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Re: Did A Shot from the Grassy Knoll Kill the President?

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 3:08 pm
Hello Jim and welcome. I'm glad you're still interested in the case, but unfortunately your reading and believing in the wrong books. Unfortunately in this case there is a lot of disinformation out there for a Lehman that hasn't researched in all the proper areas, to mislead you and confuse you. To believe in the two books you mentioned would mean you believe that the "MAFIA" and "THE SECRET SERVICE" run our country today and that is simply not true. Meaning you believe that the mafia and secret service had the power to kill Kennedy and the power to clean it up, and blame it on someone else. When I say that it means you believe that those two identities controlled the media, FBI, CIA, Military, Dallas police force, President, Congress, and Senate!!! Let me ask you this question, where do you think the last four Presidents of the USA, PRIOR TO TRUMP, were employed at???A. SECRET SERVICEB. MAFIAC. CIA

Re: Did A Shot from the Grassy Knoll Kill the President?

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 10:41 pm
by Jim Carney
I didn’t mean to mislead you but I have probably been investigating the “event” for better than 30 years. I have read numerous books on the subject. Most all of them say that LHO did it alone and I just never bought that which kept me looking and reading. Things you need to understand that at the time of the assassination LBJ and J Edgar Hoover were connected to the mob. The mob controlled J Edgar Hoover. The Secret Service were too busy covering up the fact that a SS Agent fired the fatal head shot accidently and I suspect that the CIA was in such disarray by the firing of it’s head.

Re: Did A Shot from the Grassy Knoll Kill the President?

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:12 pm
by Phil Dragoo
The consortium of interests insured the job would be done for maximum effectiveness.Military, intelligence, financial, criminal facets present.To accentuate one above the others might be to fall prey to the fallacy of the excluded middle, the both-and rather than the either-or.James Files presents a compelling testament to a shot from the fence on the Grassy Knoll.Sherry Fiester, Doug Weldon, Anthony DeFiore and others argue convincingly for a shot from the South Knoll.Although Humes failed before Gunn in the challenge of locating the occipital entry, David Mantik has concluded three head shots.1) Occipital; 2) Right Forehead; 3) Right Temple.His book presents his interpretation of the extant AP and lateral skull x-rays as well as a lengthy commentary on the Harper Fragment.We have discussed a radio communications network which coordinated a volley coinciding with the braking or stopping of the limousine.Greer can be seen on Zapruder looking back until 318 at which point the motion blur suggests acceleration.What prompted Greer's counterintuitive action--was it the Walkie Talkie Man stepping into Elm with right fist raised in the sign Column Halt.There is a panoply of participation from the military-intelligence-criminal Files to the CIA officers who may have been at Houston and Elm, to Hunt and Phillips' admissions, to Prouty and Krulak's outing of Lansdale, the strange confluence at Dal-Tex where a shot from the roof could be conflated with one from Depository 6W.From the tactical picture up the organizational pyramid Hoover, Johnson, were followed to the grave by Hoffa, Giancana, Roselli, Harvey, Nicoletti, DeMohrenschildt, Sullivan, Morales and so many more.Nixon was ousted when Helms set McCord on an op to put the inconvenient temporary resident of the Oval Office in the spotlight of ONI spook Woodward.Ford named Rocky to whitewash CIA and GHWB to sanitize the HSCA witness list.As CIA told Lopez and Hardway, "You'll be gone. We'll still be here."In Chris Carter's X-Files depiction of the Cigarette-Smoking Man we see a short rifle in the Elm sewer.We are reminded of the 1942 DeLisle .45 cal. sentry removal tool, as silent as a desktop stapler.1942 was the year British-trained Czechs took out Heydrich in a road-curve crossfire.And the year Stephen Kinzer in The Brothers puts Allen Dulles in Switzerland amassing caches of sniper rifles and silencers.The false defector was surely under Angleton's thumb while Ruby acted out of fear of his mob superiors----and LeMay returned from a secret location in Canada to oversee a military autopsy.As Kurt Vonnegut wrote in Cat's Cradle:Nice, nice, very niceSo many people in the same device

Did A Shot from the Grassy Knoll Kill the President?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 6:00 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Friday08.30.20191:00 a.m.,Chicago, Illinois time:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Phil Dragoo, a Moderator here on the JFK Murder Solved Forum, has Posted an analytical, brilliant,culled, detailed, excellently focused probative presentation on The Removal of JFK that probably considers, and reviews simultaneously 200 - 300 authors and/or books of some of The Best Known JFK Researchers for our benefits in approximately 500 words.Analysis, reading, re-reading, reviewing, and studying what is written here and following up with yourown independent reading and study could be of a monumental catharsis and epiphany on The Removalof JFK. My Opinion.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.