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Re: US Election

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 4:25 pm
by Bob
I'm not holding my breath, but Hillary can't be feeling like she's living on Easy Street. ... verBetween this and the way Bernie is finishing off the primary race, the former Goldwater Girl has to be feeling a bit uneasy. I see Bernie winning both Kentucky and Oregon, plus don't be shocked if he wins California as well. Wouldn't that be a story heading into the Democratic convention?

Re: US Election

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 7:31 pm
by Bob Jonas
You watch - Biden is going to be getting his face out in the press a bit more so that he will become a "desirable" alternative to Hillary as her poll numbers continue to drop. Bernie is not going to even be given any consideration at all. This is going to be quite a summer!

Re: US Election

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 4:25 am
by Slav
What's the point in the establishment getting Biden warmed up ? He will lose big time against trump or anyone else on the gop side, Hilary polls are tight , Biden would lose hugeeeeeer as Bernie says, The establishment thinking sometimes are that of a deranged person.

Re: US Election

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 11:09 am
by Bob Jonas
Hillary's numbers are falling fast. Besides, Biden won't be facing Trump in my opinion. Something will happen and Trump will be replaced by Romney. As it stands now, Trump would defeat Hillary easily no matter what the polls say. Heck, she's having a hard enough time trying to beat a wacky old Socialist. Her team is in panic mode according to sources.

Re: US Election

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 1:17 pm
by kenmurray
Check this out. The White House Kill List: ... n-complex/

Re: US Election

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 5:54 pm
by Bob
Bernie won in Oregon last night even though Independents were not allowed to vote in the closed Democratic primary. He also lost by the scantest of margins in Kentucky, where Hillary had big time support by the Kentucky Secretary of State, who just happens to be the official vote counter. Bernie isn't going to win the nomination, but he's going to keep Hillary (and Debbie Wasserman Schultz) sweating. I predict he'll win California on June 7. If by the very narrow chance Hillary is indicted, and the Democratic establishment tries to force Joe Biden on the Democrats as the nominee (like when Hubert Humphrey jumped over Eugene McCarthy after RFK's assassination in 1968), things will get real, real ugly in Philly. It will conjure back memories of what happened on the streets of Chicago in the summer of 1968.

Re: US Election

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 1:23 am
by Tom Bigg
I still think Hillary will be taken down by the FBI; and would actually like to see Bernie rise to the top spot and go after Wall Street and other financial corruption. I don't think Trump would do that. ... d=18564374

Re: US Election

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 12:10 pm
by JDThomas
Interesting question:Could a President issue (and enforce) an executive order to limit the spending (and hence fundraising) that candidates can undertake when seeking election to the Senate or Congress? As all sitting Senators and Congressmen have already succeeded to office by raising millions, they are never going to vote this through themselves - why would they risk being challenged by someone more able than themselves, but cannot raise so much money? If a President cannot do this then the system is never going to get fixed and Washington can ONLY work for the Big Corporations and Lobbyists against the interests of ordinary people.

Re: US Election

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 12:42 pm
by Bob Jonas
I find it interesting (and a bit ironic) that the violent rioters at Trump rallies are the left-leaning Liberals who are supporting Bernie Sanders and not the Cruz crazies. And the press continues to blame the rioting on the Trump camp (who admittedly deserves some of the blame). But now with the anti-Hillary violence we see erupting at her events, the press is covering it up. Happened in KY. Happening in California. But nobody is seeing stories of it. When the DEM convention comes, it will not be Trump supporters disrupting things in Philly. I wonder if the press will cover it?Meanwhile, Biden is being "prepped" in the green room. Romney is out back getting a new shine put on. The two stalwarts are getting ready for the November election...