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Re: Conflicting versions on grassy knoll/fence shooter

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:13 am
by Bob
Slav wrote:Ok Bob I’m calling you out , first you have JFK birthday and now you have a Pam , I’m afraid I’m going to need some proof your full of coincidences lol, Tommy what do you think, I need Ken to do a search on you.Is that your wedding picture ?Indeed it is. You also forgot that I have RFK's first two names...Robert Francis.

Re: Conflicting versions on grassy knoll/fence shooter

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 10:08 pm
by Phil Dragoo
Antonioni's Blow-Up (1966) presented a covert assassination revealed by a curious photographer working feverishly in his darkroomonly to have his evidence stolen leaving him to return an imaginary tennis ball to a rolling company of mimes--In the fall of 1963I was sitting in James Johnson's English class as he told of Thoreau desiring there be as many individuals as possible.And thus we see it presented here on the JFK Murder Solved Forum.Since that day I have acquired bookcases on the Crime of the Twentieth Century.James Files presents as credible in his interviews.His account conforms to David Mantik's right temple entrywhich left a stream of metal--possibly mercury--on the right lateral skull x-rayand blew out the Harper Fragment--which the FBI lost--after it was photographed and x-rayed.While Files knows of no other shooter, Mantik concludes an initial occipital entry----which may have been Nicoletti from the Dal-Tex as Files suggested--and a right forehead (at apex of inverted-vee incision in Stare of Death photo)from South Knoll per Sherry FiesterCompartmentalization, need-to-know--this is the hallmark of military, intelligence, organized crime--and Files is a product of all three streamsThe point of disinformation is conflict, cognitive dissonanceJFK is dead and he didn't commit suicidenor did the man not in the window who did not fire a rifle inflict the fatal frontal shot from behind.Files' account conforms to a Bothun inset using a Bob Fox transcription:

Re: Conflicting versions on grassy knoll/fence shooter

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:28 pm
by Bob
Phil Dragoo wrote:Antonioni's Blow-Up (1966) presented a covert assassination revealed by a curious photographer working feverishly in his darkroomonly to have his evidence stolen leaving him to return an imaginary tennis ball to a rolling company of mimes--In the fall of 1963I was sitting in James Johnson's English class as he told of Thoreau desiring there be as many individuals as possible.And thus we see it presented here on the JFK Murder Solved Forum.Since that day I have acquired bookcases on the Crime of the Twentieth Century.James Files presents as credible in his interviews.His account conforms to David Mantik's right temple entrywhich left a stream of metal--possibly mercury--on the right lateral skull x-rayand blew out the Harper Fragment--which the FBI lost--after it was photographed and x-rayed.While Files knows of no other shooter, Mantik concludes an initial occipital entry----which may have been Nicoletti from the Dal-Tex as Files suggested--and a right forehead (at apex of inverted-vee incision in Stare of Death photo)from South Knoll per Sherry FiesterCompartmentalization, need-to-know--this is the hallmark of military, intelligence, organized crime--and Files is a product of all three streamsThe point of disinformation is conflict, cognitive dissonanceJFK is dead and he didn't commit suicidenor did the man not in the window who did not fire a rifle inflict the fatal frontal shot from behind.Files' account conforms to a Bothun inset using a Bob Fox transcription:Nice work once again, Phil. I had a conference call today with Bruce and Jimmy. Based on that conversation, I am now convinced that the wound above JFK's right eye near the hairline was not an entrance wound, but an exit wound from Jimmy's mercury round, just like the throat wound. The doctors not knowing that a mercury round (exploding bullet) was used, would have thought that both the hairline wound and the throat wound were small entrance wounds. By the way, the doctors never recovered a bullet from the hairline wound, nor from the throat wound. If you look at Thom Robinson's notes from the autopsy, please see that Robinson notes that there were a couple of small shrapnel wounds on JFK's face, which would coincide with the small throat wound and the small hairline wound, which to me is the exiting shrapnel from Jimmy's mercury round. Both Bruce and Jimmy agreed with my synopsis.For those of you who believe the throat wound was an entrance wound, take a good look at the Zapruder film. You never see a throat wound or any blood, even in close up. What you see is JFK raising his fists upward to his head and neck area, which I believe was a reaction to a back wound. The reason I say that, is that I also have back problems like JFK did. I suffered five herniated discs in my bad auto accident. Whenever I am accidentally poked in the back, my fists immediately fly up towards my head or neck area, just like JFK did after he was shot in the back.Robinson also told Wim that he saw the doctors trace JFK's massive head wound to his throat during the autopsy. Let's also not forget that Robinson was present for both the pre-autopsy procedure and the actual autopsy. The v-shape that Phil mentioned earlier, was made in the pre-autopsy procedure to cover up what they thought was a small entrance wound to the hairline, plus the throat wound was expanded to make it look like an exit wound from behind. Ironically, the throat wound was an exit wound, but it was not from a rifle shot from behind, but rather shrapnel from Jimmy's mercury round.

Re: Conflicting versions on grassy knoll/fence shooter

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:36 pm
by Bob
Also, Jimmy confirmed to me today that Jack Ruby was in the grassy knoll area, but he was in front of the picket fence, not behind it. The man who Lee Bowers saw near Jimmy behind the picket fence was not Ruby, although that person did resemble Ruby's body type.

Re: Conflicting versions on grassy knoll/fence shooter

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:49 pm
by Tom Bigg
OK, thanks for the rigorous updates. So the fist sized occipital part of JFK's skull blown out wasn't from the Fireball? I was thinking that when they found chunks of his skull on the grassy other side of the road a day or so later, that could have been tested for remnants of the mercury bullet. Not sure what happened to that.

Re: Conflicting versions on grassy knoll/fence shooter

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 12:00 am
by Bob
Tom Bigg wrote:OK, thanks for the rigorous updates. So the fist sized occipital part of JFK's skull blown out wasn't from the Fireball? I was thinking that when they found chunks of his skull on the grassy other side of the road a day or so later, that could have been tested for remnants of the mercury bullet. Not sure what happened to that.Yes, the the fist-sized wound in the back of the head was from Jimmy's Fireball. But between the simultaneous shot from Chuck Nicoletti from behind and the mercury round (exploding bullet) from the Fireball, the head wound was unbelievably horrific, both to witness and to see afterwards.

Re: Conflicting versions on grassy knoll/fence shooter

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 12:14 am
by Tommy Wilkens
WOW this is some outstanding research and every single thing that has been written here sounds plausible .And most likely was what happened. Now my question is whats going to come from all this.James Files said this happened and Bruce Brycheck agreed and some of the most valued members here on this Forum who have years and years of research on this case agreed that this is what happened so now where does that lead us ? What's the next step were do we go from here ??

Re: Conflicting versions on grassy knoll/fence shooter

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:13 am
by Slav
I believe James and Nicolletti shots, but I also believe there was a front shot threw the windshield threw the throat as the doctor said who was told to lie, that came from the south knoll.This is my belief1. Who was the heavy set guy near Files if it wasn’t Ruby?If someone was shot in the throat with a regular bullet the only thing you would get is a small entrance hole just like his back ... 2-full.jpg

Re: Conflicting versions on grassy knoll/fence shooter

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:25 am
by Slav

Re: Conflicting versions on grassy knoll/fence shooter

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:26 am
by Slav