JFK Assassination
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Simmer down Jr. No need to yell.
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Re: re

Post by Pennyworth »

R Croxford wrote:Where's the bullet that hit the sign?TMWKK has said three different people killed JFK and one of them was LBJ, so why you believe this one story from Nigel?Nice story but I do not believe it either, nsound s like File's brother with all the can't say,can't recall, don't know why he used explosive ammo. No PROOF right? At least Files has a round with a bite mark on it. What does Sarti have? I am not on the Files band wagon and I am definately not on the Sarti bandwagon. Is there any evidence that what you think is even plausable? Any PROOF? If not it is another theory that holds no water.Next week you will say martians did it right?Here is a fact for you that we do KNOW! The stemmons freeway sign was removed the next day????WHY? Do you know there was a puddle of blood found in Dealy plaza that day Jr.? They can't explain it, People thought it was a secret service officer but that was wrong. Who's is it? You have a long way to go son a long way. I admire a curiosity in a mystery but you have a long way togo. Think outside the box and find out who has enough power to coherse the CIA and the US government? Nice belief story but no actual who did it? Mafia???Why would the CIA cover that up? Why would Ford, Nixon and everyother person in the country go along with it? Lotsa missing pieces Jr.Peace

Pardon my ignorance, but who or what is TMWKK?
Posts: 2931
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Pennyworth »

Be patient people; theres are reason sometimes why people re neg on their stories...
Posts: 2652
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Post by Bob »

Pardon my ignorance, but who or what is TMWKK?- Paul P.

The Men Who Killed Kennedy
Gibson DelGiudice
Posts: 14
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Post by Gibson DelGiudice »

Giovanni wrote:Lucien Sarti... now the other two!The wrong names:Sauveur PirontiRoger BocognaniThe CORRECT names:Francois ChiappeJean-Paul Angeletti

Mr. Astucia, that you? Very familiar. Opium Lords had some interesting info, but pretty much a pile of crap, especially the anti-Semitic garbage.