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Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:28 am
by JDThomas
In my opinion, we are too heavily engaged in 'scatter gun' research. True, there are so many holes in the official version that there are many targets to aim at and each researcher trying to make a name for themselves wants to use a new angle to get recognition. In addition, a number of the big guns in the research community have equally big ego's, being defensive of their own work in the light of possible new evidence or a different approach being taken by a young gun - this is the most poisonous issue of all, even worse than a Lone Nutter on the loose with publicity behind him.The fact remains, unless the Single Bullet Theory (hence the Warren Commission conclusion and hence, the official version) is finally destroyed in the public domain, we are not going to make headway. Is any member of the the General Public with no or limited knowledge of the case going to give a rat's ass if Antonio Veciana saw Lee Oswald talking to the CIA's David Atlee Philips (aka Bishop) before the assassination when the official position remains that the crime was all of the work of one man, Oswald? This may be important information to us, but to the public this does not demonstrate the LHO could not have done the whole deed himself. I'm not saying that we need to stop research into the various different facets, but unless effort is concentrated to bring down the Single Bullet Theory in the public consciousness, we are just going around in circles.So pull-out the King Pin of the Official Version, namely the Single Bullet Theory, and the whole edifice will come crashing down.So, as your 'starter for 10 bucks', articulate this:1. JFK's Death Certificate disagrees with the Single Bullet Theory - THIS WAS NOT ENTERED INTO EVIDENCE by the Warren Commission.2. The official Presidential doctor, who completed the Death Certificate and who was: - present in the motorcade during the shooting - present in the emergency room during efforts to save JFK's life - present we he was pronounced dead - present on 'Airforce 1' to accompany the body back to Washington - present at the Bethesda autopsyIn fact, the only doctor present throughout the event was NOT DEPOSED AS A WITNESS by the Warren Commission.3. Bullet holes in JFK's shirt and Jacket disagree with the Single Bullet Theory.4. The FBI Special Medical Investigators report disagrees with the Single Bullet Theory - THIS WAS NOT ENTERED INTO EVIDENCE by the Warren Commission. (But this FBI report agrees with the Death Certificate).5. Bethesda autopsy photos disagree with the Single Bullet Theory - These WERE NOT Published by the Warren Commission. Drawings disagreeing with the photos were published!(The photos do however support the Death Certificate).6. The 4th, Observer pathologist at the Bethesda autopsy, Dr. Robert Karnei was NOT DEPOSED AS A WITNESS by the Warren Commission. His sworn testimony before the Assassination Records Review Board disagrees with the Single Bullet Theory.7. Chief Bethesda Autopsy pathologist, Dr. Humes burned his original autopsy report along with his notes on hearing of the death of Lee Oswald. His re-created report accepted by the Warren Commission and agreeing with the Single Bullet Theory should not have been admitted as evidence. The only original portion of the autopsy report to survive - the autopsy face-sheet - disagrees with the Single Bullet Theory. The Assassination Records Review Board found Dr. Humes to be an uncooperative, evasive and unreliable witness when deposed under oath..... did anybody see any of this mentioned on TV or in the press around the time of the 50th anniversary? ... or else in the mainstream media at any time at all?

Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:27 am
by AlanD
We are probably not going to win this one, if no one other than Garrison brings or brought a court case ( even he picked the wrong target , no pun intended) it's not going to go anywhere. However as a relative new comer to this subject, if nothing else we have lifted a stone and shone a light under it. Over 1000 books say conspiracy while 2 or 3 say continue to enslave me. There has been some brilliant investigative journalism and my personal thanks to all involved.Could we still turn it at the 11th hour, only if we could find someone to bring a case against James Files for the murder of JFK or we could get our hands on all the confiscated films from that day ( who's continued disappearance is sure sign of conspiracy). If not we have to concentrate of 911 it's the same criminals , the lost Pentagon 2.3 trillion etc. Use building 6 the best smoking gun in that particular game. All the game play from JFK was re-used in 911. Only Judy Wood has tried to bring a case in court, more need to try.

Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:05 pm
by Dealey Joe
Thanks JD and Alan great insight and welcome remarks.Sometimes I wonder if i'm jealous of other researchers, or just tired of their attempts at being experts?I know that there is only a small amount of people who are ever interested in the truth especially if it draws them away from their new boat, car, house or sports, they are not interested. In other words they don't want their little boats rocked.Also what difference would it make to the average Joe at this point,

Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:13 pm
by AlanD
Dealey Joe Many be another line in this issue is to point out to the "boat owners" that the lost Pentagon 2.3 trillion dollars if found or taken back from those who stole it, would allow the USA to have no income tax for 2 and a bit fiscal years. That the people who were responsible for murdering JFK enabled these crooks to gain control of the nation, here in the UK we have had these type of people for a thousand years since 1066 , royalty, the church, land owners. In American you really have only had them since JFK was killed but all the methods used to cover up JFK were wheeled out in and used again in 911. The pentagon attack covered up and stopped the investigation into Defense Departments loss of 2.3 trillion dollars while the building seven demolition stopped the FBI investigation into the Town & Country ( I think that's what they were called) home loan scandal, which would have put most of congress and the senate in prison, there was also many other ongoing investigations which stopped that day. 911 was a great day for the bad guys, just like JFK's assassination pushed the USA into a war in Vietnam which cost 58,000 good men then 911 pushed the USA into a series of conflicts with an ongoing loss of life and its reputation and stopped a range of very embarrassing investigations .I' am not smart enough to fix this but I keep reading the efforts of the great investigators and my wife and I know the truth and we try and keep the faith and educate people as best we can. Without access to a serious sum of cash there is little else we can do. We have a huge mass of power and money acting against us, but these brave researchers have brought much to light in both issues, especially JFK.

Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:25 pm
by Dealey Joe
think you hit the nail on the head, our mission is to keep this alive and in the spotlight. Information flow is important and that the younger generation don't forget about it and have some understanding of it.