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Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:35 pm
Here is The Warren Commission conclusion on how Oswald acted that day based on the facts they knew of that day:After calmly eating his lunch, as seen by witnesses between 12:15 and 12:25, Lee Oswald rush upstairs to the sixth floor of the Depository, assembled his rifle, and fired three shots at the President killing him and wounding Connelly, then wiped off the rifle, ran and ditched the rifle between two boxes, rushed down six flights of stairs, and bought a coke, and was drinking it calmly 90 seconds after the murder. Then he decides to go home to get a gun and go to the theater, but he leaves his apartment heading in the direction of the Theater but decides to change his direction and go back towards Tenth and Patton, where he has an encounter with Tippit and kills Tippit. Then he decides to go see that Audey Murphy movie he's been wanting to see. Who in there right mind would believe that story? That story makes any conspiracy theory look better. The problem is they don't believe it either, but they think the American people are that stupid to believe what ever the government says.Funny story!

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:35 pm
Here is The Warren Commission conclusion on how Oswald acted that day based on the facts they knew of that day:After calmly eating his lunch, as seen by witnesses between 12:15 and 12:25, Lee Oswald rush upstairs to the sixth floor of the Depository, assembled his rifle, and fired three shots at the President killing him and wounding Connelly, then wiped off the rifle, ran and ditched the rifle between two boxes, rushed down six flights of stairs, and bought a coke, and was drinking it calmly 90 seconds after the murder. Then he decides to go home to get a gun and go to the theater, but he leaves his apartment heading in the direction of the Theater but decides to change his direction and go back towards Tenth and Patton, where he has an encounter with Tippit and kills Tippit. Then he decides to go see that Audey Murphy movie he's been wanting to see. Who in there right mind would believe that story? That story makes any conspiracy theory look better. The problem is they don't believe it either, but they think the American people are that stupid to believe what ever the government says.Funny story!

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:25 pm
by Tom Bigg
Oh, but everything makes sense if Oswald was really the lone nut, crazy as hell but like a fox, hearing voices maybe, or living in his own insane world. And that is the point of creating a useful scapegoat to sink all the loose ends into; and then snuff him out so that he can't defend himself. And his wife did not want to give her insider perspective, because whistleblowers most always become world class losers.

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:39 am
by Douglas 606
Oswald enters Texas Theater:Oswald was observed to change his seat four times. He sat by four different people in the theater. He was looking to make contact with his escape contact person. When he was arrested he had in his possession 1/2 of a cereal box top. That is how agents made contact. The idea was to silently hold the cardboard box top and see if the other person produced the missing other half. That never match was made. By then his handlers had abandoned him.

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 6:47 pm
by Tommy Wilkens
Very very interesting Douglas !!!! And makes total since to me .......

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:50 pm
by Tom Bigg
CBS had a feature on their "Sunday Morning" just now where they interviewed Oliver Stone arguing for the conspiracy and Vincent Bugliosi taking the strong slant that Oswald acted alone. What really strikes me about Bugliosi is how cock sure he is that Oswald acted alone, unbelievable! Maybe there should be a thread here picking apart all the false assumptions and bias of Bugliosi and the reasons for it.

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:53 pm
by Kees-Jan
Slav wrote:Another showI switched the channel to CNN and noticed a show starting at 10 pm JFK so of course I decided to watch, the show had Vincent bulloni on it giving his point of view that oswald did it alone, after the show finished it was on again back to back, now how does a show air back to back on CNN. After the show I was convinced and switched sides and Believe OSWALD did it alone yes I was brainwashed it worked. Yes Oswald had a plan to shoot JFK and then run home and shoot tippet and then run off to the Movies for popcorn, where he called Ruby and asked ruby to kill him. So ruby did in the jail of all places. Yes Oswald did all this by himself.After the show I was convinced oswald did it himself until I seen one photo just one, a picture is worth a thousand words. It brought me back to reality and out of the herd of sheeple, im glad to be back. Here is the magic picture that saved me.Imagine a Congressman winking at LBJ on the plane a few hours after the shooting he knew what happened what was going on, what is he saying? you did it great job,take a look at ladybird what is she saying? that is what you get with trying to screw my LBJ, look at her she has no emotions, sure it was a planned event known to everyone except the sheeple. This is one of many pics including bush and the general standing on Elm st and many others. How can they ever say that Oswald did it alone, he didnt even fire a shot. I am sure he ran from the Texas book because he knew he was being set up, I am sure that he was not supposed to make it out of there alive but he did and that is why Ruby did what he did.It looked as if LBJ is smiling? Would you be very happy that you become president after the ex-president is assassinated?

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:01 pm
by Kees-Jan
JDB4JFK wrote:Here is The Warren Commission conclusion on how Oswald acted that day based on the facts they knew of that day:After calmly eating his lunch, as seen by witnesses between 12:15 and 12:25, Lee Oswald rush upstairs to the sixth floor of the Depository, assembled his rifle, and fired three shots at the President killing him and wounding Connelly, then wiped off the rifle, ran and ditched the rifle between two boxes, rushed down six flights of stairs, and bought a coke, and was drinking it calmly 90 seconds after the murder. Then he decides to go home to get a gun and go to the theater, but he leaves his apartment heading in the direction of the Theater but decides to change his direction and go back towards Tenth and Patton, where he has an encounter with Tippit and kills Tippit. Then he decides to go see that Audey Murphy movie he's been wanting to see. Who in there right mind would believe that story? That story makes any conspiracy theory look better. The problem is they don't believe it either, but they think the American people are that stupid to believe what ever the government says.Funny story!How do the police know for sure Oswald has killed JFK after they caught him? There were around thousands people around on Elm Street and they just knew Oswald might have killed JFK.I know the police sent the description of Oswald to other policemen but how do they know so fast that Oswald did it? What did the police decide that it must be Oswald?

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:36 pm
by kenmurray
Dr. David Mantik does a review of that awful Nova documentary "Cold Case JFK":

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 7:32 am
by Slav
JFK: The Lost BulletI just watched another show the magic bullet, I cant believe how lame some of these shows get if my 10 year old nephew said it doesnt make sence that its a complete lie.In the show it says that when jfk was first hit until the last shot it took 11 seconds, well that really funny on such a short distance Im sure if I walked it might take me 11 secondssecond they say that the first shot missed because it hit the light pole and deflected.third they said the first shot came and then 2 shots came after the first they did not talk about how its possible or impossible for oswald or somebody on the 6th floor to fire both shots at almost the same time they never bring that topic up in any of the stupid shows they make.So can one of the lone nuts please explain that to me because I really dont get it.The shows seem to be getting more desperate in the attempt to cover up the truth.