R.D . Matthews....

JFK Assassination
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Re: R.D . Matthews....

Post by Pennyworth »

Hello,I just found this info which includes Tippet's and Matthews name together in the same article.No I did not have time to read and research it yet.I am putting it here first lest I forget and it is lost .....D. RUBY'S TELEPHONE RECORDS FROM 1963* ANALYSIS BY THE WARREN ...J.D. Tippit, the Dallas policeman slain by Lee Harvey Oswald after the President's .... (837) In his deposition to the committee, R.D. Matthews said he had no ... The number called by Ruby, CH2-5431, was listed as the business office of ...karws.gso.uri.edu/Marsh/HSCA/CALLS.TXT - Cached - Similar
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Re: R.D . Matthews....

Post by Pennyworth »

Babuska Lady Wedding Excerpt From Education Forum: John Geraghty;Matthews was also the best man at the wedding of George McGann and Beverly Oliver. Beverly Oliver was a witness to the assassination of John F. Kennedy and captured the whole event on film only to have her film confiscated by the FBI and was never to be seen again, Beverly also worked in the Colony club as a dancer, this club was right next door to Ruby’s Carousel club, it was frequent for dancers to go from club to club watching their friends dance . Beverly Oliver has also stated that she saw Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald together and remembers seeing David Ferrie in the Carousel(14). Another claim by Beverly Oliver is that she and McGann once had a meeting with Richard Nixon in a hotel in 1968 in Miami. George Mcgann was murdered in the home of one Ronny Weeden, the case was never closed. Harrelson knew Weeden during his stay in prison and claims that Weeden committed the murder and that Weeden disappeared afterwards. Harrelson also stated that Weeden “had a reputation as a hit man”(15); Weeden's name was also in McGann's notebooks. Even if Harrelson was not involved in the assassination he may have learned of it from Matthews who may well have had knowledge of it from his friend Jack Ruby.
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Re: R.D . Matthews....

Post by Pennyworth »

Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy By Jim MarrsPage 36: The Babuska Lady: The Wedding....http://books.google.com/books?id=UppSEd ... ws&f=false
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Re: R.D . Matthews....

Post by Pennyworth »

Hello again Joe,here's some more for you and the late comers to this board....
Dealey Joe
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Re: R.D . Matthews....

Post by Dealey Joe »

PP tell me what you see that puts Mathews on the close proximity of TippitDo we have any pictures of him from the 60's
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Re: R.D . Matthews....

Post by Pennyworth »

Dealey Joe wrote:PP tell me what you see that puts Mathews on the close proximity of TippitDo we have any pictures of him from the 60'sHe was called by Jack Ruby right before the assassination. I can't find any pictures other than presented for most likely obvious clandenstine reasons.I have talked to him in person. He's a real asshole ....he worked for the Binion crime family of vegas...see Harrelson thread.Harrelson was holding Mathhew's card when he was arrested for the murder of Judge Wood..laterIf Ruby got close to Oswald, then Ruby's sidekick could/would get close to Tippet ...they have both been documented as murderers..birds of a feather ...
Dealey Joe
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Re: R.D . Matthews....

Post by Dealey Joe »

Does he match up with Files' srory?could have been more than one there anyway.
Dealey Joe
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Re: R.D . Matthews....

Post by Dealey Joe »

Pennyworth wrote::o Babuska Lady Wedding Excerpt From Education Forum: John Geraghty;Matthews was also the best man at the wedding of George McGann and Beverly Oliver. Beverly Oliver was a witness to the assassination of John F. Kennedy and captured the whole event on film only to have her film confiscated by the FBI and was never to be seen again, Beverly also worked in the Colony club as a dancer, this club was right next door to Ruby’s Carousel club, it was frequent for dancers to go from club to club watching their friends dance . Beverly Oliver has also stated that she saw Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald together and remembers seeing David Ferrie in the Carousel(14). Another claim by Beverly Oliver is that she and McGann once had a meeting with Richard Nixon in a hotel in 1968 in Miami. George Mcgann was murdered in the home of one Ronny Weeden, the case was never closed. Harrelson knew Weeden during his stay in prison and claims that Weeden committed the murder and that Weeden disappeared afterwards. Harrelson also stated that Weeden “had a reputation as a hit man”(15); Weeden's name was also in McGann's notebooks. Even if Harrelson was not involved in the assassination he may have learned of it from Matthews who may well have had knowledge of it from his friend Jack Ruby.PP where do we find the wedding picture?
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Re: R.D . Matthews....

Post by Pennyworth »

I don't know
Dealey Joe
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Re: R.D . Matthews....

Post by Dealey Joe »

I was made aware of R.D. Mathews by Paul Penneyworth a few weeks ago.He suggested that Mathews was involved in the J.D. Tippit murder.At first I thought OH YEA no way.After taking a look at Mr. Mathews and was shown a picture of him a light of recognition went on..As some of you are aware, I have also been investigating Mary E Germany Bledsoe's son Porter Lee Bledsoe. Lee Harvey Oswald roomed at Mary's Marsalas Ave. rooming house for a few days in 1963. That is the address of the now famous Bledsoe Police Offence Report that lists three individuals that were questioned, A.J. Hidel, J.R. Rubenstein, and H.H. Grant. with no arrest being made.An API report later questioned H.H Grant about the incident, he indicated the Bledsoe.report was true but that no arrests had been made. When asked about his relationship with Jack Ruby he denied knowing him... but my wife......the rest of the report is not available. The article also mentioned Grant was an FBI asset.What I am attempting to do is to show the similarities and possibilities of a relationship betweenBledsoe, Grant and Mathews. Grant indicated his wife knew Ruby and Mathews ex wife received a call from Ruby's club. In fact I suspicion they are one and the same person.A vague family record shows Porters birth in Texas in 1924. Mary was married to James Eulyss Bledsoe and another son James Jr. "David" born in 1910. Porter was an illegitimate son. James Sr. kicked Mary and Porter out and divorced her. She reportedly moved to her fathers in Euless, who was a doctor, however that is suspicious.She may have went to Porter's real father? His name may have been Mathews?Mathews said he was born in 1920 in Aspermont Texas and Moved to Dallas in 1927. That is about the time that Mary Showed up in Dallas. Aspermont is a few miles west of Dallas/Ft Worth.He also stated that he served in the Marine Corps. Then returned to Dallas until 1958. I have found no actual records other than his HSCA testimony prior to his going to Las Vegasin 1971.Also noted he was a Casino gambling operator in Cuba in 1958 and 59 associated with numerous mafia figures and was purportedly associated with night clubs around DallasThe only mention of Grant is in the police report and the API article. No other record has been found of him. Porter Lee Bledsoe more or less disappears from view and R.D.Mathews appears.It was reported that Porter was a member of the LCAP with Ferrie and Oswald.(1955) And that he attended the Georgetown School of Foreign Service. Porter graduated from Oak Cliff (Adamson) High School in 1943. So he had ample time to go to Georgetown in the late 1940's, Military in the mid 1940's, LCAP in 1954-55. then back to Dallas where, as Mathews, was part of the Southern Mafia. He was also reported to be connected with the surviving members of the Hollis de Lois Green gang. He was acquainted/ associated with Dallas County Sheriff Bill Decker. This is quite a recommendation in itself. eventually an acquaintance of Jack Ruby and all sorts of underworld characters, gamblers and racketeers.Then as part of the Dallas Connection most likely was involved to some extent with the JFK assassination and possibly to the J.D.Tippit murder. remember the jacket found with the "B" laundry mark? could this have been Bledsoe/Mathews jacket?Mathews supposedly married and divorced a known prostitute Elizabeth Ann Matthews Hedlund, who reportedly received a 13 minute phone call from the Carousel Club in October 1963 at her home in Lousiana. In the early 1960's Mathews lived in Irving with a known prostitute, Donna Sue Helton.i have find no record of when they were married or divorced but Mathews had a history of living with prostitutes. Also one of Mathews last Dallas residence on Southern Ave. was just blocks from the Wycliff Ave where Bledsoe reportedly lived and was reportedly murdered there in 2005.It is also strange that both Bledsoe and Mathews died at 80 years of age. I think Mathews left Vegas and returned to Dallas where he became Porter Bledsoe again.For the last few years he was known to be associated with Taverns and Bars. Bill Kelley said he hung out at the Green Glass Bar on the west side of Dallas and possibly associated with a motel. as night manager.Maybe he had a few hookers there, maybe even some gambling. Kelly was not able to contact Bledsoe.Mathews supposedly went to Vegas in 1971 and died there in 2000He was an associate of Bennie Binion as they had met in Dallas. Mathews worked in the casinos and as a strong arm. it was reported for years that he was also a murderer. and that he was feared by those who knew him,In 1966 R.D. Mathews was best man at Beverly Oliver and George McGann's wedding.I am posting 3 pictures. one taken in 1943 of Porter Bledsoe. one taken in 1966 at Beverlys wedding. one taken probably in the 1980'sThere is much more to this story.I also believe the Officer in the LHO, Ferrie LCAP picture is Bledsoe.