The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less:

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.06.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.06.2007 - I Posted this analytical and predictive Headline. Since then I havefollowed this closely.In Space:American and Russian astronauts are flying around over head in satellites together.Friends and allies.SYRIA: America has warships and CIA there. Obama is calling for War in Syria.Russia has warships on the way, and Intelligence already there. Russia and others oppose War in Syria. Enemies and opponents ?We will have much drama. Much attention. Much money spent. Unfortunatelymany may die.Posturing and No Negotiations yet. Usually people must die for Real Negotiationsto gain traction.The Military Industrial Complexes will be able to justify massive spending for increased military and intelligence budgets in both countries. It is already underway.Connect the dots.It is a Chess Game being played at the Highest Levels, on Several Levels atThe Same Time. My opinion.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.01.2014Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.06.2007 - I Posted this Headline, and later developed the subject matter withsome comments by some great JFK Murder Solved Forum Members.Pay very close attention to The Sparring Match that is occurring right now with Americaand Russia, with Obama and Putin, and our Intelligence Agencies and Russia's.Do you think that "this" just happened ? This arose out of "nothing" ? This is somecosmic accident ?I believe that what we will witness has been orchestrated well in advance, and that thiswill follow a course designed to allow for The Military Industrial Corporation and TheFederal Reserve to take even greater Control of the Population, and Population Control.They are different, and they both are being developed with another 5 - 20 Year Plan.The JFK Assassination of 11.22.1963 is a bump on a pickle, a tip of the iceberg. It hasbeen buried, controlled, re-directed, and all but forgotten by the masses. The next greatdiscussion will be 11.22.2063.The actions, facts, and players don't matter. They never did. How many shots ? Howmany shooters ? How many teams ? From where ? The biggest 50 year Parlor Game thatI have ever seen played. It would be a joke, except it's for real. And it's real sad to realizethis at this late date, isn't it ?There are Systems In Place that are so far above the low level fracas that will never bechallenged. Hell, most American's don't care about 09.11.2001 today.Look at the patterns ? "We the people..." are in charge of nothing. We never have been.We never will be. Our "group human nature" is played and used against the masses.The Term Democracy is nowhere in The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution,nor The Bill of Rights.Nothing will change. Nothing will improve. You are fooling yourself if you think otherwise.Control of the Population, and Population Control is omnipresent, and growing.Is it, or will it become Fascism but by other names ?Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Lets hope your wrong Mr. Brycheck. The Bushes involved with anything rings hard to believe !!! My wife is from Belgium and we spend a good amount of time there and I can tell you the everyday people of Europe can not stand the Bushes neither one of them. And our family friends go way beyond Belgium there in Germany ,France, Hungary ,The Netherlands, Great Britain . At group gatherings that we attended the Bush family was scorned.Bush # 2 is detested in Europe. I will never forget a well educated person in France told me that Bush #2 had the entire world hating America !!!! I personally don't think the Bushes have any card left to play any longer and if they do it's deep behind the scenes and I even doubt that .....
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Slav »

Bruce you are 100 percent correct it is sad to see, I'm waiting for the next false flag to happen I think millions will die. I think it will end one day with the USA going flat broke with no money to run the government, we might end up being taken over by china or India.
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Bob »

Please see this... ... e29483I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The last four Presidents all had CIA connections before they ever entered the White House. Poppy Bush, Bill Clinton, Dumbya Bush and now Barry Obama all have had policies that mirror the agenda of the CIA. The industries that continue to flourish under all of these Presidents are big war, big banking and big oil. Just look back over the past 25 years or so, and see how the power and profits of those three industries have gone beyond obscene. And the CIA is connected to all three of them.
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by JDThomas »

The military-industrial complex must be doing cartwheels out of glee over what is going on in Ukraine right now. This is the second time that Putin has invaded another country and he has obviously got the taste for it now. How convenient is it that this crisis has occurred within a week of the defense secretary announcing big cuts military spending which may now be rethought? Perhaps President Barry will at long last understand that you do not have to go looking for trouble for trouble to come looking for you. ...... But from whence does the biggest trouble come from? from the Kremlin or his own back yard?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.03.2014Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Tommy Wilkens tell your friends in Europe that "...The torch has beenpassed to a new generation..." of corrupt leaders already in America.The Bush's and some of their Associates began passing the torch in2006 - 2007. Plans were outlined going into Bush 2's Second Term. Whydo you think that Bush 2 had to win at all costs ?In 2007 Bush 1 and 2 both met with Putin to plan out The Next Agenda.Make no mistake. It is collaborative, including others. The Bush'sadvised Putin of their replacements, how he will be contacted, and whoto trust, and trust less, at least in the beginning.It doesn't matter what those in Europe think of the Bush's today. Theyare at least seven (7) years behind in their analysis and opinions.Slav - I also agree with you, only more so perhaps. I think that the NewestTakeover of the U.S. has already occurred. The controls, finances, people,and systems are already in place. 09.11.2001 Totally Guaranteed that.I think that The New World Order has already taken over virtual control of theU.S., and their financial and governmental systems right before our eyes, "InPlane Site" if you will, with credits to my friend David Von Kleist.I became even more convinced of this when Dick Cheney moved Halliburtonto Dubai, along with all American Business for the U.S. Military IndustrialCorporation, where no taxes are paid to America. Interesting ! Main StreamMedia didn't Headline that now, did they ?But the "Controlling Power" for the New World Order is, and will remain muchmore invisible than occurred in the U.S. as The Power Cabals developed. Counton that. The Ruling Elite train their successors well.Bob - You and I are in Total agreement about the Past, Present, and FutureU.S. Presidencies. This was necessary to help cement the Total Takeoverby The New World Order, Global Corporations, and Global Financial Controls.Because it wasn't announced at half time of some sporting event, or on areality T.V. Show, most Americans missed it.Even though some Americans are involved, do not be deceived into thinking that it is, or will be an American run operation. Nothing could be further from thetruth. American has been sold. And the future of our children, grand children,and great grand children has already been mortgaged. And there is nothingthat can, or will be done about it. Ever !JD Thomas - Spot On ! You totally get it. Your view from England on theseissues is clearly less emotional, and less unobstructed than it is for many/mostAmericans.Amazing how necessary American Military Budget cuts were announced a weekbefore we "...could be facing the greatest crisis..." since the Cuban MissileCrisis. I don't believe in coincidinces like that. Do you ?Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by JDThomas »

I have to say that I was actually in Ukraine during January of this year - at that time I did not foresee any of the present crisis unfolding, so it just shows how quickly events can snowball. The former US Ambassador to Ukraine has just been on cnbc to say that we will indeed be back to cold war standoffs unless Putin is stopped in his tracks. His analysis that Putin has got a taste for the invasion business now is similar to my viewpoint. Take it from me, Putin will be portrayed as a hero back home for what he is doing and they'll be hungry for more from him.
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Bob »

JDThomas wrote:I have to say that I was actually in Ukraine during January of this year - at that time I did not foresee any of the present crisis unfolding, so it just shows how quickly events can snowball. The former US Ambassador to Ukraine has just been on cnbc to say that we will indeed be back to cold war standoffs unless Putin is stopped in his tracks. His analysis that Putin has got a taste for the invasion business now is similar to my viewpoint. Take it from me, Putin will be portrayed as a hero back home for what he is doing and they'll be hungry for more from him.Interesting stuff JD. Think about this. Obama is linked to the CIA. Putin is linked to the KGB. Bottom line, it looks like the Ukraine is the next military excursion in the world. The hell with the innocent civilians there. Who cares, when there are big war profits to be made. For all sides. Right, Barry? Right, Vladimir?
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by JDThomas »

Obama is linked to the CIA. Putin is linked to the KGB. Bottom line, it looks like the Ukraine is the next military excursion in the world. The hell with the innocent civilians there. Who cares, when there are big war profits to be made. For all sides. Right, Barry? Right, Vladimir?Alas, your analysis is exactly right, Bob.Life's a riot with Spy vs Spy.