The Shell Casing Mystery

JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by dankbaar »

About the twin brother, see :

EPSTEIN: He (James Files) said he had a twin brother, who no one knew about, and whom he met shortly before November 22, and who he murdered after November 22. He said it was his twin brother in hospital with his wife, not him. His wife, however, said there was no twin, and Kroll confirmed there was no twin.

VERNON: This is an outright lie by Epstein. James Files never stated that he had a “twin brother”. This is an outright lie by Epstein. The story of Files having a twin brother was fabricated by Files’ daughter, ex-wife, a Priest and a mob lawyer in Chicago to try to disillusion NBC, or anyone for that matter, and make Files not believable. It was a nice try but it didn’t work. Houston criminal attorney Don Ervin immediately recognized it as a lie and told me specifically that is was a fabrication and that the old mob lawyer was part of it….before I knew the truth about the matter, I might add. This also caused me to break a promise to James Files and that was I was not to go “into his family” for any reason. The same afternoon I became of aware of the “twin brother story”…I spoke personally with James Files’ father, half brother (a minister) and his mother’s sister, who literally raised Files. I knew almost immediately that there was no twin brother. I also spoke to Files. I told him what I knew and he told me the truth…that the story HAD been fabricated by the wife/daughter, Priest and lawyer and that he had called his ex-wife and she came to the prison at his request. She told Files that she still loved him and that she was trying to protect him over the JFK assassination. Files told her that if she was to be called in front of a grand jury to tell the truth for he did not want to see her go to jail. I asked Files if he would also tell the people at dick clark productions the truth about the matter. He said he would. I called for my car and driver and arrived at Dick’s office within 10 minutes or so. Barry Adelman and I called James Files. Files told Barry exactly what he had told me less than a half hour earlier. The phone call was recorded, with Files permission, and it is in the evidence. At no time did James Files EVER say he had a twin brother. Kroll confirmed nothing. Repeat: THIS IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE BY EPSTEIN.
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by dankbaar »

Here's another statement from the crook:

James E. Files states that he used the name Sutton (although he was born as "Files") until 1963 and there are numerous records available to substantiate his claim. His first wife Eleanor recalls that Files asked her of she wanted to be married under the name Sutton or Files. His aunt Christine recalls that he used the name Sutton all throughout his early school years. When his mother moved to California, he attended Castle Rock Grammar School in Valley Springs, California. There are no school records available.
Posts: 999
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by dankbaar »

1800 HR. Thursday 21 July 1994

R. Vernon
1707 Roan Wood Crt.
Houston, TX 77090

Dear Bob,

I received your welcome letter the other day and as always, I was delighted to hear from you.

I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. Just be sure to keep a close watch over your shoulder. As for me, I’m fine, just trying to keep out of trouble. This place is about ready to blow. They just locked F house down. Some Superintendent got the side of his head caved in this morning. Then yesterday, in my unit, the blacks and whites almost got into it. This is one crazy place. I just hope things work out with Julius and my appeal.

Tell Earlene I said hello and I send best wish’s [sic] her way. I hope that pretty soon you’ll be able to get the wolves away from her door.

What is the name of the book and what are you calling the interview? I have several people asking me that question. I feel kind of dumb not having an answer. J

I can’t wait to get the George Jones books. I love all his music and I’m forever trying to do his songs. I’ve been a George Jones fan since 1958. “The Window Up Above.” I’m sure you remember that one.

When you stop in Nashville, give my Aunt Christine my love. Just don’t let her kidnap you like in that movie, “Misery.” J Aunt Christine is (a) wonderful lady. And then I’ll start looking for you right after Nashville. And don’t forget to bring the cassette tape with you.

I gave you Kathy’s address over the phone, but I’m sending it again in this letter so you’ll have it on record. J 2 Wheaton Center #1603, Wheaton, Ill. 60187 phone #708-260-8046.

Yes, I hope that very soon, we’ll be able to go fishing. I’m really looking forward to spending some time with you. I bet we’ll have lots of laughs. Maybe even do another book about crimes and chop shopes [sic].J Or would that make people nervous. The book would be hard core in a world of violence, but also a lot of laughs too, because there were so many crazy things that happened. This would be an easy book to do, cause a lot of my people are still alive and they’d be willing to talk because the statute of limitations is over with. Plus, there’s lots of court records to prove it all happened, even cops. Oh well, it’s something to think about. Bet we could have a lot of laughs working on it. Also, some great pictures of the areas we worked in and did all those crazy things.

I hope the card I made, puts a smile on your face. J I’m waiting to get some water color paper, (which I’ve already waited two months on), but when I do get it, I’ll do you a nice water color picture and send it to you. I’ve also been thinking about having Kathy order me some acrylic paints and canvas and do a painting, looking down from the grassy knoll on-to Kennedy in the limo, with the cross hairs focused on his right eye, or the back of his head being expelled. Then after the book and the movie, put the picture on loan to an art gallery or a museum. That’s one picture, I wouldn’t sell. But I best wait and see if I get indicted before I do anything else. Right!!! J

Hey, I don’t mean to rattle on so much. I hope you didn’t fall asleep reading this. You and the family take care and give my love to Earlene, and you My Friend, Please keep a watch over your shoulder. I don’t want to loose [sic] you. O.K.! Take care & God Bless.



P.S. Someday, maybe I’ll tell you the rest of the story. Keep the faith!!!