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Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 4:05 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
01.10.2018:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:01.10.2018 - Mr. Phil Dragoo Posted an Analytical, Brilliant Overview that is consistent with my Primary Method'sof Work Product on The JFK Removal and Related Subject Matters in a Sequential Time Line Analysis, incorporatingwhat I call The Top Down Approach and Methodology.I join both Ken Murray and Bob Fox in their opinions and reviews.Quite simply I have never Consistently Read More Brilliant Material than THE WORK PRODUCT OF MR. PHIL DRAGOO.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 1:51 am
by Phil Dragoo
When the event occurred I was sitting in James Johnson's English class listening to him expound on Henry David Thoreau's "desire there be as many individuals as possible"----when the principal Ralph Clevenger hoarse former basketball coach interrupted via the shiny silver round intercom high on the block wall of the two-year-old high school holding 4100 students at that moment--"The president has been shot"--and later "The president has died. The buses will be at the door to take you home for the weekend."I was glued to our black and white television sets, the floor model in the living room, the old table model upstairs--and when they were "bringing him down" I was all on edge when BLAMThe keenest knew this signaled a frame-up, but I continued to believe Krazy Kommie Kid Kills Kennedy--even when LBJ backs out as King and Bobby fall, even when we filmed the Nixon Counterinaugural--and I believe it wasn't until Rudd's red-armbanded Maoist broke from his jogging platoon to cross the street and bang the iron knocker on the steel doors of Justice that I shifted the straps of my backpack of rocks courtesy the education systemfor in the second floor windows the shirtsleeve lawyers with their rictus grins were shooting the bird to the protesters in the streetA giraffe must be able to stand and nurse at birth--but humans are programmed with mobiles over their cribsThe deep state, the status quo, the powers that be, the power elite, the grand cabal, these are some terms for Douglass' UnspeakableIt was in full display bathing JFK in a miasma of intrigueIn John Newman we see the false reports of progress in VietnamWhy are we in Afghanistan protecting the poppy fields while allowing cartels and Hezbollah to bring in boxcars of class A narcoticsWhy are we banging on de drum all day bout the wicked opioid epidemic yet leaving the door open for the mules, the tunnels, the silver trainTowers fall in a manner never seen and the villains are created to rise from their grave like so many sequels to Night of the Living DeadConsider if you will the CIA which was helmsed by Helms who set Harvey up with Maheu to link to Roselli, Giancana, Nicoletti and FilesWill you find Antoinette "Toni" Giancana credible in JFK and Sam when she vouches for FilesIf CIA pretended to get Castro--and believe me they have black ops, black budgets, deniability from Truman on--yet failed--FAILEDbut got JFK--as Newman says--and he's only done his doctorate on JFK and Vietnam, only been studying the Oswald and the CIA cable stream for twenty-five years----is it not a grand scheme to redirect control from the Article II president to an unaccountable counsel of ciphers? A cautionary footnote that Angleton was not an amiable dunce any more than Dulles, Recall the observation of JFK:There is an old saying that things don’t happen, they are made to happen. Trust nothing you have not personally verified through diligent cross-reference and unceasing search.Whether Braveheart beats the Matrix, whether Winston Smith dies unavenged, whether the gulag gobbles up the last dissenting witnessis in your hands.


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 2:17 am
by Slav
Phil your right on, don’t forget Lennon I believe he was killed from the same animals, especially since the doorman was standing behind rfk as a security guard and was seen to fire shots, what are the odds of him being with RFK And Lennon. That’s a big school 4100 kids wow.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 4:24 am
by Bob
Excellent post yet again, Phil! My hands are sore from clapping.Slav, to me the the John Lennon assassination was a dress-rehearsal for the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan less than four months later. The CIA used the old "Lone Nut" method in each case (like LHO), with a little MK-Ultra blended in, aka brain-washing (see Sirhan).In the Lennon murder, you had the presence of Jose Perdomo, who was the doorman at the Dakota that night. Perdomo was an anti-Castro Cuban exile and member of Brigade 2506 during the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961. I believe Perdomo was the true killer of Lennon, while the lone nut patsy was Mark David Chapman (brainwashed like Sirhan). According to reports, Perdomo was a professional hit man who worked closely with convicted Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis for about ten years on the CIA's payroll. Let's also not forget that Jimmy Files saw Sturgis in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963 as well.Plus, there is this. John Hinckley Sr. was deeply involved with World Vision, a nonprofit humanitarian organization that receives heavy funding from USAID, the government organ that has historically been closely associated with the CIA. He was close with the head of World Vision’s ministries, a former State Department official who worked, among other things, as an adviser in Vietnam.Interestingly, Mark David Chapman, had been an employee of World Vision.To me, it's pretty clear that both Chapman and John Hinckley Jr. were both brainwashed via MK-Ultra. I don't know if Chapman ever fired a shot at Lennon while he was under the spell. But we do know that both Sirhan and Hinckley Jr. did fire several times in front of several witnesses. Sirhan did not kill RFK however. That is pretty clear based on where the fatal shot was fired (almost point-blank range behind the right ear). Sirhan was never behind RFK and never got within three feet of Bobby. Hinckley Jr. didn't kill Reagan either, as Ronny survived the attempt.There were no witnesses (except for Perdomo) when Lennon was murdered. How convenient.


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 4:42 am
by Slav
Bob I read that Prescott Bush was very upset at Nixon for not naming poppy to vp and to a top post, since Prescott started Nixon’s career and helped him along the way, the second time Nixon didn’t name bush as vp, Nixon was in trouble and they wanted him out, and got him out and lined up Bush for a coup with an attemp on Reagan. Can you imagine a second Kennedy how obvious. Then the same people put w in office with a phony election. What makes me laugh at the same time they whack Pablo escabar for his 30 billion fortune and take over his business, who is the mob now.


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:36 am
by Slav