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Re: Only one headshot?

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:45 pm
by Dealey Joe
Anything we strongly believe we rightly get passionate about.WHAT IF,One of the first arrivals at the rear of the picket fence noticed the shell casing on the fence?Picked it up and slipped it into his pocket? Walked a little ways, got frightened and pitched it on the ground.The only unexplained part is where did the second casing come from?Someone else either fired shot?Files fired two shots?Files had an extra casing in his pocket and pitched it?The guy who found the casings is lying?It is hard to come to definite conclusions about things you do not have all the facts about.

Re: Only one headshot?

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:59 pm
by tom jeffers
what if somebody close to the pergola shot a gun that also fired a 222 shell?

Re: Only one headshot?

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:11 pm
by Dealey Joe
We know that is a possibility altho I think unlikely.What about the .45 bullet that Roger Craig said was picked out of the grass?

Re: Only one headshot?

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:16 pm
by Dealey Joe
Tom I am not convinced that here was a shot to the head from behind.Damage is inconsistent with a heavy grain bullet passing through ie. no exit wound in the face

Re: Only one headshot?

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:23 pm
by dankbaar
ThomZajac wrote:It's fine that Wim disagrees with me on a number of key issues. What's not okay with me is that Wim constantly misstates my arguments and what I have said. Constantly.Add to that his condescending attitude, and what you have, frankly, is a fool.This is his forum and this will only continue.And I am done.It's been a pleasure conversing with most of you.ThomThom , you're just exposing yourself as a twister. At least to me. I have not misstated any of your "arguments". If I would have, you would specify the "misstatements". What I have done is define your "arguments" more clearly and shown they cannot be synchronized with the facts. But you're just not grand enough to acknowledge that. Human nature. Instead you play the poor guy, hurt by Wim, chased away by Wim, trying to leave the impression that it's really all Wim's doing, cause Wim refuses to understand your "arguments". Wim is just blind and can't free himself from his "misplaced arrogance", to borrow your words. You can play all you want on the pity of everyone here. There is at least one member who won't weep a tear for your leaving: Wim

Re: Only one headshot?

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:48 pm
by Bob
I hope cooler heads will prevail at some point soon.

Re: Only one headshot?

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:23 pm
by kenmurray
Bob wrote:I hope cooler heads will prevail at some point soon.So Do I.

Re: Only one headshot?

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:34 pm
by dankbaar
Bob, rest assured my head is perfectly cool on this issue.The issue is that Thom wants to imply that Files has perpetrated an extensive hoax by having a shell casing planted in Dealey Plaza, while he was in jail and years before he decided to come forward with his story, using the unanticipated approach by the deceased Joe West, based on a tip of one of Files arch enemies: Retired FBI agent Zack Shelton, the very man who put him in jail for 8 years. While I do not appreciate such a foul suggestion, I have resorted to point out the facts which makes such a scenario close to impossible. Thom stays with his position without addressing those facts let alone render any clue as to the accomplice who would have planted that casing. Fine with me, but don't ask me to symphatize with or respect Thom's position. Wim

Re: Only one headshot?

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:45 pm
by Davyjones
Listen up. A 2000 year old Roman bronze mask was dug up in a field in the UK when found by a kid with a metal detector.Should fetch £300,000 a bit more than Mr Files bullet casing Things go to ground all the time and are found many years later. One day in the future milleniums Nicolettis diary with theJFK murder reference will be dug up and help prove J Files right.

Re: Only one headshot?

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:01 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
dankbaar wrote:By the way, you also imply that Files refused to work with Oliver Stone because he were afraid he would not survive under Stone's "scrutiny". As if Stone is the great expert who didn't make a fortune based on the knowledge and sacrifices of others, and is now refusing to take the truth to the next level. As if Stone is not able to scrutinize the story of Files now and render his verdict. Why don't you ask him and see what answer you get, if any? At least you would not have to guess and suggest about what Stone thinks. While you're at it, ask him the same about Chauncey Holt. Maybe it's time for Bruce to disclose the real reason why Files refused....... Bruce?WimThat was very nicely said, Wim. I am also VERY, VERY interested to know the "real" reason why Files refused.