Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter) photo/web page Francois found

JFK Assassination
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Re: Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter) photo/web page Francois found

Post by ChristophMessner »

Bob wrote:That guy (front row middle) sort of looks like Frank Sturgis. Remember, Jimmy said he saw Sturgis in Dealey Plaza that day.I'm afraid, the one in the middle front is NOT Sturgis., where do you have this high resolution picture of the TSBD entrance from?
John Beckham
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Re: Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter) photo/web page Francois found

Post by John Beckham »

well Christoph, i swallowed my pride and rejoined the JFK assassination forum with a public apology. John Woods, Robin Unger amoung others there are photo collectors and experts. i admire the work they do, and suggest that people take a look at the site if interested in photographic evidence. leave a positive comment, ask a far as Duncans colorized Dal-Tex, you should read what he himself says about the process and the twin Badge Man. i initially thought he was a nut, but after reading more, i understand it better. as well as Badge Man.the JFK Assassination forum in no way conflicts with JFK Murder Solved. it is a site dedicated mostly to photographs. search the thread "For Robin" to see many interesting pics and descriptions.
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Re: Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter) photo/web page Francois found

Post by Bob »

John Beckham wrote:that is not Bush in front of the TSBD...That is YOUR opinion John, not mine. This is what we know about Poppy's behavior that day...He claimed he was in Tyler, Texas at the time of the assassination. In fact, he threw a guy (James Parrott) who later worked for his Presidential campaign under the bus when he called the FBI to tell them about this guy, who supposedly threatened the President in Houston. As Wim notes...But who says the Bush telephone call really came from Tyler, Texas? To his own admission, this document places Bush IN Dallas for the remainder of the day and night of November 22, 1963. He is implicating a political activist (James Parrott) in the process. Why did Bush want to keep his telephone call confidential? And why does he not remember it? Why did he give his warning AFTER the assassination, if he thought Parrott was a serious threat for Kennedy in Houston? Kennedy had just visited Houston the day before ! And why are the sources of this hearsay information unknown? Who told him this, if anyone? Or is this just a document to furnish Bush with an alibi and plausible denial? Thirty years later the same James Parrott that Bush was accusing is working on Bush's presidential campaign against Bill Clinton."Figure that one out; if someone had tried to finger me for killing President Kennedy, that person would have been my worst enemy. See volume one and ten for damning evidence. The FBI agent that took Bush's call was Graham Kitchel, whose brother George Kitchel knew both de Mohrenschildt (Oswald's best friend in Dallas) and Bush. (NOTE: Graham was a favourite of FBI Director, J. E. Hoover who was briefing Bush of the CIA on November 23, 1963). On October 13, 1999, Adamson called Kenneth B. Jackson the FBI agent who investigated Parrott and received Bush's complaint. Mr. Jackson, refused to return Adamson's phone call. why? "Poppy also ended up being in another FBI memo..,A November 29, 1963, memorandum from FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to the Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research at the Department of State refers to the fact that information on the assassination of President Kennedy was "orally furnished to Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency." Poppy told Congress when he was being questioned as the potential CIA director, that he was NEVER associated with the CIA, and was NEVER in the CIA. He LIED. Why? Because he needed to stop CIA cooperation with the HSCA investiagting the murder of JFK. What better way to stop cooperation than to be head of the CIA at the time. Isn't it also strange that almost all of the KEY witnesses that would have been called before the HSCA were ALL murdered during that time frame?I'm sorry John, but the evidence against Poppy is VERY strong. Add to the equation that his grandfather Samuel sold arms to the Germans in WWI while the U.S. was in the war, and that his father Prescott was involved in an attempted coup against FDR, plus invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine, and WAS charged with trading with the enemy in 1942.Poppy was a recruiter for Group 40 as well, and Group 40 played a LARGE part in the JFK assassination. To me, Poppy is as guilty as sin.The actions of his son Dumbya, with the events of 9/11, the Iraq war, torture, illegal wiretapping and all sorts of unconstitutional behavior add to the mix. Add to that the fact the Dumbya's VP was Dick Cheney, who was Gerry Ford's chief of staff. Ford, like Richard Nixon was a Prescott Bu$h puppet. Ford was on the Warren Commission. He moved up JFK's back wound several inches to make the "magic bullet" theory somewhat plausible. Ford was also the guy who pardoned Nixon, so no one would find out the truth about why Watergate REALLY happened. One of Ford's Secretary of Defense's was Donald Rumsfeld. The same guy that planned the war in Iraq and advocated torture.The puzzle has many pieces John, but some of us are putting the puzzle together.
John Beckham
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Re: Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter) photo/web page Francois found

Post by John Beckham »

Bob! Chill. i only stated the pic is NOT of Bush. you pointed out to me Eisenhowers farewell speech, that blew my mind. i know the steppingstone effect of Lyndon, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush...but in no way is that Bush in the pic. he'd been 39? and wiley enough to stay out of cameras. i'm only saying this is not him.
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Re: Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter) photo/web page Francois found

Post by Bob »

John...yes...I sometimes get a little excited. I've always been that way. Most of the time...very affable. I still say Poppy was in that picture. He had NO idea where the future led him. Poppy's dad Prescott was part of a coup against FDR. Once again that was kept from the public's knowledge, just like his investment and profiting regarding the Hitler war machine in WWII. The Bu$h family has always had a habit of risk taking. I have given you many examples. Thanks to the MSM, their family secrets are not known to as many people as they should.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter) photo/web page Francois found

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

For the record, the guy in the picture still looks like Poppy Bush to me. Maybe I've looked at it too many times. LOL
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Re: Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter) photo/web page Francois found

Post by ChristophMessner »

It still could be him, but rather improbable, because Bush Sr. is pretty tall, he would have been half a head taller than the other guys right next to him, but on the other hand he stood not fully erected. His forhead is very high, too, high for the guy in front of the TSBD, that's my guess, on the other hand he was young in 1963, had more hair than on the comparison photos, and at TSBD it is combed exactly as Bush did. So my guess is: that is Bush on the entrance of TSBD and the fact that he placed himself there is telling stories about how self-certain the CIA felt in those days.
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Re: Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter) photo/web page Francois found

Post by Bob »

Again, let us all remember why the break in at the Watergate occurred. Nixon was worried that the DNC had documents AND photographs that could place some well known conspirators at the scene of the crime. One team was arrested...people like E.H. Hunt and Frank Sturgis who were both at Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963 and the other team got away with what they wanted...folks like Jimmy Files, who was also in Dallas that day. Bob Haldeman said that on the Watergate tapes that Nixon would use code language talking about the assassination and instead would call it the "Bay of Pigs". Nixon knew that without the Watergate break in, that those photos and documents could tie him and others (see Poppy) to the conspiracy. Then, even after Nixon resigned, Gerry Ford pardoned Nixon to make sure there wouldn't be any further investigations about Watergate. Plus, Ford made Poppy his head CIA guy to stop any and all CIA cooperation with the HSCA who were investigating the murders of JFK and MLK. In addition, during the same time frame, KEY witnesses started dying...folks like Roger Craig, Sam Giancana, Chuck Nicoletti, George DeMohrenshildt, David Morales, Richard Cain and others.
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Re: Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter) photo/web page Francois found

Post by ChristophMessner »

Richard Cain by the way wanted to make a movie about the "Bay of Pigs". It's highly interesting to read what John Simkin writes about him on educationforum. Probably reading the new book of Michael Cain about Richard Cain might bring us to the answer of the question, which policemen cared for the safe getaway of the snipers on Dealey Plaza that day. Top us European these Watergates and Iran/Contragate and Dallasgates and Cubagates and Guatamalegate and Chilegate and ... really sound like wild wild wild West!
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Re: Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter) photo/web page Francois found

Post by Bob »

Not only the policemen, but also the fake SS guys on the knoll, that fooled the policemen that were REALLY trying to do their job and find the shooters. It was mass confusion that day no doubt. But the fact that Nixon ordered the break in at the Watergate proves to me that he feared that there were more photos and documents that could implicate him and others to the assassination.