Picture taken by Oswald

JFK Assassination
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by ChristophMessner »

Did Jimmy ever make a photo of Lee? Or both on picture? Where are the photos now?
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by Jsnow915 »

this is a quote from Bruce... "One of the few pictures that Jimmy has ever allowed to be seen by anyone not close to him was the picture taken by Jimmy's good friend, Lee Harvey Oswald. " I thought Jimmy told Nicoletti that Oswald knew too much and had to be taken out...good friend?....something is starting to stink.
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by Bob »

I don't recall Jimmy saying that. But who knows? Still, Jimmy was a pawn. An order TAKER. Not an order GIVER. Everything I know about Jimmy in that time period was that he kept his mouth shut and he obeyed his orders, whether from Nicoletti or Phillips.
John Beckham
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by John Beckham »

i can't find this picture talked about here. have not heard much about Gary Marlow. any info? PLEASE!
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by tpfleming »

Are there any photos (or suspected photos) of Files or Nicoletti in or around Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963? Does Files claim he was in disguise during the shooting...like a Dallas cop's uniform?Tim Flemingwww.eloquentbooks.com/MurderOfAnAmericanNazi.htmlhttp://leftlooking.blogspot.com
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by Jsnow915 »

Bob...I beleive thats why Marlow was brought in for...to take out Oswald...instead he got Tippit...thats if my memory isnt failing...lol
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by Bob »

I believe Marlow was brought in to silence the patsy, who ever that might be. I believe Holt was a possible patsy, as was Harrelson, and probably a couple of others. I think the conspirators tried to cover all their bases in terms of possible assassins and also probable people that were going to become the "patsy". In the end, it was determined it would be Oswald. They mapped out Dealey Plaza very carefully. Remember, Jimmy said it appeared to be a CIA convention that day in DP. In the end, they wanted to shoot from behind, which was Nicoletti in reality, but was to be blamed on Oswald. But the grassy knoll shot from Files put all of that in jeopardy. Yet, that assassination was 45 years ago, and STILL the official record still says that Oswald was the lone assassin. That tells you how much the MSM is in bed with the conspirators and the people STILL in power.
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by Bob »

conspiracybuff wrote:i can't find this picture talked about here. have not heard much about Gary Marlow. any info? PLEASE!I'm sure you have seen this...http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/tippit.htmEither Marlow was in Jimmy's wedding party or vice versa.
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by Bob »

tpfleming wrote:Are there any photos (or suspected photos) of Files or Nicoletti in or around Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963? Does Files claim he was in disguise during the shooting...like a Dallas cop's uniform?Tim Fleminghttp://www.eloquentbooks.com/MurderOfAnAmerica ... spot.comNo disguise or cops uniform. Speaking of Badgeman...http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/badgeman.htmThis is from the Is Files for real in the content section...He (Files) states that he bit the shell casing after firing the shot and left it on the on the picket fence on the grassy knoll. He then put the weapon back in his briefcase, turned his jacket inside out, put it on and walked away. Critics shout he would never had the time to do all of that because numerous bystanders rushed to the knoll right after the shots, since that is where most bystanders had heard the shots coming from. It is true that many bystanders ran towards the grassy knoll, but not immediately. Files says that everyone stood frozen and stunned and that even the policemen acted uncertain, as if they were waiting for someone to tell them what to do. I was quickly able to determine that Files was right. One of the photos of the knoll shows the press bus in front of it. There is not a soul on the knoll yet. This was the last vehicle in the motorcade, so it must have taken, at the minimum, 30 seconds for the bus to reach that point.
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Re: Picture taken by Oswald

Post by tpfleming »

I ask about a disguise because that is what Lee Bowers, Ed Hoffman, Gordon Arnold and others described. Someone in a police uniform, or what appears to be a police uniform, near the picket fence at the time of the shooting. I'm not convinced the Badgeman image is real, but I do believe that a police-uniform disguise would have been a perfect concealment for a shooter. Back to Files, if he left the shell casing in plain sight, why was it not recovered by someone at the scene? Maybe because he had a back-up to retrieve the shells? What does he say about that?Tim Flemingwww.eloquentbooks.com/MurderOfAnAmericanNazi.htmlhttp://leftlooking.blogspot.com