Texas School Book Depository

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
Posts: 398
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Post by R Croxford »

Ian your doing your homework my friend.
Yes and because of the folds they found on the paper bag, they believed he took it from the TSBD the day before (in his pocket). The man you mentioned worked where? The wrapping section of the TSBD where the paper came from.
Once again good question. Your welcome here anytime friend. Nice.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

lemme explain. He was to buy Oswald's rifle and asked him to bring it to work that day to buy. Making it true that he brought a weapon to work and had to lie about it because I am sure that wasn't kosher with his boss to be selling weapons at work. He gave him the paper and LHO folded it up and put it in his pocket where he used to bring it back the next day,,,,,Explaining the folds they found on the wrapping paper.
Now go find the facts and prove me wrong, thank you. lol
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Ok, let the native Texan "splain" to "ya'll" about the rifle stuff. First of all November is when deer season begins down here. So every good ole boy worth his salt is going to put on his cammies, get his pickup, his six pack of beer, and his rowdy friends and go sit in the woods where beautiful innocent animals are lured to a place littered with deer corn, then blasted away by half drunk ya-hoos sitting up in a box in the tree with a slit in it, and they call it a "skill"!! Right!
Back in the 60's people would not have thought twice about bringing firearms in to buildings for their friends to see. But let me assure you that is certainly not the case anymore. Are you kidding, with all the workplace crazy stuff going on now? They simply don't do that kind of stuff anymore. And crazy people can get guns all over this country, on any street corner, look at John Hinckley, he was nowhere near Texas. So please "ya'll" don't brand us for life, OK?
Larry Daniels
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Post by Larry Daniels »

I, too, am a native Texan, and grew up in Fort Worth. I am a police officer in the southern USA at the present time, and a retired federal agent. It is still easy to take a rifle into a place of business, if it is cased.

It might raise a few eyebrows, but in my city, you can carry a rifle into a gunsmith (uncased), or a sporting goods store, with no problem.
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Larry is right when it comes to sporting goods, however things have changed drastically since the 1960's. Many retailers such as Walmart have refused to carry guns anymore even down here. I think KMart also quit carrying them. And I am not against deer hunting, I just think you can hardly call it a sport when you see what happens.
I however am not that much of a gun control advocate. If our justice system was even handed I would be. People have a right to protect their homes, and the right to carry a concealed weapon if they are under some kind of threat or are a law enforcement officer. There would be a lot more people alive today if that were the case. If people felt safe in their homes then why is the home security business so huge? We have to pass a law that says we can shoot to kill an intruder in our home without going to jail!
Would be interested in Larry's thoughts about JFK.
Larry Daniels
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My thoughts on 11/22/1963

Post by Larry Daniels »

Since you asked, I'm happy to share my opinion, for what it's worth.

I have always been skeptical of the WC findings. I was in high school when JFK was killed. I grew up target shooting, and knew enough about ballistics, even as a teenager, that the "magic bullet theory" always seemed ludicrous to me. A bullet can not cause all the damage that CE 399 was supposed to have done, and not be deformed.

I firmly believe that LHO did not act alone, and I have my doubts that he even fired a shot that day, and if so, not with the Mannlicher-Carcano.

James Files intrigues me. Although I have some questions about parts of his story, he still intrigues me. I am certainly open to what he has to say.

I believe that Mr. Holland's WC testimony about seeing "puffs of smoke" behind the picket fence is very credible. And, certainly, I believe that the fatal shot was fired from the front, due to the movement of JFK's head from the impact, and especially due to the damage to the back of JKF's head.

And, I do not believe that it was just a "coincidence" that Charles Nicoletti, George De Mohrenschildt, and John Roselli "died" during the HSCA hearings.

I'll share a little tidbit with you. The Frazier family are friends of my wife and me. Buell shared a story about LHO that is interesting. LHO loved children, and used to play Ring around the Rosey with the neighborhood kids in the Paines' front yard when he visited. That doesn't sound like much of a "lone nut killer" to me.

I hope all of this did not bore you. By the way, most of the federal agents that I worked with, do not believe the WC version of 11/22.
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Thanks, Larry, not boring at all!!! It is people like you who have a knowledge of ballistics that we need to hear from the most!!

How then do you think that people like Mr. Bugliosi and Mr. Furman are able to get away with publishing books saying Oswald did it alone??!! These guys ARE law enforcement and should have a thourough knowledge of ballistics!!

People are actually believing these guys. If you ask me, they give ALL of law enforcement a bad name.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Texas School Book Depository:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.07.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.03.2007 - Mr. James Jake Posted this interesting Headline.An interesting discussion evolved that raised a wide variety of facts,points of information, and opinions that few may be aware of today.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of thes co-mingled subjectmatters ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.