reason.

The truth is, I have nothing but compassion for the highly duped brotherhood. They haven't a clue as to why Hitler tried to destroy them.

My theory is that Hitler found out that the brotherhood was in fact, a intell operation of sorts, and a rat line to move between countries. And of course the question is, move what?

Since the brotherhood is entangled in the Kabbala, the Jewish Matrix, and not allowed complete free thought, I would imagine that they (Brotherhood) are the reception committee in each country for their "Owners", the King Rat Talmudists. The owners of the Federal Reserve, and world banks.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

i originally joined the masons because i wanted to belong to a community organization that did charitable deeds to the community and i wanted to be a part of that. i never researched the organization much but i had read books on the illuminati and the priory of sion. i knew several brother masons well and knew them to be fine citizens and good family men. after joining the "blue lodge" i discovered that their only function was to perform the services to new members and to get them to advance in the degrees. i personally lost a lot of respect for them because i did not have time to study the "memorization" required due to work in income tax season but they pushed me through because they wanted people to advance i guess.

the actual charitable work is done at the social lodges which require you to be a member of the "blue lodge" to join. i never did join a social ledge because after going a few times i noticed that most of them were only there to drink. i had quit drinking after becoming a tri-plegic from a car wreck after i tried to drive home drunk one night. i decided to do my charitable work in other ways and just quit going to the meetings. i do know many masons personally and if i had to live next door to a cross section of masons or a cross section of right wing christians, i will take the masons any day. most are hard working family men who have served their country in its time of war and who are tax paying americans.

i am not saying that there might not be a few masons sitting on the cfr or in the bilderberger group however those groups are not exclusively masonic so to say the sole purpose of mason's is for world domination is a big stretch. you can find any theory on the web or in wikopedia but that doesn't mean it is the truth. i can find numerous sites that claim oswald shot jfk but does that make it truth? i have been to masonc meetings and found nothing that points to the above. i bet if you could see the underwear of the bilderberger group, at least 75 % have on hanes or fruit of the loom underwear on. does that make hanes and fruit of the loom companies tied into the new world order? all i am saying is that the average mason has no clue and has no dealings with those matters so to say that the group as a whole is responsible would be the same as saying that all fbi agents were involved with the jfk coverup. i say that some of them were but the majority of those agents were just doing their job as they took an oath to do and are basically good americans.

you can stretch my words anyway you want or pick out a sentence and distort the meaning in which it is written. Most republicans are good people, most democrats are good people, most people are good people.
Billy Boggs
Posts: 194
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Post by Billy Boggs »

I agree Tom, most are good men, but the organization is OWNED!
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Post by Pennyworth »

Billy Boggs wrote:So the Masons can't discuss "Political subjects" at their meetings? Didn't know that, but I can imagine the reason.The truth is, I have nothing but compassion for the highly duped brotherhood. They haven't a clue as to why Hitler tried to destroy them.My theory is that Hitler found out that the brotherhood was in fact, a intell operation of sorts, and a rat line to move between countries. And of course the question is, move what? Since the brotherhood is entangled in the Kabbala, the Jewish Matrix, and not allowed complete free thought, I would imagine that they (Brotherhood) are the reception committee in each country for their "Owners", the King Rat Talmudists. The owners of the Federal Reserve, and world banks.

ok POST BB.....why do you have compassionfor them?
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Post by Pennyworth »

bob franklin wrote:For what it's worth, I find Paul Pennyworth's posts both informative and relevant to the assasination(s). (PP:Thank You ) I regret not following them more closely early on. The bordertown femicide connection to the DOJ, DEA, & DHS is especially interesting then the movie gets pulled from release Flipping over rocks & observing what skitters is what it's all about. Paste on, dude!Thank you! I really appeciate you comments... What is also/really amazing for a pull from release is that the movie boasts an all -star cast; not only Jennifer Lopez, and Antonio BaNDERAS, also Martin Sheen and Sonia Braga (Kiss of The Spider -woman)....
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In all respect.....

Post by Pennyworth »

With respect to Mr. Jeffers, lets not respond to this thread and let it sink...
Billy Boggs
Posts: 194
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Billy Boggs wrote:So the Masons can't discuss "Political subjects" at their meetings? Didn't know that, but I can imagine the reason.The truth is, I have nothing but compassion for the highly duped brotherhood. They haven't a clue as to why Hitler tried to destroy them.My theory is that Hitler found out that the brotherhood was in fact, a intell operation of sorts, and a rat line to move between countries. And of course the question is, move what? Since the brotherhood is entangled in the Kabbala, the Jewish Matrix, and not allowed complete free thought, I would imagine that they (Brotherhood) are the reception committee in each country for their "Owners", the King Rat Talmudists. The owners of the Federal Reserve, and world banks.ok POST BB.....why do you have compassionfor them?

Why compassion for the brothers? They have been subjected to the same poisons, fluoride, mercury, historical, disinformation, mind control, as everyone else.

Besides, God will Judge the individual, History will Judge the organization.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

every man has a right to his opinion without being personally attacked.

paul, i am sure you are quite a character and would be interesting to know however you should not get so aggressive when people disagree with you.

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Post by Pennyworth »

tom jeffers wrote:every man has a right to his opinion without being personally attacked.paul, i am sure you are quite a character and would be interesting to know however you should not get so aggressive when people disagree with you. namaste

PP; You could be right.....I have a definite problem clashing with the 'other' and some other others... but I know that I am right and that they are wrong ...and I AM sort of a grievance collector...and with a certain kind of near perfect memory going for me its hard to forget things .... with some of these others, their 70 x 7 has expired.....
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Fellow JFK Forum Members:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members Jeffers, Churchin, Newton, Geraghty, Boggs, bobwc, Bob, Croxford, Pennyworth, Franklin, et. al.,

Let's all take a really big breath, PLEASE.

In my humble opinion the Cover-up of The JFK Assassination through today, and all related issues, is the true crime of the century, and beyond.

This has gone on for over forty (40) years, and involves some of the most powerful forces on earth.

You members are all brilliant. And we come together from different parts of the world, different ages, different generations, different perspectives, different religions, different exposures, and different mind sets. We are all right at times. And we are all right, to some degree, in our mind's eye, or our mind set, or our mind's point of view.

Let us come together looking at The JFK Forum's Glass As Being Half Filled, And Not Being Half Empty. We have all made mistakes. We have all mispoken.

My highly respected, and trusted friend, Mr. Wim Dankbaar has created, and supports the greatest JFK Forum the world has ever known. Let's all try to row together. Like the father of a global family, Wim is sincere and earnest about this JFK Forum, and is certainly upset when his "children of the JFK Forum" argue foolishly. Let's all move beyond this, PLEASE.

Let's concentrate on how great we can be. Let's wipe the slate clean for all, and go forward from here, daring to see how great we can become. Now this doesn't mean that we can't disagree, or argue academically. But let us PLEASE be civil to each other.

Let us dare to be great. Let us dare to allow the synergy of our Collective Intelligence become the Hallmark that we are all proud to be a part of.

From this day forth, let us autograph everything that we say and do here, with greatness.

(Nothing said here by me is meant as an attack on any JFK Forum Member. Please understand that.)

Thoughts ?????

Best Regards To Everybody,
Bruce Patrick Brychek.