JFK Assassination
Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

Wim, Billy, Paul or anyone.

dankbaar wrote: ... 72b7ff6f23

Thanks for this link. I think that this documentary does not have English subtitles? Yes?

I did find a Dutch documemary at: ... 783d8e5f61

Is this the same documentary? It is described as:

'The Conspiracy of September 11th' (with English subtitles). This documentary looks into the existing conspiracy theories as discussed in films like Loose Change 2nd edition. In cooperation with the Technical University Delft in The Netherlands, the National Aerospace Laboratory in The Netherlands and Dutch experts on controlled demolition we researched the likelihood of these theories. By Zembla/Vara - Dutch public television - 09102006

If not where can I find the doc Wim is referring to, with English subs?


- Jim
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Here is the documentary I veiwed with English subtitles

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U.S vs. John Lennon...

Post by Pennyworth »

New movie being released Sept 15..a documentary with all the real people ,with no actors....

Whatever happened to Freedom to Fascism? Didn't see ... Did anyone here see it?
Jim Thompson
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Re: U.S vs. John Lennon...

Post by Jim Thompson »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:New movie being released Sept 15..a documentary with all the real people ,with no actors....Whatever happened to Freedom to Fascism? Didn't see ... Did anyone here see it?

I found (NWO-IRS-RFID)America From Freedom To Fascism(Aaron Russo)-Extras as a torrent from somewhere, possibly from Conspiracy Central. It's a bomb!
Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

Billy Boggs wrote:Here is the documentary I veiwed with English subtitlesrtsp://

Hi Billy, Thanks for this link. Unfortunatelly, it doesn't work. Can you repost?

I think it's the same as I found because of the word "zembla".

- Jim
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Jim Thompson wrote:Billy Boggs wrote:Here is the documentary I veiwed with English subtitlesrtsp:// Billy, Thanks for this link. Unfortunatelly, it doesn't work. Can you repost?I think it's the same as I found because of the word "zembla". - Jim

It does work, but it is in Real Player format. Do you have real player installed?
Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

Billy Boggs wrote:Jim Thompson wrote:Billy Boggs wrote:Here is the documentary I veiwed with English subtitlesrtsp:// Billy, Thanks for this link. Unfortunatelly, it doesn't work. Can you repost?I think it's the same as I found because of the word "zembla". - JimIt does work, but it is in Real Player format. Do you have real player installed?

Thanks Billy. Yes, I have the latest Real Player. But Windows Media Player is trying to preempt. No problem, I think I have this doc in a torrent download.
Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote: ... ff6f23Paul and I are convinced by a this Dutch documentary in which a Dutch demolition expert is asked for his opinion. The documentray convincingly debunks 2 persitent myths. The towers were not brought down by explosives (WTC 7 was) and flight 77 hit the Pentagon (no cruise missile or whatever).

I just finished looking at the Dutch documentary by zembla. I am sorry to report that Billy Boggs is correct & the documentary is wrong. You have to carefully study this: ... llapse.pdf

- Jim
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Post by dankbaar » ... lapse.mpeg

It's clear. The collapse starts at where the plane entered the tower. This is valid for both towers. The south tower fell first because the plane hit lower, thus the weka spot had the carry a much larger weight above it.

The collapse then goes top down, which is logical because the lower floors cannot cope with the gigantic weight falling down on them.

As you can see the top of the building topples to the side. Not usual in a demolition (where the building falls vertically on its footprint.)

In any normal demolition you explode the lowest floors first because you don't want to waste the free weight above it helping you to crush the base.

Also the puffs of smoke and debris on the lower floors are completely explainable when the inner stucture of the building collapsed a little ahead of the outside. Since the carrying pillars of the building were inside, this is also logical.

Those people that claim this was done differently to mask the fact that it was a demolition, also alledge that the culprits knew exactly at which height the planes would strike. Then they were so stupid to put the wrong button and make the wrong tower fall first (the one where the plane hit later).

Not to mention the sheer impossibility to wire those skyscrapers in advance undetected. Such an operation would involve months and months of preparation very large crew of skilled blackop guys. This operation was never detected and alls those guys keep their mouth up to this day?

Hogwash !

All the opposite is valid for WTC 7. That's why the Dutch explosive expert agrees that was a controlled demolition. To his own amazement.

Furthermore there is evidence that it was: ... lverstein/

Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Yes, so they start the collaps at the collision sites. Its all doable Wim, its all doable:( any floor you choose via the conputer terminal. Even if you choos the 80 floor to go you still had the weight and force of those floors above pushing down.

I saw a picture of one of the 4" thick collums in the rubble. The end of it was cut in the trademark diaganol fasion of controlled demo.

Wim, it was all done in the same fasion as the kennedy assassination, spread disinfo for years afterward to get the investigators at each others throats. divide and conqure. Pay this or that "expert" to say this and that. They had control of the situation. You could choose to start the demo at any floor you liked. The computer did all the work.