Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Dealey Joe »

You are entitled to your 2 cents and more.Just look at what you are saying?JFK was a dead man no matter where he went or how.I believe they had actually decided to do it at the Trade Mart just like they got Bobby.Remember when Jimmy Files talks about the stand down and the Roselli would not go against it?
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by JDB4JFK »

That's a good point Joe, so my question to Jimmy is, if Roselli wouldn't disobey orders why would Nicoletti?Also I Don't disagree with you that Kennedy was a dead man no matter what in Dallas! He couldn't leave there alive, but you still need the stand down by the Secret Service to make that happen! Agreed?
Bob Jonas
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Bob Jonas »

An interesting point that Dealey Joe brings up. Just because the CIA ordered the hit in Dealey Plaza off doesn't mean the hit wasn't going to happen...possibly at the Trade Mart. I never considered that possibility. I would love to have a list of everyone who was in that building waiting for the President's arrival. There were plenty of shady characters in Dealey Plaza. Who knows what familiar names were lurking about the back corridors of the Trade Mart?
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by JDB4JFK »

Bob and Joe I've seen pictures of Kennedy's limo driving to Parkland after he was shot and Clint Hill laying on top of him and Jackie, and in the back ground there is a policeman, or a man dressed up as a policeman, on top of a roof with a rifle. If I remember correctly it was on top of an old car lot roof. The woman who notice this picture taken by a reporter was the gal from Oklahoma who use to drive down to Dallas periodically and interview witnesses. She would bring her kids with her when she was doing the interviewing.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

That would be Shirley Martin JDB4JFK. While investigating for our book we have developed a friendship with Steven Martin the son of Shirley Martin.He has contributed much to our book with his memories of going with his Mother on her private investigation of the Kennedy assassination only weeks after the event. On one trip to Dallas his Mother payed Roy Truly $20 for a private tour of the Texas Book Depository and she even used a stop watch and had Steven race down the stairs from the sixth floor to the second floor break room.They couldn't do it in the time frame that we have all been told that Oswald supposedly did it in . One of the most interesting people he remembered was several visits to the Ruth Paine home .Said she was a very scary and a strange woman.The Martin family became very close friends with Marguerite Oswald.Some very interesting story's he told about her.