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Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 7:09 pm
by John Zeroski
A paper by James Perloff titled PEARL HARBOR:ROOSEVELT'S 9/11 can be found at ... -911/Pearl Harbor was a false flag operation.Bottom of paper has a recommended reading list.Very important books mentioned in the paper include George Morgenstern's Pearl Harbor,Anthony Kubek's How the Far East Was Lost, and George Racey Jordan's From Major Jordan'sDiary. Also important are books by Admirals Kimmel and Theobald.Also a valuable Notes section.Altogether, an excellent introduction to the Pearl Harbor event, to the psychology of a veryinteresting president, and a must read for any student of American history.This website also has many other interesting Perloff articles.


Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 4:39 am
by Slav
Excellent info on the paper, Pearl Harbor and 9/11Pearl Harbor begs comparison to 9/11:Both events were carefully orchestrated false flags (although Pearl Harbor differed in that the attack itself was genuinely undertaken by a provoked foreign power);Both involved massive death and violent destruction;Both resulted in war and transformed American society;Both were followed by official commissions that concealed the truth;Both inspired “truthers” who were ridiculed by mainstream media because, “after all, our own government would never do that to us.”