911 Mysteries.

JFK Assassination
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Re: 911 Mysteries.

Post by Bob »

I talked to a guy who is pretty well educated last week and he thought that any conspiracy about 9/11 was poppycock. So...I asked him about WTC 7. He gave me a deer in the headlights stare. He wasn't aware of what happened there, as he only knew about the twin towers. I sent him the video via email.http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICL ... =wtc7.html He is NOW convinced that at least that building was taken down by explosives, and he has a feeling that both twin towers were as well. WTC 7 is the key to getting the bullshit about 9/11 exposed. There are a lot of other clues, like the Pentagon etc., but WTC building 7 was NEVER hit by a plane. It just went down. Supposedly because of a fire. Of course, it also housed these entities inside of it...At the time of the September 11, 2001 attacks, Salomon Smith Barney was by far the largest tenant in 7 World Trade Center, occupying 1,202,900 sq ft (64 percent of the building) which included floors 28–45. Other major tenants included ITT Hartford Insurance Group, American Express Bank International, Standard Chartered Bank, and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Smaller tenants included the Internal Revenue Service Regional Council and the United States Secret Service. The smallest tenants included the New York City Office of Emergency Management, National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Federal Home Loan Bank, First State Management Group Inc., Provident Financial Management, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The Department of Defense (DOD) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) shared the 25th floor with the IRS. Floors 46–47 were mechanical floors, as were the bottom six floors and part of the seventh floor.Think about what has transpired since 9/11. Think about the tenants again.
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Re: Fetzer's 9/11 Briefing From December 2009

Post by ChristophMessner »

kenmurray wrote:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-syipuA ... elatedVery interesting, thank you, Ken! And thank you very much, Bob, for that interesting additional info about WTC 7! I wonder why there are no more whistleblowers in the military when 911 was such a huge military operation. What's the real strategic dimension of 911? My guess is, for the "conspirators" (the Bush-hindmen) 911 was an intentionally US-self-inflicted wound to get out of the old balance of nuclear terror into a new strategic world situation in which all former opponent superpowers come and join the same boat with the US against the terror; all this to strengthen the unipolar strategic dominance of the "high-developed world" over the "developement countries". But now the world is gradually realizing that a worldwide effective anti-terror-system can produce much permanent supervision- and false-flag- and moneyfraud-terror by itself. Maybe the Bush-troup reduced the danger to all US-Cities to get nuked some time for a while, but will the world coalition against terror hold in long term, when it's obvious to anybody, that 911 was a lie?
tom jeffers
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Re: 911 Mysteries.

Post by tom jeffers »

listen to the endhttp://www.youtube.com/user/RussiaToday#p/u/9/NU4RjI9ZhKAthe shadow government is alive and well!
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Re: 911 Mysteries.

Post by Bob »

tom jeffers wrote:listen to the endhttp://www.youtube.com/user/RussiaToday#p/u/9/NU4RjI9ZhKAthe shadow government is alive and well!Indeed it is Tom..indeed it is.
Michael Dell
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Re: 911 Mysteries.

Post by Michael Dell »

I did a quick forum search and couldn't find any evidence this has been discussed already, but if you're looking for the most comprehensive timeline of 9/11 events, please visit the "Complete 911 Timeline" over at History Commons. It's an invaluable resource for unraveling the events of that day. I can't recommend it enough...http://www.historycommons.org/project.j ... 11_project
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Re: 911 Mysteries.

Post by kenmurray »

The Dentist, the 9/11 Hijackers, and the FBI:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWYaryX_ ... re=related
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Why The Twin Towers Did Not "Collapse"

Post by kenmurray »

Chuck Boldwyn on the Real Deal with Fetzer:http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/2010/04 ... ldwyn.html
Dealey Joe
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Re: 911 Mysteries.

Post by Dealey Joe »

Again, this is another discussion by some of thevery best JFKMS Forum Members over the years.Some valuable information and sources are provided here for your consideration and evaluation.Understand that this information has relevancebeyond 09.11.2001.In my opinion you can draw a Straight Line OfGovernmental Corruption and Manipulationof the populace from 11.22.1963 to 09.11.2001.What are your thoughts after reviewing this ?
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Re: 911 Mysteries.

Post by kenmurray »
