The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

JFK Assassination
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Pennyworth »

turtleman wrote:I have followed this thread and I think it is spinning a little out of control. I am a white male and although I am not apologetic for it there are many things I am not proud of. What we have done to the American Indian is embarrassing to me. It went on far too long. I suspect there is still much poverty amongst them and if some have gotten some comeuppance, more power to them. The black man was property a mere 150 years ago and when I was a child they did not have the same rights as the white man. And white people get upset with blacks because they cannot snap their fingers and integrate into society overnight. It takes time and I hear those who say they would rather stay at home and live off of government programs. You know, in the lap of luxury. Call it basic survival. The Mexicans would not be here if the white man did not want the cheap labor. And it appears to be the white folks with the most money that want the cheapest labor. Not always but frequently. The white man appears to be the source of much greed, power grabbing, wars and false flag events, human atrocities, and just go on down the line. Our own elected officials cannot provide basic services such as affordable health care for all. Like the Watergate quote Bob says, "follow the money." The reason we are here on this board is because of a white man power grab, a.k.a. a coup. Once again, "follow the money." Sadly it always comes back to those three words.In reference to the red outline , the Mexicans are here because the illuminati, evil totalitarian government, rockefellers, etc. are confiscating their land and property in Mexico...the north american free trade agreement has taken over and has taken its toll on native mexican workers... there are more murders in mexico than anywhere else on the planet.I agree with the rest of your post however...Go buy the DVD 'Bordertown' starring Jennifer Lopez , Martin Sheen, and Antonio Banderas. The movie has been banned from being shown in movie theatres. I wonder why.
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by ChristophMessner »

In a good orchestra it doesn't matter which race the musicians are as long as they play according to the notes. Two orchestras playing two different pieces of two different composers should play in separate rooms. But with doors inbetween, so that the either can tell the other not to play so loud. And with doors to the restrooms in which the good musicians trash the bad musicians, haha.But cause they all play so well, they don't need it, they can trash the conductor, cause he is so overpaid in comparison. Long live the musician, who does not follow the money primarily!
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Dealey Joe »

Looks like I finally stired up a commotion...The very elements you all oppose, the power hungry super wealthy the hidden elite.want us all to be the same.Without history, without a past, without a future, without a heritage, without freedom.intermingle the races untill no one knows who they are or what they are.Without your past you have no future.Black people should be proud of their black heritage.Red people should do the same.Be proud of what you are. where is the pride in being somethiing you are not?I know some Black people that I respect because they have self respect.Spanish, Mexican, Indian, Oriental and White also.Take it or leave it, your choice to beleive anything you want.The title to this thread is "The Late Great U.S.A."I assumed we could tell our opinions of why that might be true.Sometimes the truth hurts. ( A lot)
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Dealey Joe »

ChristophMessner wrote:In a good orchestra it doesn't matter which race the musicians are as long as they play according to the notes. Two orchestras playing two different pieces of two different composers should play in separate rooms. But with doors inbetween, so that the either can tell the other not to play so loud. And with doors to the restrooms in which the good musicians trash the bad musicians, haha.But cause they all play so well, they don't need it, they can trash the conductor, cause he is so overpaid in comparison. Long live the musician, who does not follow the money primarily!I take your hint. I will go to the other room.
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Bob »

Dealey Joe wrote:Looks like I finally stired up a commotion...The very elements you all oppose, the power hungry super wealthy the hidden elite.want us all to be the same.Without history, without a past, without a future, without a heritage, without freedom.intermingle the races untill no one knows who they are or what they are.Without your past you have no future.Black people should be proud of their black heritage.Red people should do the same.Be proud of what you are. where is the pride in being somethiing you are not?I know some Black people that I respect because they have self respect.Spanish, Mexican, Indian, Oriental and White also.Take it or leave it, your choice to beleive anything you want.The title to this thread is "The Late Great U.S.A."I assumed we could tell our opinions of why that might be true.Sometimes the truth hurts. ( A lot) is my take. One of the reasons the U.S.A. became a great nation, was the melting pot it became in terms of different nationalities. Now...are there major issues in terms of immigration and illegal aliens? Hell...yes. But the corporations and other large companies feed that frenzy. So do Mom and Pop businesses because of tax reasons. But there is also some in the MSM that try to stir the pot (see Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh) to try and divide us as a country. Why? Follow the money (or the gold in Beck's case). The power elite get the money and the sheeple just shuffle along and listen to the propaganda...and some actually believe it. Great politicians like Thomas Jefferson were able to make things work after the Lousiana Purchase for instance. That land grab included a LOT more than just the southern borders of the United States as well. But guys like Jefferson are tough to come by in this current environment.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

12.19.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Although I was raised and educated very strict Roman Catholic, I am really more of a spiritual person. I have many beliefs that I try to live by. I'm sure many of you have heard some of these.1. I analyze, and judge people, situations, and things on a case by case basis, to the best of my ability.2. I try to do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reason.3. Try of be fair.4. Remember that an understanding of our differences can serve to make us all better.5. God (or the Higher Power) gave us two (2) ears, and one (1) mouth. Try to use them in that ratio.6. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.7. Try to remain open minded.8. Look for facts or points that you can agree on first, rather than differences that you can use to tear one and other apart.9. Listen to what is being said.10. "Listen" to what is not being said. And sometimes, try to "hear" between the lines.11. Try not to rush to judgment.12. Wait till all the facts are in.13. Try to control your emotions and temper.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts orwritings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Phil Dragoo
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Clear view of stars

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Bruce, I found Conquest of Mexico useful at outset of thirty-four years in New Mexico.Richardson arrived later. Said no fence could stop history. He found no closet could contain his skeletons.From our porch we could see the Buddhist temple where the smiling Dalai Lama spoke, and the apartment across from a school where DEA busted a most-wanted drug op biggie.Our neighbor a prison guard so honest his guard clique ousted him--just before that penitentiary rioted and killed 31 of its own prisoners.Sheriff of Rio Arriba accused of planting a bag in the truck of Moises Morales the head of La Raza.A fellow Chimayoso went off, shot his wife, her girlfriend, the girlfriend's boyfriend, brother and child, a sheriff's deputy and a highway patrolmen, all dead--and neighbors said, "Well, she was leaving him," to explain the macho ethos.Our friend killed himself when his ex-con brother beat him and his family ousted him as a "coyote" a half-indian half-spanish young fellow.The son of the pueblo head involved in the drug raid where the hispanic drug officer was shot dead--sovereignty taken very seriously.The view of the stars from the mesa top; and in the daylight you might see what Georgia O'Keefe found so inspirational.The young woman from Romania driving the cab, her boots reaching to her knee, her accent grim; she pretty--her story not: "In the Bloc it is impossible to live as a human being; as an animal or a number, yes, but not as a human being."My first Spanish teacher from University of Havana, "Ah, Felipe, Fidel es muy malo, muy malo," and that in 1961.Bob's picture shows it, as Simon and Garfunkel sang it, they've all come to look for America.We resolve the sequential dilemmas because we can.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

12.19.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Phil - You have a seemingly simple, yet keenly powerful, analytical style that I truly enjoy reading.And within your writings you bring Great Wisdoms. I appreciate your works. You have a certain artful flair.You have seen and sought to understand much, and you are able to bring much to the table of thought.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Bob »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Phil Dragoo:Phil - You have a seemingly simple, yet keenly powerful, analytical style that I truly enjoy reading.And within your writings you bring Great Wisdoms. I appreciate your works. You have a certain artful flair.You have seen and sought to understand much, and you are able to bring much to the table of thought.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Indeed Bruce. Phil's writing ability (Randy's as well) reminds me of a classic scene in Blazing Saddles. It's the scene where Hedley Lamarr (Harvey Korman) is taking a bath while Taggart (Slim Pickens) is scrubbing his back with a back brush...Lamarr: "My mind is a raging torrent flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."Taggert: "Goldarn it, Mr. use your tongue prettier than a $20 whore."
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Phil Dragoo:Phil - You have a seemingly simple, yet keenly powerful, analytical style that I truly enjoy reading.And within your writings you bring Great Wisdoms. I appreciate your works. You have a certain artful flair.You have seen and sought to understand much, and you are able to bring much to the table of thought.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Indeed Bruce. Phil's writing ability (Randy's as well) reminds me of a classic scene in Blazing Saddles. It's the scene where Hedley Lamarr (Harvey Korman) is taking a bath while Taggart (Slim Pickens) is scrubbing his back with a back brush...Lamarr: "My mind is a raging torrent flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."Taggert: "Goldarn it, Mr. use your tongue prettier than a $20 whore."Great one there Bob.