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Quick Question

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:33 pm
by Jim Thompson
dankbaar wrote:When did Jimmy change from Sutton to Files?End of 1963, after JFK
Quick question: Wouldn't Jimmy's S/N be under Sutton? NOT Files.

Jimmy Files Serial Number

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:24 pm
by LTC Daniel Marvin
You would have to understand the potential of the CIA to modify, change or create historical documents, etc. and half-way understand the lengths they will go to when they want to either silence a person or assassinate his or her character if you are to understand where Jimmy is coming from. The Special Operations Command - the Army hqs that now works hand in glove with the CIA in covert operations - and their unique ability to do what is necessary to protect our government from the disclosure of information or testimony that disagrees with their "official" stand on ANY subject is beyond the comprehension of most Americans. Would you believe that, within the bowels of the CIA's facility at Langley, they have typewriters, carbon paper, papers, ribbons, etc. dating back into time so they could, if they so desired - prepare a "historical document" that proves something that they want you to think took place in 1943 and would withstand scrutiny of the most sophisticated technqiues? ALL of my Officer Efficiency Reports were suddenly discovered to no longer exist after I asked for a certain one to use in court during the trial this past January when THEY attemptied to bankrupt and destroy Kris Millegan and mywself in Federal Court. The lady at NARA actually called me to tell me it had never happened before. I have since asked for an investigation. Certain organizational and combat records that related to my time of command at An Phu, South Vietnam and were important defense exhibits for me and Kris Millegan were refused me by Army full colonels in the Special Operations Command. Very brave persons within that same command saw that I was being refused evidence I needed and legally should have been provided and saw to it that I received part of it in time for the trial.
It doesn't bother me to give my Army serial numbers but I can understand Jimmiy's reluctance to answer any more questions. Why don't honorable people out there demand some answers as to why the Justice Department hasn't begun a brand new investigation on the JFK assassination based on the testimony of Jimmy Files, Dennis David and myself? Ask THEM why!!!!!!!!!!!! My Army serial numbers (yes - numbers) were: As an enlisted man before OCS: RA12413030, after OCS 04020968.. when I reenlisted as an SFC: RO12413030 and, subsequent to receiving a second (direct) commaission as a First Lieutenant in 1959 - 320-26-5983. Nothing is simple is it?
You all can really help by send some money to Bruce Brychek for his use in defending Jimmy Files and getting him out of prison. Do it!


Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:59 pm
by Jim Thompson
dankbaar wrote:Was Jimmy during his military service Sutton or Files? Why is Grady's serial for Jimmy in question?There are people disputing it, or saying it belonges to another James Files , born in in 1925. Tosh claims it belongs to yet another guy, a Capt. Banner who died in WWII. There was a whole thread on it here: ... topic=8102

I was just looking at this link & noticed that Tosh had deleted all of his posts on this thread. Is this because of the realization that no Army serial number for Jimmy can ever be found under the name Files as Jimmy was Sutton until 1963? I'll bet Jimmy has forgotten his old serial number. Plus, as LTC Daniel Marvin says, you can bet that Jimmy's old records were deep 6ed a long time ago.

Hey, this baby's just out! Validates Wim's attack on Ultimate Sacrifice. Great book from my hero, Fabián Escalante. See: ... F8&s=books

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 7:39 am
by dankbaar
That is still no reason for Jimmy not to give clarity about his serial number.



Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:23 pm
by Jim Thompson
dankbaar wrote:That is still no reason for Jimmy not to give clarity about his serial number. Wim

Guess you're right... On another topic: James Files also wrote terrorist manuals called "CBW's" for George Bush's CIA in the 1970's.

Have you seen any of these CBW's? What's the evidence for this?

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 8:08 pm
by Davyjones
As one of the uninformed observers of this site I find it strange that this request for information has had the brush off.Their cannot be ANY reason for not helping out. Mr Files stand up and be counted.

Jimmy's Response Re: His Serial Number:

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:49 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

I have seen Jimmy several times in the past several weeks, for quite a few hours. We are very heavily involved in some major projects that we have been working on for years, that are all highly confidential. Besides, who would believe us anyway, right ??? Just for the record, for all of that time we almost never discussed JFK, or any related events. At least until Wednesday, Novembet 22, 2006, and our subsequent meeting therafter. As I have mentioned previously we are involved in many things way beyond JFK, and his assassination and these concern nobody that we can discuss at this point in time.

The thing that we both noted was that in Illinois there was absolutely nothing on radio, T.V., Cable, ESPN, nor Fox about JFK'S Presidency, his assassination, the Bay of Pigs, nor Viet Nam. I went out of my way to watch every news braodcast that I could. Nothing about JFK for five (5) days straight. Very interesting.

As far as November, 22, 2006, Jimmy and I relived November 22, 1963 in a conversational tone. Jimmy underscores his two (2) taped interviews, and chooses to let them do any and all of his speaking. Take them, or leave them as you will. Jimmy is answering no questions whatsoever.
People's reaction to this does not effect what we are involved in at this point in time, nor does it help us with our projects in any way, shape, or form.

As far as his serial number from John Grady, Jimmy never gave him any seriual number. Also, Jimmy's number is substantially different from the number that Grady arrived at on his own, under the wrong name, files, and location.

Please remember that it was Grady who first claimed that he found Jimmy's records, not Jimmy and I.

My understanding is that Grady found an old file under somebody named Files in old records in St. Louis. Then when Grady went back, even all of those records, which were clearly not Jimmy's, were also confiscated. Jimmy went into the service as Sutton. Whatever nonsense Grady started, let Grady deal with. We have no part in that whatsoever and refuse to get involved in this nonsense any further. Think what you like, say what you like, it has no effect on our projects.

As I have stated previously Jimmy supports his two (2) interviews, and has no need or desire to start playing 20 questions.

Jimmy does again express his Thanks and Appreciation to our friend, Mr. Wim Dankbaar, for maintaining the integrity of Jimmy's interview.

Jimmy has no aggravation with Wim in this regard whatsoever, just for the record.

We have our own projects, and our own agenda that we are now following,
and this is our first, and main priority. There is more than enough in Jimmy's two (2) interviews that totally substantiate his story.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:49 pm
by uwe leybold
Mr. Brycheck,

thank you for confirming what I was argueing about with Wim for
some time.

It is now a fact, confirmed by James Earl Files (I trust your word Mr. Brycheck) , that Mr. Grady never found information regarding
James Earl Sutton (aka James Earl Files) military service.

Additionaly, maybe you will be able to explain, after talking to Mr. Files again, why then, if Grady never found any information regarding James Earl Sutton (aka James Earl Files), Mr. Files was praising the assistance and findings of Mr. Grady in the past.

If my memory serves me right, Mr. Files himself confirmed in the past, that Mr. Grady was indeed the person that was able to prove his military past, at least in parts.

On a side note, it was the same Mr. Grady who was told that James Earl Files was considered a threat to national security, a claim, unproven
as of today, but again, repeated by James Earl Files.

Wim ,
it is finaly time for you to update your website and remove this passage:

What about erasing those records?

O yeah, that's a good one. Real funny too. Files says he was in the 82 nd second airborne in Laos. He says he was part of a operation called "White Star". So there should be records of Files in the 82 nd airborne, or Sutton as his name was then. But there weren't any. Bob then hired the historian of de 82 nd airborne. John Grady was his name, he died last year. But he has ultimately proven that Files was telling the truth.

End of quote

Shown under " For Beginners" here:

Also the information presented here
is obviously wrong and should be removed in order to not
further mislead the reader:


John C. Grady, the official historian of the 82nd Airborne and the 505th Parachute Division RCT, located Files's U.S. Army serial number and a Veterans Administration claim number in an "inactive" file at a remote regional VA office and through the VA computer in St. Louis.
After an exhaustive 18 month search, historian Grady verified that Files had indeed entered the Army in 1959 and went into the 82nd Airborne before being sent to Laos on July 10, 1959.

end of quote

Mr. Brycheck,
thank you for showing, that my argumentation regarding
the Grady episode was factual and that the attacks by
Wim Dankbaar and others against me because of my
statements about the Grady matter, were unjustified.


James Files military past is still unproven as of today.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:01 am
by dankbaar
I can't argue with this one.

Bruce, your information if accurate, is indeed conflicting with what Jimmy has stated before.

Therefore, it is vital that we get to the bottom of this. I can't leave anything on this website that is not factual to my conviction. We will need to know if Grady corroborated anything on Jimmy's army service, or not.


Weird Stuff

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:17 pm
by Jim Thompson
uwe leybold wrote:Mr. Brycheck,Additionaly, maybe you will be able to explain, after talking to Mr. Files again, why then, if Grady never found any information regarding James Earl Sutton (aka James Earl Files), Mr. Files was praising the assistance and findings of Mr. Grady in the past.If my memory serves me right, Mr. Files himself confirmed in the past, that Mr. Grady was indeed the person that was able to prove his military past, at least in parts.On a side note, it was the same Mr. Grady who was told that James Earl Files was considered a threat to national security, a claim, unprovenas of today, but again, repeated by James Earl Files.

Wow. Where does Jimmy say these things about Mr. Grady? This sounds like Mr. Grady was a shill hired by tricksters to cozen innocent people into believing a hoax: Jimmy. But Jimmy is not a hoax! This doesn't pass the smell test. Is this the real reason that Jimmy is clamming up? I can't believe that.

James Files also wrote terrorist manuals called "CBW's" for George Bush's CIA in the 1970's. What is the evidence on this?

I hope somebody can straighten this all out.