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Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 6:08 pm
by LiAnn Simpson
Mr. Brychek,
It is people like you that give these forums a bad name. You are putting words in my mouth, I never said I did not agree with Jimmy Files. You have an agenda to sell these things because you have a vested interest in them.
I am not selling anything, I am only posting an opinion, my own opinion.
You are no better than the misinformation thugs in the CIA!

This will be my last post on this website. I will tell Wim to remove my name.


Response To Ms. LiAnn Simpson:

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:09 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
07.11.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:LiAnn you are wrong on several points.1. You said that your had not signed on to the Files version. I simply asked if you had watched his interview, or read his book. You hadn't. I put no words in your mouth.2. I do not have an agenda. I am not selling you anything. You could have borrowed the materials. I never tried to sell you anything. I would also be willing to buy you copies, as I have for several JFK Forum Members, some who agree with me, and some who disagree with me. I recently bought over fifty (50) books for JFK Forum Members, who asked me to do so, and I did it confidentially, based upon their request, and never sought public credit. I have mailed hundreds of things to JFK Forum Members at my own cost, simply because some JFK Forum Members were in a tight spot, and I sought to help their learning experience.3. I have no vested interest, nor do I care. I only wanted your opinion AFTER YOU WATCHED THE FILES INTERVIEWS. Obviously, I unintentionally hit upon some nerve to drive you over the edge in asking you to watch the only set of interviews of the person who killed JFK, as many think, and as some disagree. Is asking you to watch a critical interview that unnerving of a question to you ? Why ?LiAnn, you can put this in the "For What It's Worth Column," but I was never attacking you - only simple dialogue. I wish you well in your pursuits.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educated a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

James Files.....

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:38 pm
by Pennyworth
Hey cool it you guys

Both of you add so much good info to this board and are valued members..I learn so much from the people here....we should be working together 'united we stand'....LiAnn please don't go...I am really enjoying your posts and style ditto to Bruce...LiAnn, James Files IS telling the truth...I tracked it all...check with Giovanni...he also stated that James Files is telling the truth...

LiAnn, Look!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:47 pm
by Pennyworth
Giovanni...Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 123
Location: Not Telling

I was such a jerk

My apologies to all of you. And to James Files for what I said about him. You guys were right. I'm so full of crap.

I'm not trying to start another fight. I just want to say that I'm sorry for my nasty behavior this past week.

I'm not sure what to believe about the Kennedy asdsassination. Everything seems so unbelievable. James Files is telling the truth. I know he is. I see it in his eyes. The man isn't lying. He wants us to know the truth.

As for Sirhan Sirhan, how the hell he was set up, I'll never know. The Bobby Kennedy murder should be reopened.

James Earl Ray is easy to understand. I bet someone payed him off to kill King. If Ray was acting alone, how the hell could he have gotten money to travel.

Lee Harvey Oswald had ties to everyone. Cubans, The Mafia, and the CIA.

Who do I think was behind these hits? Sam Giancana.

Look again LiAnn....

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:52 pm
by Pennyworth
at History Lesson about Money....

The Raven's murder weapon

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:01 pm
by Larry Daniels
Mr. Brychek,

Please give James Files my regards. As a retired federal agent, and current police officer in the southern US, I find his story to be very interesting.

Do you know if the Raven's family still has the murder weapon with which Tippit was killed?

If so, I will post more on this line of thought. If they no longer have it, then my line of thought on this is moot.

Response To Mr. Larry Daniels:

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:47 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
07.13.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Do you personally know Zack Shelton ? I have the highest professional, and personal respect for Zack, as does Jimmy. I communicate weekly, or monthly with Zack directly.Do you know Jimmy ? You have asked me to pass on your your regards, so naturally I am interested in your posture for such a statement, from somebody that knew him, or from a stranger ? If you are a stranger, why should I pass on your regards ?Hypothetically, if the gun that Jimmy used, and if the gun that the Raven used where still in existence, and their location known, who would believe us anyway ?JFK'S body was altered, his brains are missing, and he may not even be burried in Arlington Cemetary, as Joe West died under the most mysterious circumstances after filing a Federal Court Action to exhume JFK'S body. Since the case was In Personam, it was dismissed after Joe West's death, and no single American has sought to refile the case to exhume JFK'S body.Also, legally the case of killing JFK is closed. Officially, Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK.Very convenient.I have heard that all evidence from Officer Tippit's murder has disappeared.Also, legally the case of killing Officer Tippit is closed. Officially, Lee Harvey Oswald killed Tippit.Very convenient.What would you hope to accomplish ?Jimmy has made two (2) outstanding interviews, and people on the JFK Forum haven't, or won't even watch them.Larry, I am not attacking you in any way. I am merely asking plain, straightforward questions.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:11 pm
by Larry Daniels
Mr. Brychek,

Your comments surprise me. I stated in my e-mail that I find Mr. Files' story to be very interesting. I would assume that you could tell from my remarks that I find Files to be credible. Why wouldn't I pass my regards on to a person that I find credible? In the south, that's the way we do things, it's called being friendly.

As far as Zack Shelton, why are you concerned if we have met? I have the highest regard for Zack Shelton. Why? Because we are both retired 1811's. I know Bureau agents that I formerly worked with, who do know Zack, and I have heard good reports about him. I worked for a sister agency, not the Bureau. Mr. Brychek, those of us who have worked in law enforcement look on one another as brothers in arms.

But, I digress. If you can not see any point in asking questions about 11/22, such as where is the murder weapon that killed Tippit, then you are not much of an investigator.

I own the Files book, and have watched both interviews. I believe that most of what Files has to say seems to be credible. I asked you to give Files my regards, because I think that he would be an interesting person to know. As an investigator, I think he has much to offer about 11/22/63.

It seems like no one can make very many comments in this place without receiving comments such as yours. Therefore, I will be 10-7 from this point on.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:06 am
by dankbaar
Larry, well said.

Bruce, your irish temper can be a little blunt for people who don't know you.

Larry, I suggest you send Jimmy a letter , see his address on the letterhead:

Who knows he may do a nice card for you with his reply.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:08 pm
by Larry Daniels
Thanks for your reply, Wim. I appreciate the contact information for Mr. Files.